Chapter 840

Wait for me to reach the pinnacle as the empress!

The domineering voice circulated in the Dragon Palace, and his body disappeared.

Wang Xian looked towards the place where she disappeared. He knew where Feng Luan had gone, the deepest place in the ocean, and the depth of 10,000 meters under the sea.

There was a passage there. According to Feng Luan’s words, it was a spatial passage, a passage opened by a terrifying power with the power of breaking the sky.

As for which power it was, she didn’t know, but she was sure that the powerhouses of the Transcendent Continent could not do it.

With extraordinary strength, she can circle the earth in half an hour at a terrifying speed.

In a horizontal ditch ten thousand meters deep under the sea, a sacred flame figure appeared above the abyss. She looked down at the ditch, arms slightly spread out.


A phoenix sound rang, and she dived directly, and the terrifying flames directly hit a black vortex below.


The weird vortex seemed to make time and space begin to vibrate, and the vortex was slowly opened in the powerful flame.

Feng Luan’s eyes shone brightly, and flames shot out from his eyes, waving his arms, two huge wings appeared behind him.

The wings moved towards the whirlpool, the whirlpool slowly split, and a picture of another world appeared.

A look of desire appeared in Feng Luan’s eyes.

“It’s not good, the aura is shocking, the aura of the earth is thin, but after opening the channel with the extraordinary world, the aura of the extraordinary world will rush into the earth!”

Feng Luan’s face changed slightly, and this shock was the most violent when he first opened the passage.

It’s like the moment a dam opens the gate and releases water, it will cause a terrifying impact.

Under the impact of this horror, the creatures will die directly.

Although Fengluan’s strength is extraordinary, it is not a dam, but the impact of the two worlds.

The terrifying aura rushed directly towards Feng Luan, making her eyes show a trace of horror.


She called her name, and the Suzaku flame bloomed with terrifying brilliance on her body.


However, at the moment of the impact of the spiritual energy, the flame on her body seemed to be poured down directly by a basin of water, almost extinguished.

“Do not…”

There was a rare panic in Feng Luan’s eyes. She knew she was impulsive. She should open the channel and wait for the spiritual energy impact to calm down before rushing over.

Now, it is undoubtedly looking for death.


At this moment, the position of her heart suddenly lit up with a red light, like a flame, covering the whole body.

“This is?”

Feng Luan was taken aback for a moment, a smile slowly appeared on her face: “This is your third life you saved me!”

She stared at the front, her figure was under the flame, and she slowly squeezed into it.

After Feng Luan entered inside, the aura shock did not turn off.

Once the passage between the two worlds is opened, it is difficult to close it, especially in the case of aura shock.

Only when the aura on the earth is equal to the aura of the transcendent continent, the aura shock will disappear.


One day later, when Wang Xian came out from the dragon to the palace, his mind suddenly moved.

“The aura has changed, and it is strengthening every moment!”

Wang Xian squinted his eyes, quietly feeling the change of aura.

He stayed in the Dragon Palace. The aura here was twelve times that of the outside world, so the change in the aura was very obvious.

Now that the aura is increasing at a terrifying speed, it is unexpected that the aura of the outside world has also undergone tremendous changes.

With a move, he came to the outside of the Dragon Palace, feeling the fluctuations of his spiritual energy, and looking to the west.

Following the richness of the spiritual energy, Wang Xian flew in this direction.


When he arrived at the location of the 10,000-meter-deep horizontal ditch under the sea, Wang Xian stared at the front and took a breath of cold air.

“What a terrifying aura, here, I even feel uncomfortable!”

Wang Xian scanned the surroundings and found densely dense bodies floating around.

Reiki is a great tonic for every creature.

But if there are more good things, it can also make up for the dead, just like an ordinary person taking an eighth-level pill. Not only will it not improve the cultivation base, but it will directly endure it. The terrifying spiritual energy impact will kill the creature.

This aura shock was not the aura waterfall when Jiuding was in this world.

Compared to this aura shock, the Aura waterfall is simply a small stream, and here is the vast ocean.

“It should be Feng Luan who opened up the passage between the two worlds, causing the aura of the extraordinary world to flood into the earth.”

“According to Feng Luan, the aura of Transcendent Continent is about fifty times that of here!”

“In other words, the aura in the earth must be equal to the extraordinary continent!”

“The area of ​​the Transcendent Continent is a hundred times the size of the earth, and the territory of the Feng Dynasty at the beginning was the size of an earth!”

“This is the great opportunity for the earth, and it is also the great opportunity for the human beings on the earth. In the future, the earth will officially transition from the age of technology to the age of cultivation!”

Wang Xian took a deep breath, the real world change is about to begin!

“The aura around here is the most terrifying, but the effect of cultivation here will be very poor. Under the impact of the aura, it will even damage the body. The place of the dragon palace is just right, the distance is not very far, and the dragon palace is in bursts. There is no need to transfer the dragon palace. to here!”

“Next, we are about to enter the evolutionary dynasty. I didn’t expect this event to be due to the empress!”

Wang Xian smiled, the impact of this spiritual energy is a huge benefit to Dragon Palace, and it can shorten the gap with the Transcendent Continent.

“In the next period of time, all members of the Dragon Palace, practice quickly!”

Wang Xian moved back to the Dragon Palace.

He immediately announced that all Dragon Palace members began to practice in retreat.

Nowadays, in the Dragon Palace, aquarium creatures pass through the Dragon Gate every day to become members of the Dragon Palace. Later, when the dragon’s cave in the Dragon Pool gathers to a certain extent, the more outstanding Dragon Palace members will enter the Dragon Pool.

Let them choose the direction of evolution.

Let them evolve into magic monkeys, treacherous monsters, golden swordfish, Yaksha, and Thunder Shrimp, adding new combat power to several races far and away.

Longmen Forging Workshop’s business has been worsening day by day, Wang Xian simply closed it down, and everyone practiced in retreat.

Even Wang Xian called Xiaoyu over and let her practice in retreat.

The rich spiritual energy gradually covered the entire earth, which made all the forces and the faces of all the gods and gods show excitement.

Even ordinary people are full of excitement when they learn that the earth is suddenly more and more spiritual.

The era of great cultivation is coming.

At the Eastern Fairy Gate, they started recruiting disciples, because now they don’t have to worry about resources. The powerful aura is enough to maintain cultivation.

In the West, the God’s Domain Locking Spiritual Array is directly opened. In the past, God’s Domain was not obtained by outsiders for the purpose of blocking the aura.

But the aura in the outside world is already more abundant than the aura inside, and the Soul Locking Array resists the aura.

The real world of God’s Domain!

All the people are martial arts!

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