Chapter 695 Turning the sky upside down 2 (Fourth!)

In a luxurious old building, in the lobby, four or five middle-aged people are sitting in the center.

Meat, wine and water are on the table.

Around, stood a famous guard. These guards were not living people, but puppets.

During the ten years of Yu Ding raising Gu, brothers turned against each other and father and son were hostile to countless numbers.

Guards are not the most loyal, only puppets are the most loyal subordinates.

Therefore, there are puppets all around, obeying their commands.

“Yu Ding will be present in at most half a month. As the leader of the Nether Killing Assassination Team, we must achieve some results as soon as possible!”

“Haha, with our strength and our killing experience in the past ten years, we can enter the real world. Even the rest of the Jiuding world can’t stop us from slaying. At that time, our slaying will make the whole world. The rumors of the rivers and lakes!”

“You can’t underestimate the heroes of the world, I heard that Lord Snow Demon and Lord Blood Arrow were seriously injured not long ago!”

“Well, the specific cause of the serious injury is unknown, but I heard that Master Xue Yao’s maid said that it was a real world fairy who exhausted her life and issued an attack that severely injured two adults!”

“Our world is too small. After we go out, we will be kings in the dark!”

The five middle-aged people talked confidently.

Yu Ding is now in this world, and the killing and blood will excite them. They will be the dark king of the world, let everyone fear them and fear them.

“Puff puff puff!”

The five raised the wine glasses in their hands, but at this moment the sharp claws entered their heads and penetrated directly.

“Take all the treasures away!”

A low growl came, and all the spiritual weapons were taken away.

Around, the puppets fell directly to the ground after the master died.

There was a thunder outside, like a prelude.

“Huh, I will melt into the darkness and become the king of darkness!”

In a solid basement, an old man walked slowly inside.

His figure slowly melted into the darkness.

The entire basement is pitch black, and you can’t see your fingers.

This kind of blackness is not night, but is covered by devil energy, unless it is stronger than him to be able to see him.

But the only thing better than him is the fairy god!

There are more than a dozen beds around, and I don’t know where the old man is lying.

“You guys are really wary!”

At this moment, a sound suddenly sounded in the basement, making the old man who had just been lying in bed creepy.


However, when he just wanted to stand up, a water sword penetrated his body directly.


The old man has an incredible face, but he is a strong man killed from the corpse mountain, and he will be assassinated!

“There are more than 60 infant states on this island, and it takes less than an hour to solve them all. The six islands, just at dawn, are the moments that make people in this world feel upset!”

Wang Xian murmured, disappeared in the rainy night, moved to another place.

At the same time, the figures of Ao Jian and Ao Qitian moved quickly across the island.

Even if Ao Qitian’s size is not good at assassination, it is easy to assassinate the infant in the fairyland.

They would never think of how terrible the enemies their two fairy gods provoke in the real world will bring them.

“This is the medicine garden on the island, guarded by five strong infants, and this group of strong infants also have ten puppets!”

Wang Xian came to the location of the medicine garden in the center of the island.

Six islands, each island has a medicine garden.

A large number of herbal medicines are planted in the medicinal garden, among which the magical pill and water are the main ones.

With a move of Wang Xian’s heart, a series of water swords easily slayed five powerful infants, and put the spirit grass into the space ring.

“There are a lot of seven-level spiritual grass!”

A gleam of light flashed in Wang Xian’s eyes. Although the seventh-level spirit grass was precious, it did not have much effect on the fairy gods.

Only the eighth-level spirit grass is useful to the fairy gods.

Wang Xian’s figure moved and disappeared directly.

When he came to the ocean, Ao Jian Ao Qitian had already arrived.

“Dragon King!”

The two shouted, at this moment, Wang Xian sensed the energy coming from behind, and the clan of treacherous monsters arrived.

“There is no problem!”

Wang Xian asked directly.


The wicked demon shook his head: “Although people in this world are very vigilant, but also because of vigilance, they return to their homes every day, and none of them are left behind!”

“Okay, let’s go!”

Wang Xian nodded, looked at another island, and moved quickly.

With their three immortal god-level experts in cleaning up the infant realm, the rest of the alchemy realm is a breeze for the sly monster clan.

Immortal gods would not be able to find Wang Xian and the others if they weren’t careful, let alone the existence of the pill realm.

The killing proceeded at a terrifying speed.

The core powerhouses of the two immortal gates of Yushou Xianmen Shikui were reduced at a terrifying speed.

One island after another, Wang Xian’s five or six space rings were all filled.

A lot of metal materials and spiritual grass.

Especially metal materials, this world has many spiritual weapons because more than eight million people have been killed.

Even many pill realm powerhouses have twelve-level spiritual weapons in their hands.

And a large part of the spirit artifacts are made of thirteen grade materials.

This made Wang Xian very excited. With these materials, he was able to build many spirit weapons.

In the future, when he masters the engraving of the formation on the spirit weapon, he can completely refine the weapon of the fairy god level.

“Puff puff!”

With a wave of Wang Xian’s arm, the last three powerful infants fell to the ground, and several puppets around fell down at the same time.

Putting away a few twelfth-level spiritual weapons, Wang Xian waved his arm and left a few words on the ground. With a movement, he flew directly towards the beach.

“Dragon King, Dragon King!”

When he arrived, Ao Jian, Ao Qitian and the sly monsters were already waiting here.

“Let’s go!”

A gleam of excitement flashed in Wang Xian’s eyes, and all of them went straight into the water and came to a remote, deep seabed.

“Dragon King, this is the spiritual tool and spiritual grass in the space ring!”

Ao Yao handed over one hundred spatial rings to Wang Xian.

Most of the space rings belonged to the people they assassinated, and all of them were treasures.

“It will be dawn in two hours, Ao Yao, I will raise your strength to the realm of immortal gods first!”

A gleam of light flashed in Wang Xian’s eyes, and he took out spiritual grasses from the space ring.

Take out all the spirit grass that can’t be combined to refine the pill, and swallow it directly to turn it into dragon energy.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Xian poured his majestic dragon energy into Ao Yao’s body.

Immortal gods, and also those who are good at assassination, are vital to their revenge. Whether they can kill the two demon youths depends entirely on Ao Yao!

Dragon stab, assassinate the gods!

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