Chapter 927 Killing You Is Like Squeezing An Ant To Death

“Zhi Ling Pill, a very precious pill, even a transcendent Tier 4 and Tier 5 cultivator can take it. After taking it, it can greatly increase strength and make one’s mind fall into a state of emptiness, and the understanding of supernatural powers. Enhance dozens of times!”

Seeing Wang Xian’s surprised appearance, the woman explained with a smile on her face.

Wang Xian nodded slowly, stretched out his hand, and accepted it directly, with a smile on his face: “I will accept the gift. I will help you solve Fengxian’s dilemma in Shenghai Town!”

The woman and shopkeeper Liu were taken aback for a moment, and then they smiled: “We will solve the matter in Shenghai Town slowly. If the head of the head Wang treats us Phoenix Immortal like this, we naturally have to give it back!”

“I want to take a pill and take a rest. When this battle is over, we can get together!”

Wang Xian said to the two of them and found a place with few people.

The woman and shopkeeper Liu nodded and looked at Wang Xian’s leaving figure.

“I always feel that this head Wang is very familiar with our Fengxian, and his behavior gives us a feeling of treating us as our own people!”

Shopkeeper Liu looked at Wang Xian’s figure thoughtfully, and said to the woman.

“There is one. When someone else receives our pill, he will definitely be full of excitement or fear. However, he is only a little surprised. I don’t know which of our Fengxian has friendship with this young man. Moreover, this friendship It’s not easy!”

The woman nodded slowly.

“Ding, swallow Zhi Ling Pill, extract Dragon Qi 8800 Dragon Crystal!”

“Ding, the host’s level has been increased to reach the fourth-order transcendental level!”

“Ding, the host level is upgraded, and the supernatural power Fenjiang Zhuhai is promoted to the flame of the fire dragon!”

At the side position, Wang Xian who swallowed the extraordinary seventh-order pill, his level was directly promoted.

The extraordinary seventh-order pill, the pill of tens of millions of middle-grade spirit stones, directly increased the dragon crystals of eight thousand and eight.

Wang Xian’s heart moved.

Name: Wang Xian

Race: Five Elements Dragon (can be transformed into people)

Level: Extraordinary Tier 4

Long Jing: 177100000

Supernatural powers: dominate the aquarium (ruling the aquarium below its own level)

Phagocytosis (Phagocytosis extracts dragon crystal)

Five Elements Control

Method: Shenlong Transformation

Supernatural powers: the flame of the fire dragon, the golden cracking void, the arrival of the wood world, the dangerous storm city, the fury of the earth, the contemplation, the enchantment, the light and dark fire dragon eyes, the light and the dark void, the light and the shadowless!

Own Dragon Palace: Level 2.

Dragon Palace members: 3377

“Upgraded, Fenjiang Zhuhai has become the flame of fire dragon, I don’t know how powerful it is?”

Wang Xian looked at his attributes with a smile on his face. The light and dark attributes did not realize the magical powers. I don’t know if it was because it did not integrate the heart of light and darkness, or what reason.

However, this is enough.

Level up one level, Wang Xian’s strength is absolutely earth-shaking changes.

In the next third wave of city defense, more fierce beasts can also be killed.

“After this defensive battle, the strength of the Dragon Palace can definitely get a crazy increase!”

Wang Xian was full of confidence.

The corpses of the fierce beasts he hunted were absorbed by the Dragon Pond and turned into dragon blood, which could raise the level of a large number of Dragon Palace members.

“The third wave of monster siege begins!”

At this time, Jin Qianyuan’s voice sounded again on the city wall: “The third wave of the beast Black Horned Seahorse, the lowest and extraordinary second-order strength, there are many third-order ones, and the number has reached hundreds of thousands!”

“Flying thorn sea beast, the lowest transcendent third-order sea beast, the number has reached about 5,000!”

“Task, start!”

1: Diamond one-star mission: go out of the city to fight, kill the beasts, according to the number of beasts killed, get extra corresponding points, the corpses of the beasts belong to the killer!

2: Silver five-star mission: Stand on the city wall and attack remotely. According to the number of beasts killed, additional corresponding points will be obtained. The corpse of the beast belongs to the killer!

Attachment: The first-order fierce beast has one point, the second-order ten points, the third-order one hundred points, and the fourth-order one thousand points, in order of increasing!

“It’s started, the last wave!”

“Oh my God, about five thousand flying stinging sea beasts, if they leave the city, it will be too dangerous!”

“There should be no more than fifty mercenary groups that can take over this mission.”

“In the third wave, there will be a city guard out of the city to fight, and this time there should be an extraordinary Tier 8 fierce beast, and the mayor should also take action!”

There were waves of discussion around.

Everyone flew towards the city wall, preparing to fight.

And the five hundred guards of Shenghai Town flew out directly, they were fully armed, and their strength was the lowest and extraordinary third-tier.

This is the strongest guard force in Shenghai Town.

Wang Xian did not hesitate at all, and directly accepted the task.

The one-star diamond mission is equivalent to more than a dozen golden five-star missions. As long as this mission is completed, the Fairy Phoenix Hire Group can be upgraded to the gold level.


Wang Xian led Ao Jian and the crowd to the outside of the city, looking forward.

Five hundred city guards were suspended in the sky, and they mainly dealt with flying thorn sea beasts.

Standing in the front is the mayor Jin Ganyuan.

The power of Holy Sea Town alone is not enough to deal with so many fierce beasts.


On the city wall, there were more defensive weapons than just now, one after another huge war machinery, and a hundred piercing arrows with a length of four or five meters.

This kind of sky-piercing arrow can penetrate the defense of the fifth-order transcendent beast, and it takes dozens of powerful second-order transcendents to be able to open it.


This time, there were only forty or fifty mercenary groups that accepted the task. They did not rush over directly, but waited for the arrival of the fierce beast under the city wall.

With their strength, it is not enough to rush forward.

As long as you can stay under the city.

Black-horned seahorses, similar to seahorses, have two legs and a huge black horn.

The black horns exudes a terrifying black glow, which looks extremely hard.

With two legs, their speed is very terrifying.

The body was covered with a layer of black horny substance, and they rushed toward Shenghai Town neatly.

“Boom boom boom boom!”

The ground began to tremble, and the mighty power made many people pale.

“Crack to death!”

On the city wall, several mighty figures flew directly into the sky, and their magical powers smashed directly below, instantly alleviating the momentum of Blackhorn Seahorse.

“Fire Dragon Flame!”

Wang Xian let out a low roar, and a thousand-meter-high flame instantly rose from his body, and his whole person was like a mighty fire god.

“Haha, yes, Fire Dragon Flame is not a one-time range of magical powers, but attached to the body, which can last a long time!”

Wang Xian was very satisfied, and when he held his palm, a fire sword appeared in his hand and rushed forward instantly.

The third wave of monster siege begins!

The killing begins!

Wang Xian wanted to use this defense of the city to accumulate sufficient resources for the Dragon Palace.

“Sure enough, that kid had been hiding his strength just now!”

The gaze of the knife mark not far away swept across, and a single eye showed a cold color!

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