Chapter 911

Ten thousand meters deep under the sea, in front of a sea mountain peak, a crowd of dozens of people stood in front of a magic cave.

At the entrance of the devil’s cave, a golden swordfish stood there, staring blankly at the dozen people ahead.

“Hehe, I really don’t know why a small two-star bronze hire group has so many spirit stones!”

The woman next to the middle-aged captain was looking up and down the Golden Swordfish.

“Are your other members around, call them over!”

A greedy look appeared in the middle-aged captain’s eyes.

A two-star bronze hire group, a youth leader who can produce eight million spirit stones.

Maybe this hired group and that young man are not simple, but after seeing the strength of the whole group of them, greed arose in their hearts.

A group of young people holding long swords only have the strength of an extraordinary third-order, so what are they worried about?

They can get to this point, not only have courage, but also decisiveness.

“My companions are all around, they have heard your voice just now, and they should come over soon!”

The Golden Swordfish looked around and said with a smile on his face to a crowd of dozens of people.

“Are you confident?”

Seeing the look of the Golden Swordfish, the middle-aged captain squinted his eyes slightly, swept around, and gestured to the people around him.

A dozen members of the Huanhai Mercenary Group nodded slowly, and then dispersed.

“Huanhai Hire Group, do we have any grudges with you?”

Wang Xian came over, glanced over all of them, and asked blankly.

At this moment, a famous Golden Swordfish also flew over, staring at them all with expressionless expression.

The middle-aged captain didn’t speak, he repeatedly looked at Wang Xian and the others, and then slowly squinted his eyes.

“No grievances, no enmity!”

The middle-aged captain said with a smile.

“Then what are you doing around our team members?”

Wang Xian smiled when he saw them being wary.

It’s worthy of a battle-tested mercenary group, and in this case, it didn’t do anything.

“Do it!”

Suddenly, the middle-aged captain moved his body and directly issued an order to attack Wang Xian.

“It really is…”

Wang Xian saw them attack and shook his head slowly.

“Puff puff!”

A penetrating sound came, and the face of the middle-aged captain who had just leaped up changed drastically.

When he turned his head, a scary white figure appeared beside him.

The sharp weapon, like a sickle, directly beheaded them.


Before he could react, a sharp claw directly penetrated his body, making him stare at the smiling young man.

“This creature? The spirit stone on him, wouldn’t it be?”

Suddenly, before dying, a thought suddenly flashed in the middle-aged’s mind, followed by his wide-open eyes, with an incredible look in his eyes.

“Dragon Assassin Organization!”

He widened his eyes and roared in horror on his face.

Following his words, blood was constantly vomiting in his mouth.

With a move of Wang Xian’s arm, they directly put their corpses into the space ring.

These are rare nutrients.

“Go, go on, within five days, this area will be cleaned up!”

Wang Xian said to the members of the Dragon Palace, and then returned to where he was just now.

Regarding the dozens of people in the Huanhai Hiring Group, Wang Xian did not care at all. If a group of people were looking for death, Wang Xian would definitely not be merciless.

Continue to advance forward, with the strength of Wangxian and the others, the speed is very fast.

In the Black Sea area, there have not been too many hire groups for two or three years, which makes there are more jellyfish here.

There are a lot of Gypsophila paniculata and Tianlan grass.

“I don’t know how the mercenary team will come here to do a task and find that there is no jellyfish after the holy sea town has the sky star grass and sky blue grass, what will be the reaction!”

Wang Xian smiled at this thought, but the impact was not great.

Both Gypsophila paniculata and Tianlangrass are used to detoxify and avoid poison. They can be used in many places, not only in the Black Sea area.

The speed of Wang Xian and the others was very fast, sweeping a radius of more than 20 kilometers in two days.

It wasn’t until the third day, when they approached the central area, that their speed slowed down.

“Then it will be troublesome!”

Wang Xian looked forward. In front of him, there was an endless mountain range. The magic cave in the mountain range was no longer only a dozen meters or twenty or thirty meters deep as it was at the beginning.

Here, they are completely connected to each other, densely packed like a magic palace.

The mouth of each cave is four or five meters in size, and there are extraordinary Tier 4 and Tier 5 jellyfishes!

“No wonder there are no extraordinary rank six or seven powerhouses who come to the Black Sea to clean up, the jellyfish here can make a lot of money!”

Wang Xian entered the magic cave and raised his brows as he looked at the passage that extends in all directions.

The entire huge mountain range was completely opened up, and it was completely unknown how many jellyfish were in it.

Moreover, even if Ao Yao enters inside, he will be dizzy inside. This is not a problem of perception, it is simply too much passage!

“It seems that Ao Yao Ao Jian and the others can only be behind me!”

Wang Xian has the light and dark fire dragon eyes, has the penetration of the sky dragon’s eyes, and can directly push forward.

Even so, he has to mark the road.


Wang Xian swept his eyes and found that four or five jellyfish gathered together at a position of more than 500 meters. When he moved, he immediately hurried towards there.

It is 500 meters away from the light and dark fire dragon eyes, but you need to go around several caves, and the actual distance is more than 500 meters.

When Wang Xian and the others approached, the five jellyfish lying there stood up vigilantly.

There are five jellyfish, three are close to four meters in size, and the rest are all over two meters in size.


The largest jellyfish in the center roared, and the other four jellyfish instantly attacked Wang Xian and the others.

“Puff puff!”

However, in an instant, white lights flickered, and four jellyfish were instantly beheaded.


The other jellyfish saw the rapid death of his companion, with a look of horror in his eyes.

He opened his mouth, and a thick black poisonous mist covered Wang Xian and the others.

And this jellyfish ran away madly towards the back.

“If you can’t beat it, you will run away. Even if it is a fierce beast, after a higher level, it will have a strong instinct!”

Wang Xian looked at the escaped jellyfish, raised his brow and moved his arm.

A thorn directly appeared on the ground, completely entwining its body.


The thorns entered the body of the jellyfish and easily beheaded it.

“Go, go on!”

When Wang Xian moved his body, he walked forward again, leaving a mark on the position he passed.

A group of members of the Dragon Palace are watching the sky star grass and sky blue grass around them.

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