Chapter 538: A Man Who Kills a Strong Enemy in the World 2 (Second!)

Wang Xian embraced his arms and looked at the two strongest men with a smile on his lips, waiting for the battle to come.

“Emperor Qi, you have to be the master of our blood worm clan, the Dragon King Dragon King just killed all our blood worm clan members!”

Suddenly, at the position of the Demon Dao, the leader of the blood worm said to the Demon Dao Qi Di with a full face of grief.


Standing in the void, Emperor Qi slowly lowered his head, looked at the grief and angry bloodworm leader below, and slowly turned his head to look at the position of Wang Xian.

“Master, the Dragon King of Longmen rushed to my Donghua yesterday, killed the elder Zhou Taishang, and destroyed our 15 innate disciples and more than a hundred elite disciples!”

Nie Wuya saw that the leader of the bloodworm was suing Emperor Qi in the direction of Mo Dao, hesitated for a moment, and said to Nie Wushuang.

After the Donghua Sacred Gate powerhouse was killed yesterday, Nie Wushuang’s head didn’t know.

“Dare to kill my Donghua Sacred Sect disciple?”

Nie Wushuang narrowed his eyes slightly and turned to look at Wang Xian’s position.

At the foot of the entire top of Mount Hua, the most eye-catching is the Dragon King of Dragon Gate.

More than two hundred people stood in a single position, clearly separated from the righteous devil.

And, just now, everyone bowed respectfully, and only a group of them stood there with a smile on their faces.

Qi Di looked at the Dragon Gate!

Nie Wushuang looked at the dragon gate!

Seeing this scene, everyone on the rivers and lakes held their breath and watched this scene blankly.

Especially the Demon Dao and Donghua Sacred Gate that have enemies with Longmen.

“The head of Nie Wushuang and Emperor Qi are staring in the direction of Dragon King at the same time. Now Longmen will be completely finished!”

“Being paid attention to by the two strongest men, fighting against the forces of the two strongest men, this time Longmen is completely planted!”

“This time Longmen really set himself on fire, and no one can save them!”

“Do you think Nie Wushuang, the head of Nie Wushuang, or Qi Di and the others, will destroy the Dragon Gate at will before the decisive battle!”

“It’s really possible. With the invincible fighting power of the head of Nie Wushuang and Qi Di, it is estimated that the Dragon Gate can be destroyed within a minute, right?”

“Longmen seems to have recruited more than a hundred disciples. Unfortunately, the Dragon King has already angered Qi Di and Nie Wushuang, and they will definitely do it!”

In the back position, the forces that were far away and couldn’t get close saw this scene and whispered.

Provoked the two strongest masters of the Righteous Dao and Demon Dao, this time the Dragon King is about to fall.

“I think this Dragon King is very cool, handsome, and very good. Why does the head of Nie Wushuang want to kill him? Really, he is a good man!”

“Xun’er shut up and don’t talk nonsense. In this situation, it is the general trend to destroy the Dragon Gate, not for anything else, because he acted too unscrupulously!”

“Mom, he killed two powerful demon sects, why should he…”

“If your little girl doesn’t understand, don’t speak, or blame others. If you want to blame, blame himself. All the holy gates and holy races won’t like his actions. This kind of person’s existence is a bomb, and no one wants to be bombed. On yourself!”

At the foot of the top of Huashan Mountain, the little girl who was scared and crying by bloodworm saw this scene and said with some dissatisfaction. Next to her, her mother glared at him and said.

The girl pouted dissatisfiedly: “Contrary to the proof that I support the Dragon King!”

As a result, the mother’s stern look was greeted.

“Ha ha!”

When Wang Xian saw Nie Wushuang and Qi Di look at him, a faint smile appeared on their faces, and the corners of their mouths slightly cocked.

“An ant, after I kill Nie Wushuang, I will kill them at will!”

Emperor Qi looked at Wang Xian without the slightest expression on his face, turned his head and stared at Nie Wushuang.

“He is not worth my shot. After I defeat Qi Di, you will kill them!”

Nie Wushuang swept across the crowd of Wang Xian and Longmen coldly, and said indifferently.


Naked contempt!

Neither Qi Di nor Nie Wushuang put the Dragon King in their eyes.

In their view, there is only one enemy, only the other side.

They will not delay the decisive battle between the two for an ant, a weak one.

“Grass, domineering, this is the domineering power of the Xeon. The Dragon King is already very powerful, but neither Nie Wushuang nor Qi Di didn’t put the Dragon King in their eyes.”

“Although the Dragon King is strong, it is only strong at our level. In the eyes of Nie Wushuang and Qi Di, it is nothing but Er, and he can kill it at will!”

“This is the spirit of the strongest. I really admire it. A Dragon King who stirs up the wind and rain still doesn’t enter their eyes.”

Nie Wushuang and Qi Di’s words made the faces of all the martial artists of the rivers and lakes and the demon powers look in wonder.

This is the style of the strongest.

Contempt for everything.

There is only one opponent, and none of the others are qualified to make them consume their energy.

When Nie Wuya heard the leader’s words, there was also a look of worship in his eyes.

The faces of all the disciples of the Donghua Sacred Gate were full of pride and pride.

Look, this is our head, the best in the arena.

Your dragon gate is not arrogant, and when the head slays the powerful enemy, it will be your death date.

There were smiles on the faces of the two leaders of Bloodworm, and there were expressions of excitement on their faces.

“When Emperor Qi kills the powerful enemy and destroys the Dragon Gate, I will swear allegiance to Emperor Qi!”

The two leaders of the blood worm clenched their fists, loyal to the way.

Emperor Qi nodded lightly and looked at Nie Wushuang again.

“Hmph, Longmen Dragon King, waiting for our head to kill the powerful enemy, it will be your death date!”

Nie Wushuang stared at Wang Xian, and shouted at him with a cold face.

“After the battle to be determined, your dragon gate will die!”

Both the Demon Dao and the Donghua Sacred Gate indicated that after the decisive battle, the Dragon Gate was destroyed.

All the sects and families did not speak, and they followed by acquiescence.

The style of the entire Zhengmo War has undergone tremendous changes.

“Originally, it should be a scene where the two ways of righteousness and demons are facing each other, and the passing away will destroy the other side. As a result, both sides must pass away to destroy the dragon gate.”

“I have to say that a force can do this step, it can be considered very powerful.”

Some people sighed slightly in their hearts, looking at the dragon gate on the side, and some people were full of pity and gloat in their eyes.


“Disdain to let him do it?”

When Wang Xian heard what Nie Wushuang and Qi Di said, and saw their contemptuous eyes, a cold color flashed in his eyes.

“Look down on me!”

The corners of Wang Xian’s mouth were slightly raised, his eyes flickering at the two opposing strongest men, he felt the mocking gaze of some people around him, and a faint sense of war surged in his heart.

“Originally thinking about waiting for you to decide the victory or defeat, or after both lose, sit back and retreat, but this feeling may not be too cool!”

Wang Xian lowered his head slowly, his eyes filled with a powerful war spirit.

“If this is the case, let these two Xeons take a look, the arena is not your respect!”

“When a man is alive, he should kill a powerful enemy!”

“Be the strongest!”

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