Chapter 789 Longmen Auction Conference

Longmen Auction Conference!

After the competition ended, the Dragon King announced on the spot that an auction meeting would be held.

This is the first Longmen Auction Conference. Three days later, it will be held on a floating island in the Bohai Sea, Jiangcheng.

The auction will be held for one day, and the auction will mainly focus on the magical elixirs.

At that time, in this auction, there will be five thirteen-level spiritual weapons, three twelve-level spiritual equipment sets, seven-level pill, and six-level pill.

As soon as this news came out, all immortals boiled again.

There are five thirteenth-level spiritual weapons, these are the weapons of the fairy gods, the weapons used by the fairy gods, there are many fairy gods in the fairy gate that do not have the thirteenth-level spiritual weapons.

The other three sets of twelfth-level spiritual weapon suits also made many immortal disciples crazy.

Spirit Tool Set, an ordinary Infant Realm powerhouse puts on this Spirit Tool Set, which can completely fight against the Tianjiao in the ranking of Tianjiao.

Not to mention those seven-level pill, six-level pill.

The preciousness of the seven-level pill can shorten the number of years for strong infants, which is more than ten years of cultivation, and it is even more precious than spiritual weapons.

If you can take a seven-level pill and increase your cultivation speed, you have a chance to step into the realm of immortals in the future.

Spirit weapons and medicine are extremely precious to warriors.

In addition to spirit weapons and medicine, there are also earth star fish, which can increase lifespan.

An earth star fish can be comparable to a sixth-level pill, a treasure that increases lifespan. At that time, the earth star fish will not be auctioned, but sold directly, and can be exchanged for the sixth-level pill and the seventh-level spirit grass.

As soon as the news of the Longmen auction came out, the eyes of many immortal disciples lit up, full of expectations.

Many immortal disciples flooded into Jiangcheng, waiting for the start of Longmen Auction House.

“Longmen, Dragon King!”

At this time, in Yaoding’s area, Yaoshan is the most majestic mountain in Yaoding, and the entire mountain is covered by green plants.

Many plants swayed their branches, swayed automatically without wind, and possessed their own lives.

At the top of Mount Yao, a golden palace was built in a place covered with golden plants.

At this moment, in the palace, thirteen middle-aged people are standing in the palace.

In the center of the palace, there is an old man standing with a red shirt on his upper body and a green robe on his lower body.

This old man did not appear in the sight of other immortals.

In Yaoding world, there are only two immortal gates, holy medicine and medicine, so the real strength of the two immortal gates is not known to other immortal gates.

Now in the entire hall, there are thirteen immortals standing, a total of thirteen, far exceeding the expectations of other immortals on the rivers and lakes.

They showed only eight immortals, and now there are five more, so terrifying!

Moreover, if the people of the fairy gate saw the two great fairy gate masters standing respectfully beside the old man in the center, they would be even more shocked.

You know, the head of the two immortals, but the strength of the middle immortal.

In other words, this old man, yes, a superior immortal!

High-ranking immortals, currently only the Xuanyuan clan, the Yuwen clan, and the wild beast immortal gate are known in the arena!

“Longmen doesn’t put our two immortal gates in its eyes, and this time of enmity, we can’t just let it go!”

“It’s not just this enmity, but also the matter of the natural immortal gate. If there is no Dragon King, we can completely monopolize the pill of the entire rivers and lakes in the future, and our influence can exceed the Xuanyuan clan and the Yuwen clan!”

“Also, we can also increase the terrifying power of a tree demon, a middle-ranked fairy!”

The heads of the two immortals roared in a low voice with chill in their eyes.

Cut off their business, cut off a powerful fighting force in their fairy door.

Now it is even more important to slay the ten most outstanding disciples of their two immortals, and to shame their holy medicine and doctors.

Not to mention that in the past, the Dragon King had even wiped out their clansmen who used to stay in the real world.

Moreover, they also suspected that a group of immortal masters who were sent out in advance before they appeared, were also beheaded by the Dragon King.

All kinds of hatred, the two sides no longer share the same sky.

“Our holy doctor, holy medicine, immortal gate has been beaten so many times by a dragon gate. This matter must not be stopped, otherwise, the world immortal gate thinks that our two immortal gates are easy to provoke!”

An old man in a fiery red robe continued gloomily.

“Yes, please give orders, this dragon gate, we have to teach them a lesson!”

The holy medicine holy medicine immortal gate all the fairy gods looked at the old man in the center, and their eyes were full of anger and asked.

“In this dragon gate, all the disciples under the sect are in the infant realm, and the total number of members is at most one hundred people. The fairy gods treaty cannot be violated!”

The old man’s face was full of fat, full of majesty and domineering, his lips moved slightly, and a loud bell rang.

“This is also what we are afraid of. Longmen has seventy or eighty infant realm powerhouses, and the number of powerhouses is only 20 or 30 fewer than us, and there is no territory, so it is not easy to target!”

An immortal god said with a sullen face, that all of the disciples were in the infant realm, and the immortal gate without territory made them unable to start.

“No, Longmen didn’t have any territories and industries before, but according to the information I got, after this auction meeting, Longmen will open a forging workshop, sell the magic pill, and undertake the refining of the magic pill!”

The old man in Qingpao shook his head, a glint in his eyes.

“Since he wants to monopolize the pill refining and spiritual weapons on the rivers and lakes, then we…”

A middle-aged fairy’s cold mouth turned up, and his eyes slightly squinted.

“The sin of the Dragon Gate is unforgivable, don’t have any scruples!”

The old man standing in the center slowly raised his head: “The Assassin Clan has already established assassination assassinations and will undertake any assassination!”

“There are not many tribesmen of the Assassin. They are similar to Longmen. We pay for them to kill the Assassination. Plus us, kill!”

“Offend our holy medicine, holy doctor, immortal gate, kill! They will not be able to gain a foothold in the arena in the future!”

The eyes of the old man suddenly cleared, and his voice resounded throughout the hall: “Anyone who provokes us, kill!”

“Yes, too!”

Killing intent was surging in the eyes of a crowd of immortals, and the terrifying murderous aura filled the whole hall.


“Dragon King, the floating island has been built through the transformation of the puppet fairy gate. Would you like to come and have a look!”

At this time, just after Wang Xian returned to Jiangcheng, Mo Qinglong said towards Wang Xian.

“Let’s go, go and see, there must be no omissions in the Longmen auction three days later!”

Wang Xian’s eyes flickered. Once this auction is successful, it will also mean that Longmen Forge is half the success.

Once the forging workshop is on the right track, the layout on land will be completed.

At that time, he can enter the ocean directly and start to enter the vast ocean, sweeping the entire ocean!

At that time, Dragon Palace will increase at a terrifying speed.

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