Chapter 849

Philomena raised her brows slightly when she heard the words of the goddess and the goddess of the western gods and the words of Yu Wenhua.

He naturally knows the Dragon King, the most powerful force in the East, the owner of the Dragon Palace.

However, Philomena didn’t put the Dragon King in his eyes.

She is the only daughter of the god king of the Norse Kingdom.

Among all the gods, there is currently only one god king, and that is the Norse god king, the king of the gods.

This is a recognized king of gods, whose strength is unfathomable.

After the explosion of the spiritual energy, their Nordic gods became more powerful, and the entire West faintly respected the Nordic gods.

Before the impact of spiritual energy, the number of immortal gods in the Nordic God Realm had reached about 30, far surpassing the 20 or so in Dragon Palace.

Now she is more confident that the strength of the Nordic God Realm is not comparable to that of Dragon Palace.

And his husband’s Yuwen clan is also a force that cannot be underestimated, and now they are married, and they are definitely the most powerful force on the earth.

It can be seen from this wedding that all the gods in the West have arrived, and even the leaders of the gods have come to congratulate them.

“I am very arrogant, relying on my own power to be stronger, and don’t put anyone in my eyes!”

Yu Wenyue said with an embarrassed expression.

“Hmph, I thought I was invincible on the whole earth. If this dragon king dares to provoke me, I want them to look good!”

Philomena pouted and snorted coldly.

Yu Wenhua smiled: “This time the dragon king is here at the invitation of our Yuwen clan, this dragon king is also considered to be a face, and he will be there in person!”

“Nowadays, the Nordic Gods and the Yuwen clan are the most powerful forces on the entire earth. Naturally, this dragon king will come to please!”

“Yes, I have heard of the reputation of the Dragon King. It is very powerful, but it is still incomparable with the Nordic Gods, let alone the union of your two forces!”

“This dragon king also knows himself, and will only provoke those who are stronger than them, but will not provoke you, otherwise, he will not come here in person today, obviously showing his favor!”

Some goddess and goddess of God’s Domain nearby said flatteringly.

Philomina raised her head slightly with a haughty face. As the daughter of the god king, even a leader of the gods must be treated equally in front of her.

This is the power of the Nordic Gods.

“It’s auspicious hour, master, grandma, it’s time to pay a visit!”

At this moment, a voice came from outside.

It’s time for worship.

The way weddings continue to be Chinese is more cumbersome than modern.

At the wedding scene, a crowd of people sat on tables one by one, watching the bride and groom come out.

“Boom boom boom!”

At this moment, a brilliant light resounded in the sky.

There are some places in China that get married at noon, and some at night. The tradition of the Yuwen clan is at night.

But even at night, the entire wedding scene was decorated like a white night.

The sun has just set, and colorful rays of light resounded in the sky.

“It’s too awesome. The fireworks are released by the powerful infants of the fire attribute. The red flame in the center is even at the level of the fairy gods, and some powerful people with different fires of the world are also found!”

“It’s a big deal, it’s worthy of the marriage between the Yuwen clan and the Nordic God Realm. It’s simply too strong!”

“Many people have come to the Nordic God Realm. There are directly 20 fairy gods, dear, this Nordic God Realm is really powerful.”

“Their god king hasn’t come, but the god queen has come!”

When the bride and bridegroom walked out, the flames released by the strong fire-attribute in the sky skyrocketed away.

A group of people around were talking quietly.

“It’s so beautiful!”

Kohan looked obsessedly at the fireworks in the sky and the beautiful scenes around him.

The wedding scene this time was really big.

Wang Xian looked at him with a smile on his face, and there were some eyes around him from time to time, but he quickly shifted over.

Worship heaven and earth, worship your parents.

The process went down one by one, and it took half an hour to complete.

After the completion, the bride and groom will come out to toast during the meal.

“Ling Tian, ​​and brother, have you learned? You don’t have to be too shabby when you do the wedding, and when you do the wedding for me!”

On the table, Xiaoyu and Wang Xian Ling Xiao were all sitting on the same table and said to them with a smile on their faces.

“Well, I will definitely let you marry out gracefully in the future!”

Wang Xian said to Xiao Yu with a smile on his face.

“If you don’t marry out, your brother will get me a big house in the Dragon Palace in the future, and I can still bring Ling Tian to live in the Dragon Palace in the future!”

Xiaoyu said with a smile.


Wang Xian smiled and nodded: “You can live wherever you want to live in the future!”

“The bride and groom are here to toast relatives and friends!”

At this moment, a voice came from the side.

There are about fifty tables present, among which there are two or three strong immortals at each table.

There are no less than one hundred and fifty immortals who have come here.

According to the rules, the bride and groom come to toast at a table, which is the etiquette for the wedding and entertaining guests.

“Thanks to the head of Hunyuan Immortal Sect for driving away, I really appreciate it!”

“Haha, congratulations! Congratulations to your nephew for marrying such a beautiful wife. Come, I toast you!”

A polite voice came from the side table.

Ling Xiao from Huangtian Xianmen looked over and immediately filled the wine glass.

Wang Xian glanced over, and the bride and bridegroom toasted one by one, beside them, there was a friend of the bride, Yu Wenhua, and Yu Wenyue followed by pouring the wine.


Ling Xiao said in a low voice, Huang Tianxianmen is not strong, it can’t be compared with Yuwen clan, and it can’t be compared with Beidou Divine Realm, so he attaches great importance to it.

“Uncles and uncles, thank you for attending the wedding of your nephew!”

Yu Wenhua came over and said to them with a smile on his face.

Ling Xiao they immediately stood up with a smile on their faces.

When he went to the village to follow the customs, Wang Xian also stood up, with the least courtesy.

“You are the Dragon King!”

At this moment, a cold voice came.

Wang Xian turned his head to look, and saw the bride looking at him coldly, and in her eyes, she saw something wrong.


The corner of Wang Xian’s mouth was slightly raised, and he nodded faintly.

“Oh, I have heard that the dragon king’s head is full of arrogance, and he is so arrogant. When I meet people from the Western God Realm in the future, I hope to save face!”

The corners of Philomena’s mouth were also slightly tilted, and said lightly.

“Hehe, face is not for giving, it is for fighting for yourself, it is for strength!”

Wang Xian said lightly.

“Hehe, too, so, I don’t have to give you face!”

Philomena nodded with a smile on her face, turned her head to the side Yu Wenhua and said: “Let’s go, let’s go to the next table!”

Yu Wenhua was taken aback for a moment, but then smiled: “Good lady!”

“Ha ha!”

Aside, Yu Wenyue showed a sardonic smile on her face.

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