Invincible Evocation

Chapter 804: Appreciation Conference

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A round of red sun hangs high in the endless sky, and the gentle sunlight selflessly spills on the vast ground, as if it has covered the entire ground with a golden sheen.

Inside the Pinbao Hall, under a towering tall building, there are hundreds of powerful people gathered together.

When Rong Kaixuan came here, he couldn't help being shocked. Because in his perception, he could easily distinguish the identities of these strong men, and they turned out to be all master-level strong men. Moreover, there are many masters who have reached the late or peak state.

With a casual glance, he saw a large number of grandmaster-level spirit beasts. However, on or around most grandmaster spirit beasts, there is a colorful bird or similar small animal. . Rong Kaixuan glanced at it roughly, and immediately understood that these little animals were brought by them as translators.

After all, like Ape King and Ape Biao, there are very few people who can use human language to communicate with ordinary people in the realm of Grand Master, which is almost negligible for the huge number of orcs as a whole. Therefore, under such circumstances, it is still necessary for them to carry a little spirit beast that can translate both languages.

Rong Kaixuan walked along, and Fang Jian and Yuan Biao followed suit by his side.

After having the common experience of the Innate Secret Realm, the relationship between the three of them is quite harmonious. Behind them, the giant bear was even more openly looking around. It was born in an innate secret realm. It has never seen so many human experts, and it has never seen such a majestic and expansive building complex as Pinbaotang.

Although the past few days have opened its eyes, it still takes time to fully adapt to this world.

"Look, the treasure is here."

Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the crowd, and then thousands of attendants filed in with porcelain plates in their hands. These porcelain plates are covered with red silk and satin. However, from under the silk and satin, a clear flow of treasure could still be sensed. Even if they have not seen it with their own eyes, everyone knows that these porcelain plates must be powerful spiritual tools.

A moment later, when these porcelain plates were placed in some special places in this majestic hall, there was even a small climax in the crowd. These powerhouses were as close as possible, although no one dared to touch them with their hands, but this fierce appearance scared some attendants at a loss.

"Let go, uncover, go."

A melodious voice sounded slowly, and all the attendants suddenly seemed to have a backbone. They arranged their things, uncovered the red silk, and walked away in the crowd.

The master-level powerhouses surrounded them, either in groups of three or five, or by themselves, arguing about each spiritual artifact, seeming to narrate their pros and cons.

Fortunately, the hall was wide enough, and the number of spirit artifacts prepared was far greater than the crowd, so it was not crowded at all.

A human master came forward, and he carefully looked at the spirit sword in front of him. After a long time, he unexpectedly made a move that surprised Rong Kaixuan.

He directly picked up the spirit sword, and instilled true energy, which stimulated the power of the spirit sword.

Suddenly, a ray of sword light diffused, and at the same time a burst of cold air was released, covering all the nearby spaces.

When a human master holds such a weapon, it is a great threat to everyone present. This person made such a hasty behavior that surprised Rong Kaixuan.

However, what made him even more surprised was that the people around him and the spirit beasts simply turned a blind eye to this, even the few human cultivators who were right next to him were expressionless, and they didn’t even bother to do defensive actions. .

Rong Kaixuan thought about it, and said in surprise: "Brother Fang, the order here is really good, is it the ancestor Pinbao personally took care of it?"

Fang Jian was full of excitement, he nodded heavily, and said: "Yes, the ancestor-level powerhouses personally guarded the past dynasties of appraising treasure meetings. Otherwise, they really can't suppress these masters. The repairer."

Rong Kaixuan suddenly realized that there were such strong people opposing the formation, no wonder the expressions of these people were so calm and indifferent.

Even if the person holding the spirit sword wanted to hurt others, he would not be able to pass the level of the ancestor.

This person's actions were just the beginning, and then Rong Kaixuan saw more people trying to use various spirit weapons. For a moment, the hall was radiant and cold. Fortunately, the people here were all master-class experts. If they were changed to innate cultivation base, they might not be able to stay here.

Rong Kaixuan's eyes turned and slowly said, "Brother Fang, why don't you see the three powerful empires here."

Although he didn't know much about the master-level powerhouses of the three human empires, since I couldn't see the Ning State imperial family Ao family powerhouses here, he naturally understood.

Fang Jian smiled bitterly, and said: "Brother Rong, the Appreciation Conference is a spontaneous event organized by merchants on the mainland. Those families who have already cracked the ground and become kings are not in the scope of invitation."

Rong Kaixuan was stunned. No wonder he saw that these master-level experts were not only unfamiliar, but they also had a strange feeling on their bodies. It turned out that most of them were not cultivators on the Demon Suppression Continent.

"Hehe, since we are here, let's go up and take a look." Yuan Biao said excitedly, "Maybe we can find some suitable treasures."

