Invincible Evocation

Chapter 605: Raid

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The next day, when the red sun rose and the sun showed its first ray of light, the beasts in the distance began to move around again. However, the tide of beasts has been going on for some time now, and no one in the city will be afraid of them anymore.

Moreover, in this beast tide, Rong Kaixuan of Free City was in the limelight and displayed incredible light-type abilities, which greatly improved human strength out of thin air. As the animal wave continues to this day, humans can basically be said to have the upper hand. Therefore, no one will feel afraid in the face of the beast wave that is about to hit.

On the top of the city, Rong Kaixuan stood proudly, beside him, besides Yuan Chengpeng, there was also a young innate powerhouse. Rong Kaiyi was able to ascend to the top of the city, naturally because of the unknown ancestor. Under the approval of this ancestor-level powerhouse, even Jiang Haiyan had nothing to say.

Seeing the movements of the beasts in the distance, Jiang Haiyan from the tall buildings on the top of the city waved his hand gently. The city gate below opened immediately, and more than a thousand spirit bodies swarmed out and lined up under the city. These spirit bodies are the surviving cannon fodder soldiers from the war yesterday. After the war yesterday, Rong Kaixuan was forced to gather them together in order to conceal the existence of the special spirit body of the spirit gatherer and release a light healing technique every other hour. .

For him, such consumption can almost be omitted, but it has successfully blocked other people's mouths.

At this time, including those discussed by the masters on the city’s head, it was the topic of why Rong Kaixuan’s light healing technique could restore these ordinary spirit bodies to their peak state, and no one would ever think about it in this city. Inside, there will be a special spirit body of a spirit gatherer unexpectedly.

When seeing this mere thousand spirit bodies out of the city, a riot broke out among the orcs. The fighting power of these undead spirits has given the enemy and us a clear understanding. Unless they are killed all at once, they will be able to obtain sufficient spiritual power from heaven and earth to replenish their combat power in a moment.

Fighting with these simple cannon fodder lives, even with a huge empire like the orcs, it is difficult to maintain.

However, even though countless spirit beasts had some horror in their eyes when they saw the spirit body, no spirit beast had the courage to disobey amid the urging sounds of the tiger roar. It seems that following Hu Xiao's command is an instinct that has been engraved in their bones.

The group of spirit beasts slowly emerged from the dense forest, and it was yesterday that they showed their power on the battlefield and summoned countless orc spirit bodies of shamans.

They came to the middle of the team and started to do it again. In just a moment, that thick dark cloud once again shrouded the battlefield.

The human beings took out the corresponding boxes and tore apart the spirit talisman, and the number of spirits under the city suddenly increased.

If Rong Kaixuan's mysterious and unpredictable light healing technique were not available, then Jiang Haiyan and others would order the release of the spirit body in time. Because every spiritual talisman is precious and must not be wasted casually. However, with the existence of Rong Kaixuan, as long as these spirit bodies condense and form, they will not dissipate due to non-combat reasons, so the human side has sufficient time to prepare.


A huge roar came from the group of beasts. Just when the human experts thought that the orc shaman was going to summon the beasts of the beast, they saw that the group of beasts that had been lined up took the lead to attack.

Countless spirit beasts moved dexterously, rushing towards here, the ferocious aura soaring into the sky, as if they had not experienced any failure a few days ago.

Qiu Sheng snorted coldly and said, "I'm looking for death." He waved his hand and said, "Prepare for the meteor fire rain."

Although Meteor Fire Rain is only an innate-level fire spell, it is more suitable for use in this situation because of Qiu Sheng's presidency.

Of course, grandmaster-level fire spells can often cause greater damage. But looking at the entire human race, how many master-level powerhouses can there be. On a battlefield of this scale, the incantation of the innate-level spirits is the most widely used and cost-effective spiritual spell.

As the herd of beasts crossed the middle line, as Qiu Sheng held the spirit rod high, the huge fireball in the void gradually took shape. As long as they condense enough energy, they can cause huge damage to the beast that is impacting below.

However, at this moment, those shamans moved. They waved quickly, and every time they waved, one of the spirit beasts behind them would burst. A large amount of energy poured into these flesh and blood, and became a bird spirit body.

They opened their mouths, let out a silent growl, and then rushed into the sky in droves.

"not good."

The expressions of Qiu Sheng and others changed drastically, and they knew they were not good.

Sure enough, when these powerful bird spirits rushed into the fire rain range, they suddenly opened their huge mouths, and breathed out.

