Invincible Evocation

Chapter 611: Workaround

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"Duo Duo, Brother Meng is back." Rong Kaixuan came to Qi Duo Duo's boudoir, his eyes were filled with surprises that could not be concealed.

Qi Duoduo nodded his head with a smile, and said, "Brother, I've already said that, Meng Yan is not dead."

Rong Kaixuan's expression condensed slightly, and said: "Duo Duo, Brother Meng said that you have taught him a technique, so he can refine the body of the Extreme Abyss Earth Tiger, so as to survive in the Extreme Abyss World." Seriously said: "Did you see this scene before we entered the orc realm?"

Although Rong Kaixuan has long known that Wang Xiaoxiao is proficient in prophecy, this mysterious power is not omnipotent. It is already quite remarkable to be able to see a little bit of the future. If Wang Xiaoxiao can see in such detail, Rong Kaixuan absolutely does not believe it. .

Wang Xiaoxiao tilted his head with a harmless look on his face, and said, "I didn't fully see through it. I just saw it vaguely. Meng Yan mixed the flesh and blood of a powerful spirit beast. So, I combined the nine ghosts Xinjue was handed over to him." She blinked a few times and asked suddenly: "Brother, I know that Meng Yan may incarnate as an orc, but how are you sure?"

Rong Kaixuan let out a sigh of relief. He stretched out his hand, rubbed Qi Duoduo's head a few times, and sighed: "Little guy, Brother Meng and I have been born to death many times, working together to fight against powerful enemies. Knowing that he is still alive. After the news, I paid attention to it at any time." There was a trace of emotion in his eyes, and said: "Others have not seen the Jiyuan Tiger, but I have not only seen it, but also fought with it, and also saw Big Brother Meng holding It fell off the cliff together. I will never forget its cry. However, in the beast tide, the sound of the tiger roar made me both familiar and unfamiliar. In this voice, I felt the will of Brother Meng. Existence." He thought for a moment, and said: "This is a mysterious and mysterious feeling. I can't explain it, but that's it."

Qi Duo Duo's little melon seeds nodded and said: "Daddy often said that anyone who has realized the ability to get out of the body can often feel in some extremely subtle things that normal people can't detect. I have always been ignorant, but Now I understand."

Rong Kaixuan moved slightly in his heart and asked tentatively: "Duo, who is your father?"

Although he and Qi Duoduo have three chapters of the agreement, they only ask each other about the origin of each other. But by now, the relationship between them has long been extraordinary, so Rong Kaixuan asked subconsciously.

Qi Duoduo thought for a while and said, "Brother, my dad is not this continent..."

"Ahem, miss..." Suddenly, Mother Lin's cough came from outside the door.

The corner of Rong Kaixuan's mouth curled, and he secretly said in his heart that having a grandmaster-level elder in the family watching at any time is not necessarily a good thing. Seeing that Qi Duoduo was about to speak out, she was blocked by Mother Lin.

Qi Duoduo spit out her little tongue and said, "Brother, I'm sorry, I can't tell you yet."

Rong Kaixuan shrugged his shoulders and made a helpless gesture. Qi Duoduo smiled repeatedly and said, "Brother, if one day, if you can be promoted to ancestor, I will tell you the truth."

Rong Kaixuan rolled his eyes. He only has the mid-innate stage now. Although the ancestor realm can expect it, God knows when he can achieve this.

Converging his mind, Rong Kaixuan said: "Duo Duo, I have one thing I want to ask you."

Seeing Rong Kaixuan's solemn expression, Qi Duoduo also narrowed his smile, and said, "What is it?"

Rong Kaixuan said slowly: "Although Big Brother Meng is still alive, he has devoured the heart of the Jiyuandi tiger, ate its flesh and blood, refined its body, and transformed it into a tiger." After a pause, he He said again: "Although his strength has become extremely strong as a result, he has even broken the limit, reaching the level of a half-step master. However, the polar tiger is a branch of the divine beast, the divine beast's blood is extremely rich. Its consciousness is so powerful that it has completely suppressed Brother Meng’s human consciousness. If this situation cannot be brought back, then Brother Meng’s situation will be very dangerous."

Qi Duoduo nodded suddenly, and said, "I see, you want Meng Yan's consciousness to regain the dominance of the body."

Rong Kaixuan nodded solemnly, and said: "Human's Beast Refining Art is a technique for refining beasts and gaining powerful combat power. Rebirth."

"Prince Rong." Outside the door, Mother Lin sighed lightly, and interjected: "The ancestors of human warriors created the Beast Refining Art, which is indeed the intention. However, any exercise has both pros and cons. The more powerful The disadvantages of exercises are even greater."

As the figure flickered, Mother Lin had already walked in, her old face looked solemn, and said: "The power of the Beast Refining Technique is at least ranked in the top ten among all the cultivation techniques of our human race. The young lady gave to Mengzi. Jiuyou Beast Xinjue is even more outstanding among them. It is one of the best and most powerful among all similar exercises. However, because the exercises are so powerful, its disadvantages are quite obvious." Her old man erected a root. Pointing to the finger, said: "First, the cultivator must have a strong talent, otherwise he will not be able to understand the connotation of the exercises at all, let alone any cultivation. Second, the cultivator must have extraordinary perseverance and endure endless pain. This kind of endurance is far better than the general beast-cultivating tactics, and it is very people can persist. But achieving these two points is not enough."

