Chapter 899 Shaking Holy Sea Town

“This piece of paper is called Congratulations!”

“Congratulations on death!”

“Dragon Assassin Organization!”

The woman standing in front of the city guards widened her eyes, and read the words on the door with a shocked face.

The huge red piece of paper, pasted on the door, looks full of celebration, but the text on it makes people feel a kind of inexplicable horror.

Congratulations on death!

Red pieces of paper!

Dragon Assassin Organization!

The opening of the door also attracted the attention of a crowd of people on the street outside. When they found the pieces of paper pasted on them, their eyes widened.

“Dragon Assassin’s organization? What kind of assassin’s organization is this? How did I hear about it for the first time?”

“Too arrogant, too domineering, unexpectedly… even assassinated the deputy commander of the Dogfish Mercenary Group. It seems that besides him, many people died!”

“Is this a newly established killer organization? What a horror!”

The eyes of the people around him widened, and their eyes were full of jealousy.

The dogfish mercenary group, the top three mercenary group in the entire Holy Sea Town, was now directly killed by the killer, and the deputy commander proudly was killed. This is simply appalling.

The extraordinary fifth-order arrogance, placed in the entire Holy Sea Town, is also a strong man, and now he was killed on the base.

Look at it then, this dragon assassin organization can assassinate most people in Shenghai Town, and even most of the strong.

“Dragon Assassin Organization, Dragon Assassin Organization!”

Two low growls came from the mouth of the dogfish head. His eyes were blood red, his fists were tightly clenched, and his body exuded a terrifying aura.

“It’s that kid, it must be that kid, damn you, damn!”

As he said, his eyes flashed with cold light, he suddenly raised his head, gritted his teeth, his face was sullen.

Today, the more than 30 people who were assassinated, although not the entire force of the Dogfish Mercenary Group, also accounted for half.

This is his life’s painstaking effort, and now he has been killed in half, how can he not be angry?

“That kid?”

The surrounding city guards looked at each other when they heard the dogfish head.

This is a vendetta, it is normal in Transcendent Continent, but the other party hired a killer.

The woman standing in front took out a jade plate, looked at it, and found no trace.

As it was yesterday, the killer’s hiding is good.

Looking at the red paper on the door, she not only sighed, this killer organization was too arrogant.

After the killing, a sign was left to prove that they killed the person, which was extremely arrogant.

“Captain dogfish, please be sorry!”

A middle-aged city guard hesitated and said, then looked at the woman in front of him.

The woman nodded, and a group of people walked directly outside.

This is their personal grievance, and the city guards will not participate, let alone find the murderer.

Unless the dogfish captain can produce enough evidence, they will start arresting people.

For the killer organization, they have nothing to do.

This is a world respected by force. If they really want to catch the killer, it is undoubtedly a idiot.

The most important thing is that if Shenghai Town really wants to catch the killer, it can be regarded as a complete enemy of the killer organization.

The killer organization does not matter whether you are an official of the kingdom or a minister of a country.

Since it is an enemy, it is possible to assassinate the public officials of Shenghai Town, and even assassinate the city guard.

This is not impossible. The killer organization is in a dark place. If it does not have the ability to completely wipe them out, it is best not to provoke them.

Otherwise, the troubles are endless.

Every kingdom and empire has killer organizations, and powerful killer organizations even make the empire jealous.

They are a small holy sea town that can’t provoke a killer organization.

A group of city guards walked out, and the people gathered outside saw them coming out and whispered.

News of the assassination of the deputy commander of the dogfish mercenary regiment spread quickly.

An extraordinary fifth-order strongman was assassinated, and it spread throughout Shenghai Town in one morning.

When they heard what the Dragon Assassin Group had done, they all showed shocked expressions on their faces.

“After the killer assassinated, he left a red piece of paper with the name Congratulations, which means congratulations on death. It’s so arrogant!”

“The Dragon Assassin Organization, is this a newly established assassin organization or is it a killer organization from other places? This is the first time I heard it, but this time the assassination can be said to be famous!”

“I don’t know how to contact this killer organization?”

Some people talked with shocked faces, and some others wondered how to contact the killer organization.

Many people know that there is an undercurrent of killer organization in Shenghai Town.

Undercurrent is the most powerful assassin organization in the entire Star-Moon Kingdom, but the number of assassin organizations is too small and the commission is too high. If it fails, only half of the commission will be refunded, and no one will hire assassins unless forced to do so.

Not to mention hiring powerful killers to deal with their enemies.

Killers are not so easy to train, and not everyone can become a killer.

For example, if you want to be a killer, you must have a fixed inheritance and a fixed means of advancement.

As a killer, you must first possess powerful hidden supernatural powers. Generally speaking, a supernatural power corresponds to a corresponding attribute.

For example, the magical powers of the undercurrents, which temporarily turn into water, enter the room and use this magical powers, first of all, they must have the water attribute.

The second is to comprehend this magical power transformed into water.

This is just the first step to becoming a killer, and just this step will stop countless people.

This is just an introduction, can become a primary assassin, and can hunt down extraordinary first- and second-order warriors.

Next, you have to realize that there are magical powers about assassination types.

The comprehension of supernatural powers is not about comprehending any type you want to comprehend. Comprehending supernatural powers is a lot more difficult, let alone comprehending fixed supernatural powers, which is several times more difficult.

Transcendent continent, there are a lot of transcendent first-order, and further up, it will be reduced by several hundred times.

Some people may not be able to comprehend the second magical power in one or two hundred years.

Even if the assassin comprehends the second magical power of murder, he can assassinate the martial artist of the extraordinary third-order at most, assassinating one rank higher than himself, and the success rate is less than 30%.

Not to mention the next magical ability to comprehend the fixed.

But if you don’t comprehend fixed magical powers, well, you are a killer, and you realize a ranged attack. Once the range of attack is large, then assassin it?

When you use magical powers, others will find out.

The killer is just taking advantage of the situation and will kill with a single blow. If he can’t do it, he will immediately flee thousands of miles away. For the killer, the range attack is purely seeking death.

Moreover, not many people are willing to become a killer living in the dark, unless the killer organization cultivates diehard killers by itself!

Among 100,000 people, it is already rare to be able to cultivate an extraordinary Tier 5 killer.

And the cost of this training is too terrifying!

The killer of this world, unlike the earth, is easy to cultivate.

Of course, if only to assassinate a warrior of this level, this level of assassin is still easy to cultivate.

Obviously, this is just an inferior killer.

All kinds of harsh conditions have created very few killers.

Even if it is the undercurrent of the biggest killer organization in the Star-Moon Kingdom, the most glorious record is just assassinating an extraordinary ninth-tier powerhouse.

This has shocked the entire Xingyue Kingdom.

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