Chapter 776


A faint voice resounded through the fairy tale, and Wang Xian flew over with Guan Shuqing and Ao Jian.


At this moment, the major immortal gods who had come to the immortal platform looked over.

Dragon Gate and Dragon King, a very special force for all immortal gates.

Not from the Bading World, nor the immortal door that has been passed down for a long time, but a hegemon in the past.

However, this overlord, who was initially ignored by them, possessed terrifying strength.

There are at least three immortals, two of them may be middle-ranked immortals, and there are fifty or sixty strong infants.

Only this top combat power can defeat most of the immortals.

Dozens of gazes came, and Wang Xian’s gaze swept over everyone on the stage, with a smile on his face.

“Huang Tian Xianmen, Ling Xiao, happy meeting!”

A middle-aged man glanced over the three Wang Xian and finally fell on him, arching his hands with a smile on his face.

“Wang Xian, lucky to meet!”

Wang Xian smiled and arched his hands. Ling Xiao, Feng Lingtian’s father, only wondered how Feng Lingtian and Ling Xiao were not the same surnames. Naturally, he did not ask too curiously.

“Dragon King!”

Mu Lao and Hua Empress of the natural immortal gate walked to Wang Xian’s side with a smile, and said hello with a smile.

“Dragon King!”

Three fairy gods came from the puppet fairy gate and the Ming king fairy gate respectively, and they walked over to greet them with smiles on their faces.

“Old Mu, Queen of Flowers, everyone!”

Wang Xian nodded in a friendly manner. Generally speaking, these immortals were friendly to him.

Especially the Tianshengxianmen and Huangtianxianmen.

“Famous is not as good as meeting. The Dragon King has achieved the position of a fairy god in his twenties, as dazzling as the bright sun!”

An old man of the Xuanyuan Clan wearing yellow clothes walked over slowly, looking at Wang Xian, his eyes full of curiosity.

“Haha, Liao praised it. Speaking of which, I would like to thank the Xuanyuan clan for the invitation to my Longmen!”

Wang Xian laughed and looked at the old man, his heart lingered slightly.

His strength should be what Xuanyuan Fenghua said was the superior elder of the Xuanyuan clan, the superior immortal’s strength.

“Longmen has this strength and qualification!”

The old man smiled all over his face.

“Hehe, young hero!”

At this moment, there was a faint sarcasm from the side.

Wang Xian raised his brows and looked around.

In the field, all the immortal gates have basically arrived, and the Tianshengxianmen, Huangtianxianmen, Puppetxianmen and Mingwangxianmen have basically maintained their friendship.

But there are also slightly cold eyes in some people.

Of the six immortals who came to the Holy Medicine Fairy Gate and the Holy Medicine Fairy Gate this time, the old man in Qingpao who met last time was also among them.

In addition, an old man of Hunyuan Immortal Gate was obviously full of murderous intent in his eyes.

As for the Ice God clan that exudes the meaning of ice, the Lei clan with the terrifying thunder light in his body is not very friendly.

The immortal gods of Yongchang Immortal Gate, Zhanxian Dao and Dahong Immortal Gate looked at him slightly complicatedly.

The rest of the fairy gates are curious.

In the field, there are still several forces that are obviously in a hostile state.

The green-robed old man of the Holy Medicine Immortal Gate was the one who spoke. He narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at him.

Wang Xian looked at the old man in Qingpao, with a cold color on his face, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised: “Naturally, you can’t compare it!”

“Haha, good, courageous!”

Hearing Wang Xian’s words, the green-robed old man smiled coldly, his body gleaming with emerald green light.

“Naturally have courage!”

Guan Shuqing on the side held up Wang Xian’s arm with a smile and stared at the old man in Qingpao tit-for-tat, with flames in his eyes.

The old man in Qingpao turned his eyes to Guan Shuqing, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

“Dragon King, block my Hunyuan Xianmen city gate, kill me Hunyuan Xianmen elders and disciples, we have taken down this grudge!”

At this moment, the elder of Hunyuan Immortal Gate was staring at Wang Xian with murderous intent in his eyes.

“How about blocking your fairy gate and killing your elders and disciples? The gate is closed for four days, it’s just a joke among all the fairy gates!”

Before Wang Xian could speak, Ling Xiao stared at the Supreme Elder of Hunyuan Immortal Gate, and directly aimed at Dao.

“Well, everyone, today is the day of the Fairy Clan disciple’s big competition, let go of your grievances for the time being!”

The old man of the Xuanyuan clan saw the solidified atmosphere around him, chuckled, and the aura on his body slowly charged.

Just now, with the aura of the entire Immortal God Terrace, even a half-step Immortal God’s strong standing here would feel the breath freeze.

The old man’s strength was terrifying, and all his aura vanished with just one shot.

“The disciple competition is about to begin. You first give us the rewards, grievances, and give them to the disciples. As the gods, we are forbidden to shoot. You should also know the Dragon King and the gods agreement!”

An old man of the Yuwen clan walked to the side of the Xuanyuan clan old man and echoed his words.

He didn’t want to say the last sentence, but looking at the dragon king’s vigor and tit-for-tat confrontation with several immortal gates, based on previous information, he had to remind him.

“Naturally know!”

Wang Xian smiled faintly, and waved his arm, a thirteenth-level spirit sword appeared in his hand: “First put a thirteenth-level spirit weapon here, and finally tailor it!”

“Dragon King, your reward is considered the most precious among the 21 fairy gates!”

The old man of the Yuwen clan took the spirit sword and said with a smile.

Wang Xian smiled indifferently, and looked at the puppet fairy gate and the Ming king fairy gate: “If you want to build a thirteen-level spiritual weapon, Brother Wind Demon and Wind Demon, you can come to me!”

“Good Dragon King, we will transfer to it!”

The fairy gods nodded, looked at Guan Shuqing who was aside, and was slightly surprised in his heart.

In the introduction of the two brothers, Feng Mo and Feng Sha, there were no female immortals who had smashed them into Yu Ding.

Now there is another female fairy god of the middle level next to the Dragon King.

This dragon gate was stronger than they had imagined, and they couldn’t help but rejoice again that they didn’t fight to the point of fighting.

“In that case, let’s go to the battlefield!”

The Xuanyuan old man held all the rewards in his hand, scanned the surrounding circle, and said lightly.

“Then go!”

The celestial gods nodded, their bodies moved, carrying the might of the celestial gods, like celestial gods descending from the sky, and flew towards the battlefield.


Wang Xian said towards Guan Shuqing and Ao Jian, the three of them walked away from the sky.

At this moment, in the Xuanyuan Clan’s battlefield, the battlefield was circular, with a total of 22 platforms.

Except for one platform representing Sanpai, all other platforms are Xianmen disciples.

On the twenty-two platforms, there are already densely packed with immortal disciples.

Each immortal gate has at least four to five hundred people, and as many as thousands of people.

In the center of the twenty-two platforms, there are huge arenas, each of which is a kilometer in radius and is shrouded in blue energy.

This ring seems to be only a kilometer, but in fact it has a radius of four or five kilometers, but it appears to be only a kilometer in an array by the Yuwen clan.

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