Fang Jian smiled and said, "Brother Ape, it is not difficult for us to find the right weapon, but it is not easy for you to find the right one."

Spirit beasts are different from human races. They are born with strong skin and fleshy flesh, and relying on a strong and indecent body, they can even fight with human spirit weapons. Therefore, there are definitely not many spiritual tools that can be seen by them, or that they are suitable for their use.

The three of Rong Kaixuan entered the main hall, wandering around at least a thousand spiritual artifacts.

There are many kinds of spiritual weapons here, all-inclusive, whether it is defensive spiritual weapons, offensive spiritual weapons, array patterns and various special spiritual bodies, you can see them here. Moreover, every spiritual weapon can be called a fine product, far from being a common stock that can be seen everywhere. Obviously, the spiritual weapons that can be placed on this top are at least carefully selected.

When Rong Kaixuan saw Lie Xinxi, he not only watched it carefully, but also picked it up and tried constantly. In these spirit tools, he really found a lot of heart-warming things.

Although what he is currently using is already at the treasure level, the special powers possessed by certain spirit weapons are still coveted.

Suddenly, Rong Kaixuan's footsteps stopped, and his eyes fell on a pair of spirit armor.

At first glance, this pair of spirit armor didn't have any special purpose, but its defensive power was super strong, so it was placed here. However, when Rong Kaixuan's gaze fell on this spirit armor, his heart suddenly moved. Because he found that he actually had a familiar feeling about this spirit armor.

This is quite a strange thing, he has never seen this spirit armor before, but why does it feel so strange.

After groaning, Rong Kaixuan stepped forward to the table where the spirit armor was placed, and he reached out and took the spirit armor.

As soon as this thing fell into his hands, that very familiar feeling reappeared.

He frowned, puzzled.

"Brother Rong, do you like this thing?" Yuan Biao asked in a low voice beside him.

Rong Kaixuan smiled slightly, and said, "Yes, this thing seems to be predestined to me."

Yuan Biao blinked his big eyes and said, "Brother Rong, is this a hint from the treasure hunter?"

Rong Kaixuan was startled, looking at Fang Jian, who also had piercing eyes, he couldn't help but laughed, and said, "What's so good about these spirit instruments? The little guy is still sleeping."

The excitement of Fang Jian and Yuan Biao disappeared immediately. If it was a treasure hunter, it means that this ling armor must be of extraordinary value. But is it just the feeling of Rong Kaixuan? Then they didn't care about it.

Although Rong Kaixuan's strength is not trivial, how can he compare with the famous treasure hunter in terms of treasure hunting ability.

"Well, since Brother Rong thinks this spirit armor is destined to you, then I will report it to the uncle and let the old man buy it for you." Yuan Biao said listlessly.

Rong Kaixuan raised his eyebrows and said, "Brother Ape, I appreciate the kindness of seniors. However, I just made a big deal with Pinbaotang, and the spirit coins on my body should be enough to pay for this spirit treasure. ."

Yuan Biao shook his head and said: "Brother Rong, according to the rules, any ancestor-level powerhouse is eligible to choose among these spiritual weapons for free, and they must take it away before the auction starts." It paused, and then again. Said: "The people who can come here to participate in the Appreciation Conference are all merchants from all over the world. The rich coins in their hands are definitely not what you can imagine."

Fang Jian also nodded again and again and said, "Brother Ape is right, Brother Rong, my ancestor once said that if you like that magical weapon, our Pinbaotang, as a landlord, can still operate. Pieces."

Rong Kaixuan's heart moved slightly, and he secretly thanked them for their kindness.


As the three of them were talking carefully, there was a commotion in the crowd, and a huge roar sounded, echoing in the hall, making ear drums faintly painful.

Rong Kaixuan's face changed slightly, and he shouted in a low voice, "It's that idiot."

His figure flashed, and he left quickly, rushing in the direction of the sound.

Fang Jian and Yuan Biao looked at each other, but their movements were not slow, and they followed Rong Kaixuan.

When they came to a corner of the hall, they suddenly saw a scene that made them indignant.

The giant bear was crawling on the ground, and it grinned, staring at an old man in front of him with a fierce look. Looking at its expression, it is clear that it has suffered a lot.

Fang Jian has not arrived, the sound comes first.

"Who dares to make trouble in Pinbaotang..."

The person turned around coldly, and all of Fang Jian's questioning voices suddenly swallowed into his abdomen, and he couldn't hum anymore.

This person turned out to be Li Xiaohai, an ancestor-level powerhouse from Zhongli mainland.

Rong Kaixuan frowned slightly, stepped forward, and said, "Senior, what are you going to do?"

Li Xiaohai glanced at him coldly and said, "The old man's house lacks a door-to-door beast. I think this silly bear is good, so just follow me."

ps: It's three shifts, I'll be off the list tomorrow, I'm asking for votes.

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