Chapter 881 Ling Yun’s Ambition

The sudden attack of the sword made everyone’s face slightly changed.

The long sword exudes a terrifying edge, and it directly attacks Wang Xian’s eyebrows.


Wang Xian’s face changed slightly, and a glimmer of cold light flashed in his eyes, which was released instantly, and the flame fell directly on the long sword.

The attacking long sword was instantly resisted by endless eyes, and a terrifying flame burned on the long sword.

All Wang Xian’s magical powers are comparable to the extraordinary third-order magical powers.

With the arrival of the tree world and the attached spirit, the power of Tier 4 magical powers can be exploded.

And the long sword in front of him was an extraordinary second-order weapon.

The second-order weapons began to slowly deform under the inexhaustible attack.

“What? Damn you dare to destroy my weapon!”

An angry voice came, followed by a fiery red figure drifting to the ground. The woman had short hair, a heroic posture, and a pair of eyes staring at Wang Xian full of evil spirits.

Beside her, the two maids followed behind, staring at Wang Xian with the same cold eyes.

“You deserve to die? This is obviously our place, why are you here?”

Gu Qingwen stared at the woman coldly, not caring about her appearance.

Now that you become a dragon man, anyone who dares to hurt the dragon king should die!

“Huh? You don’t know who I am?”

The woman stared at them with a cold expression and raised her head proudly.

“Whoever you are, get out of our base?”

Gu Qingwen stared at the woman with a gloomy expression.

“Bold, how did you talk to our lady, pay attention to your words!”

A maid on the side stared at Gu Qingwen and said coldly.

“This is the base of our Shengyao Employment Group. Even if it is rented, it will take half a year to expire. Why are you here!”

Gu Qingwen asked with a cold face.


The girl raised her eyebrows slightly when she heard his words: “My lady bought this place. I don’t care if you have expired or not. Now you damn guys, compensate this lady for the sword, otherwise… You guys have a good time!”

“Bought it?”

Gu Qingwen’s faces changed slightly, and they were a little embarrassed: “We have a lease contract in our hands, and it will only expire in half a year!”

“What’s wrong with Miss Guan Ben? I bought the house ten days ago. I need you to find the person who signed the contract with you. Now we should talk about breaking into my house and destroying my weapon!”

The girl walked towards them with a cold face, staring at Wang Xian with scorching eyes: “No one has dared to destroy my Aoxue’s weapon. If you don’t give me an explanation today, don’t blame me for being polite!”

“What about it?”

Wang Xian asked with a calm face looking at the girl’s scorching look.

Obviously, the house was originally rented by the Shengyao hire group, but it may have been half a year after they disappeared and the owner sold the house directly.

But when they came in, the girl didn’t keep the slightest hand, and directly controlled the sword to attack, full of murderous aura, making Wang Xian’s heart cold.

“So what, it’s crazy! If you don’t kowtow to me now, and pay for my sword, Shenghai Town, there will be no place for you to stand. After you leave the city, be careful of corpses!”

The woman said to Wang Xian coldly, her voice full of evil spirits!

“Looking for death, dare to speak to our Dragon King like this!”

When the ten dragon people heard the girl’s words, their faces suddenly became gloomy.

Gu Qingwen didn’t hesitate at all, and directly attacked the woman.

“Do you dare to move me? My father is the deputy head of the dogfish hire group. If you dare to move me…”

The girl screamed when she saw Gu Qingwen’s momentum burst out in an instant, a trace of terror flashed in her eyes.

“Let’s go!”

When Wang Xian heard her, he frowned slightly and shouted softly.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Gu Qingwen’s face changed and stopped.

Wang Xian turned around and walked outside. Gu Qingwen and his party stared at the woman coldly, and then walked outside.

“Asshole, Xiaoyue, go and ask my father’s men, which mercenary group this house was previously rented to, dare to destroy my weapons and dare to do something to me…”

The girl watched them leave with a cold look in her eyes.

A maid on the side nodded quickly and walked outside.

“Xiao Gu, if I remember correctly, the owner of my rented house is a member of the dogfish hire group. If she is really the daughter of the dogfish deputy leader, this house may not be bought!”

Walking out of the house, a middle-aged man said to Gu Qingwen with an embarrassed expression.


Gu Qingwen nodded with a calm face and looked at Wang Xian: “Dragon King, it is our fault. If that woman is really the daughter of the dogfish deputy head, we may be in big trouble!”

Wang Xian shook his head slowly. He didn’t expect that he would establish a strong enemy when he first came to this world.

However, this also allowed him to see the cruelty of this world.

Hands are forbidden in the town. If you have enemies, you can go to the ring, but in the wild, there is no order at all.

The dogfish mercenary group, in Shenghai Town, belongs to a powerful force, and it is not at all that they can provoke now.

“Tonight, we are looking for a restaurant to stay. Also, take me to the town center!”

Wang Xian frowned and said thoughtfully.

“It’s the Dragon King, the town center is in front!”

The crowd nodded.

“Don’t call me Dragon King from now on, call me…”


Wang Xian said slowly, walking towards the front position.

“It’s the leader!”

The dragon people did not hesitate at all, and immediately nodded.

The most eye-catching place in the town center is the mayor’s mansion. In addition to the mayor’s mansion, it is the demon hunting and mercenary group.

Demon Hunting Hiring Group is not the name of a Hiring Group, but the headquarters of the Hiring Group, located in the center of the town.

Wang Xian looked at the Shenghai Town branch of the employment group, with a pensive expression on his face. When he saw it, he suddenly found a familiar name.

Phoenix Pills and Weapon Workshop!

He smiled and said, “Let’s go, go to the hunting and hire group, and form a new hire group!”

Wang Xian had already decided in his heart to set up an employment group first.

Since Feng Luan opened the pill medicine and weapons shop first, he would not compete with it.

I started with the most fundamental hire group in Transcendent Continent.

Establish a strong mercenary group, one of the most powerful mythical mercenary group.

And he also wants to become the leader of a mythical level of hired regiment.

“First move to a location on the seashore, receive missions related to the ocean, conquer sea creatures, establish seabed power, and then slowly conquer the entire ocean!”

A smile appeared on Wang Xian’s face, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

To hire a group, to the sea, two lines of development.

“If one day, you become the empress, and I will become the myth of the transcendent continent and become the lord of the ocean.”

See who succeeds first!

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