These breaths turned out to be fire forces. Once they were released, they immediately ignited the fireball that had not yet fully condensed, and then there was a huge crackling sound. The fireballs immediately exploded under the pressure of the high temperature, and they also caused a chain reaction. When a fireball exploded, the fireballs flying around hit the other fireballs without accident, causing those fireballs to burst.

One after another, rolling away like a thundercloud.

In just a moment, the fireball in the sky exploded more than half. Under the impact of the spirit body of the beasts, the huge meteor fire rain suddenly became fragmented, and it was no longer a threat.

Qiu Sheng's face was faintly pale, he grunted angrily, and said: "Ice type spirits come forward."

The spirits who had released a round of fire spells went down, and another group came forward. However, after this moment of delay, the herd of beasts had already rushed up, and began to meet with the spirit bodies below the city head.

Having learned the lessons of yesterday, this time the attacks of the herds were extremely targeted. After they have spotted an opponent, they will start stalking, even if they are injured, they must completely wipe out the opponent. Although doing so would cost a lot of effort and price, it cut off the possibility of spiritual body recovery and weakened human combat effectiveness to the utmost.

The spells released by human spirits still fall sporadically, but no matter how large the spells Qiu Sheng releases, the orc shamans will launch the corresponding orc spirits to attack, and eliminate its power before the spell is formed. Weak at odds and ends. Therefore, today's human spell attacks can no longer cause huge casualties to the orcs.

But in contrast, these orc shamans put all their energy on the curse of impacting human spirits, and there is no time to summon more orc spirits to attack humans.

But the huge number of orcs is indeed incomparable. They battle human spirits with their flesh and blood piles up like mountains, and gradually gain the upper hand.

Gradually, the orc army slowly advanced, and once again climbed to the top of the city.

Spirit bodies are not human warriors after all. Apart from the characteristic of being fearless and fearless of death, there is no wisdom at all, nor any form of cooperation. In addition, the human warriors who release them come from all over the world, so they only know a honeycomb. Rushed up. Under the strong impact of the orc powerhouse, their array finally could not resist.

More and more orc powerhouses stepped onto the city, and they began to consciously move in the direction of Rong Kaixuan.

However, those human warriors are well aware of the importance of Rong Kaixuan, and those human warriors moving in the direction of Rong Kaixuan will never retreat, and their fierceness and bravery are not inferior to the strong orc.

There was a violent and cruel collision between the two sides, and countless lives were dying every moment.

Above the city, Jiang Haiyan's face was solemn, and she slowly said: "Brother Ao, I think this action of the Orcs seems a bit unusual." She paused and said, "I always feel something is wrong in my heart. So I want to invite you to Triumph's side, but..."

Ao Liti nodded gently and said, "City Lord Jiang, don't worry, I won't get too close to Brother Rong." He comforted: "Although the orcs are powerful, we are not soft-footed shrimps, please rest assured."

Since Rong Kaixuan somehow lost a grandmaster-level fox spirit beast, everyone is not too worried about his safety. Moreover, they all understood that under Rong Kaixuan's endless mystery means, even if the orc powerhouse wanted to hurt him, it would never be easy.

Therefore, even though Rong Kaixuan's position became more and more important, there was still only one Yuan Chengpeng guarding him by his side. In addition, everyone knows that Rong Kaixuan is not happy about someone guarding him. If it weren't for Jiang Haiyan's face, he would have resisted long ago.

Therefore, although Ao Lidi was willing to go, he still had to linger on his side as much as possible, and it was best not to attract his attention.

However, just here, a huge roar suddenly sounded from the top of the city.

Afterwards, more than a dozen figures exploded from the herd of beasts that had climbed to the top of the city and were fighting against the human warriors. Their speed is unparalleled, forming an unstoppable torrent, rushing straight towards Rong Kaixuan.

Each of these black shadows possessed powerful strength. Previously, they were hidden among the herd, disguised as ordinary innate spirit beasts, and they were flawless. Even with the eyesight of characters such as Jiang Haiyan and Ao Lidi, they have never seen through, but at this moment, once they broke out, they immediately released unimaginable fighting power, and everything that was blocked in front of them was easily erased by them.


Jiang Haiyan and Ao Lidi exclaimed at the same time, their bodies moved, and they were already desperately moving towards there. And behind them, those grandmaster-level human race experts who watched the battle were even more unwilling to show weakness, and rushed one by one.

But their hearts were filled with fright and anger, and the Orcs were really deliberate when they attacked this time. Are they too late?

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