Her tone became deeper and deeper: "The spirit beast chosen by the cultivator is also very important. If the level of the spirit beast is too low and there is not much potential for development, then even if you can cultivate to the peak realm, it will be no more than a mortal. But if The chosen spirit beast is extremely powerful, or has a huge potential to be tapped, then you must be careful to occupy the magpie nest. If the spirit beast’s will gains the upper hand, then in the end, you will cultivate your body into a cheaper spirit beast. Incarnate into a spirit beast, there will be no more day to return to human form."

Qi Duoduo's pretty face turned red and said: "Brother, I will give this exercise to Brother Meng, you won't blame me." She secretly glanced at Rong Kaixuan, and said: "I wanted I gave him an ordinary beast-refining technique, but think about it, since even you will be in crisis, then the spirit beasts you will encounter are definitely not trivial. If it is an ordinary beast-refining technique, I am afraid that it cannot be refined, so..." He cocked and said: "Unexpectedly, you would provoke the beast Asians for Wang Xiaoxiao, really, hum."

She originally wanted to say something that she didn't know how to live or die, but then she thought about it, if she said it, wouldn't it make her brother feel uncomfortable, so she changed her words immediately. However, the deep jealousy in his heart cannot be concealed.

Mother Lin glanced at her quietly and sighed in her heart.

Rong Kaixuan laughed blankly and said: "Duo Duo, if there is no pre-arrangement from you, Brother Meng might not even have this chance of surviving." He said gratefully: "I thank you for being too late, so how can I blame you. "

A happy smile appeared on Qi Duoduo’s face, and said, “Brother, this time you met the descendants of the divine beast branch. It’s really unexpected. Although the Great Abyss Earth Tiger is not a divine beast, it’s far away in life. It is not comparable to us human beings. Generally speaking, unless it is promoted to the heavenly position, it is possible to completely eliminate the consciousness of the polar tiger with its powerful strength."

Rong Kaixuan took a breath and was promoted to the throne?

Even if the nameless ancestor guarded the human border for five hundred years, he could not break through the limit and ascend to the heavens. You know how difficult it is to reach this level.

So, how likely is it that Meng Yan can break through to this state?

However, he changed his mind and said: "Duo, you mean, is there any other workaround?"

Qi Duoduo nodded slightly and said, "Brother, although this method is very difficult, it is not impossible to achieve."

Rong Kaixuan's eyes lit up and said, "What way?"

"The situation of Meng Yan is that his human consciousness is suppressed by the consciousness of the Great Abyss Earth Tiger, so he cannot take the initiative. However, as long as we can restrain the consciousness of the Great Abyss Earth Tiger, and let Meng Yan continue to cultivate the Nine You Beasts. Heart determination, then his consciousness can continue to grow, and eventually swallow the consciousness of Ji Yuan Dihu completely." Qi Duoduo's pair of wonderful eyes flashed with strange light, and said: "If he can really swallow Ji Yuan Yuandihu’s consciousness will be of great benefit to himself, and he may even be promoted to a higher level because of his heart power."

Rong Kaixuan's eyes were gleaming, he knew that it would be extremely difficult to achieve this, but since Qi Duoduo had said it, he was certain. As long as there is such a glimmer of hope, he will never give up.

Qi Duoduo said solemnly: "Brother, tell me first, since Wanfangjing can use Lingbao, what about you?"

Rong Kaixuan nodded without hesitation, and said, "I can too."

Mother Lin glanced at him and couldn't help showing a hint of envy. Lingbao's things, that can only be controlled by the ancestor-level powerhouse, and it is rare for Rong Kaixuan to do this in advance.

Qi Duoduo flipped his wrist, took out an object, and said: "Brother, this is a spiritual treasure, you can try it, can you control it."

"Miss..." Mother Lin's face changed slightly and she exclaimed.

Qi Duoduo waved his hand and said, "Mother, my heart is determined, you don't need to say more."

All of Madam Lin's words suddenly choked in her throat, and she couldn't say anything.

Qi Duoduo smiled slightly, and said: "Mother, my brother is willing to give me the Heavenly Spirit Pendant and the Spirit Liquid. Am I still reluctant to give it to me?"

Mother Lin was taken aback, a wry smile appeared on her face. Indeed, although the Lingbao in Qi Duoduo's hand is extremely valuable, it is difficult to say which one is more valuable if compared with the Tongtian Lingye.

Rong Kaixuan took this object carefully, and he was surprised to find that it was also a round ball, somewhat similar to Xuan Ling Yutai. However, in this sphere, there was a glimmer of electric light visible to the naked eye.

But at the moment he held it in his hand, there was a sudden movement in his heart. The wrist was flipped again, and Xuan Ling Yutai had been taken out.

The two spheres were placed in his two palms, and an unusual light suddenly burst out.

ps: Baihe went to Hangzhou today to participate in a meeting of the Network Writers Association starting tomorrow.

Then I went to see a few relatives in Hangzhou, so it is estimated that I can only make two more guarantees in the past few days, and I will start to compensate after I return.

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