Chapter 825

Wang Xian chuckled, staring at Baqi coldly, without speaking, and chasing after him.

Baqi gritted his teeth, his body shape for a while, the animal bone staff in his hand exuded a black magical shadow, and in an instant, thousands of identical figures appeared.

The magic shadow avatar, flew in all directions.

Wang Xian’s gaze swept away, his gaze still fixed on his true body.

Now Wang Xian found that it was a wise choice to transform this penetrating eye.

Seeing Wang Xian still following him, Baqi continued to run away with a black face.

Time passed slowly, and soon five or six hours passed, and the eight foreheads of the Eight Great Snake were covered with cold sweat, watching the Wang Xian and the members of the Dragon Palace who were chasing behind, gritted their teeth and continued to flee forward.

His eyes flickered, looking around, looking for the best place to escape.

Fortunately, this is the ocean, which has a larger area than land, and the terrain is complex, suitable for escape.

If it is on land, I am afraid he has been caught up.

Wang Xian followed behind with his face unchanged. This Baqi had nine heads and was able to find the most suitable direction in the fastest time.

At this point, I have to say that Baqi is a monster with extraordinary talents.

Powerful wisdom, turning into a human, terrifying power and means, is worthy of being a guy who can call himself a god and possess believers.

“Hey, where is the direction of Dragon Palace?”

Wang Xian saw that the direction of his escape had changed to the direction of Dragon Palace, with a thick smile on his face.

“Dragon King, you never want to catch up with me, let’s just forget it, and the water in the well will not be offended by the river in the future!”

“Dragon King, I am willing to give you a part of my collection, and our grievances will end!”

“Dragon King, can’t we discuss it?”

Ten minutes later, the Orochi Baqi became anxious and kept shouting at Wang Xian.

Wang Xian ignored him at all and followed him closely. He looked forward with a smile on his face.

“Dragon King, if you are anxious for me, I will die with you!”

After running for a few minutes, Yaqi Orochi roared angrily.

His nine heads are full of anxiety, and he has been escaping for four or five hours, and he still can’t get away. If he continues to escape, his speed will drop!

This made his face full of anxiety, and his nine pairs of eyes kept spinning.

“Little Lan, come and stop it for me!”

When it was within ten kilometers of the Dragon Palace, Wang Xian gave a soft cry.

Kun, who had been staying around the Dragon Palace, shook his body slightly when he heard Wang Xian’s voice.

His speed is very fast, and his size is a bit terrifying.

One hundred and fifty meters, placed on the earth, is definitely the largest existence.

Its skin is tens of meters thick, and if you want to kill this kun, even if seven or eight nuclear bombs fall on it, it may not be able to kill it.

With a movement of its body, its eyes the size of a house reflected all the sights ten kilometers ahead.

Kun moved directly towards Baqi.

Kun’s body is extremely large, and the speed is not slower than Nine Jiao, and instantly appeared in front of Baqi.

Baqi, who was desperately running for his life, almost freaked out when he saw Kun suddenly appearing in front of him.

A horrible body of one hundred and fifty meters, a huge mouth, and that horrible eyes.


A gray area appeared on Kun’s head, and his figure slammed directly into Yaqi.

Baqi’s face changed slightly, and when he looked at the gray area, he had a bad feeling.

He raised the animal bone staff in his hand and pointed towards the front.

Three meters thick and full of corrosive venom instantly formed a kilometer-long venom pillar, heading towards the Kun attack.

The terrifying venom fell on Kun with a sizzling sound, and its skin was instantly corroded to a depth of five meters and an area of ​​ten meters in size.


But Baqi suddenly let out a scream. There was no blood in this terrifying wound, and Kun didn’t even feel the slightest pain.

A terrifying force struck in an instant.


It seems that the power of the entire Kun is concentrated on the point of impact, this power can be comparable to the full blow of the middle-ranked immortal.

And this full blow was a physical attack.

In an instant, Baqi’s body collapsed instantly, and his eyes almost protruded.

If it weren’t for his terrifying body, the strength of the upper immortal, even if he was the middle immortal, under this impact, he would become a meat sauce.

This terrifying creature can concentrate all the power of the body at one point and release it.

If this kun reaches ten thousand meters, it can even hit the earth, this is also the horror of kun.

“Now you can die!”

Wang Xian saw Baqi flying towards him, and the sharp dragon claws grabbed its head directly.

One of Baqi’s head turned, his face changed drastically as he felt the threat of death.

How could this dragon palace be so terrifying.


His face changed drastically, followed by a move that stunned Wang Xian.

In the air, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and landed directly on the bottom of the sea, kneeling with his legs underneath.

“I surrender, I surrender!”

Wang Xian was taken aback for a moment, and a group of members of the Dragon Palace surrounded him.

Fright flashed in Baqi’s eyes, and a slight smile squeezed out on his face: “I surrender, Dragon King, I surrender, and I will do whatever you want me to do in the future!”

“Huh? Don’t you say that you would rather die than surrender, are you a superior god?”

A look of abuse flashed in Wang Xian’s eyes: “Now you can kill yourself!”

“Dragon King, I sincerely surrender. I have enjoyed everything that I should enjoy. In the future, I will do my best for the Dragon Palace and fight for the Dragon King. We will destroy the seas of the Western Sea God, and unify the ocean. The Dragon King is mighty!”

Baqi said with a slavish face toward Wang Xian, hippie.

Wang Xian stared at Baqi with some blinking eyes, with a hesitant look on his face.

Looking at Wang Xian’s eyes, Baqi felt as if he was about to swallow him, and his expression changed.

“Dragon King, I have many younger brothers who can join the Dragon Palace and fight for the Dragon King in the future. Please Dragon King give Xiao Ba a chance!”

Yachi Orochi quickly said: “And I have collected a lot of treasures for more than two thousand years. If you kill me, Dragon King, these treasures will be gone. Give Xiao Ba a chance to work!”

He shouted loudly, the longer he lives, the more afraid of death he will be.

The same is true for Yaqi Orochi, fearing that he would be swallowed by Wang Xian, he quickly roared loudly.


In the end, Wang Xian decided not to swallow it. There was still more than 10 million dragon energy. As long as there were some treasures, it was enough to break through.

This Baqi is still useful, and now the members of the upper immortal level of Dragon Palace are no longer except for him and Shuqing.

The most important thing is that this Baqi has lived long enough, has enough knowledge, and has even higher wisdom and knowledge than Prime Minister Kame!

If it hadn’t been for him, he would be almost invincible in his territory.

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