“Soul Slashing Sword”

Attack: 240

Speed: 220

Critical Hit: 230

Durability: 100/100

Special: Sword slash soul, deals an additional 15% physical damage when turned on.

Permissions: Only available above LV15

“This sword’s special abilities: It’s an early artifact…”

After reading the attributes of the Soul Slashing Sword, Han Yu thought in his heart.


Asuna ran up and hugged him.

Then he quickly took out five large blood bottles and opened them all and stuffed them into his mouth.

“A.. Asuna?”

Han Yu was taken aback.

But he still obediently drank the blood bottle.

Blood volume recovery.

He took a deep breath and always felt that he had become much stronger.

Looking at Asuna’s level, it has been upgraded to LV21, and it is estimated that it is almost LV22.

“Why are you so stupid.. If you die, I won’t live!” ”

Asuna sobbed as she pounded Han Yu’s shoulder.

“Okay, okay, I’m not okay, don’t worry, I won’t do it next time.”

Han Yu smiled and comforted her gently.

This time the battle really taught him a good lesson.

He forgot about the existence of the game’s floating difficulty.

Unless the player is strong enough to kill bosses quickly, or surpasses the floating difficulty value.

Otherwise, make adjustments on the fly, even for the smallest details.

For example, increasing attack speed or defense or damage can have a big impact.

Han Yu exceeded the strength that this level should have.

His one-sword damage, top LV10 players’ five swords.

In the face of such a situation, it is not surprising that even adjustments will be made.

Everyone applauded Han Yu.

“It’s so strong, I didn’t expect that the boss could actually take it abruptly with a heavy blow.”

Akil also applauded.

“Naw, Kirito, what do you think?”

Akir looked at Kirito.

“Outrageously strong: Especially in the last moment, the boss hit his weapon blocking skills, and actually lost so much blood, did he have any anti-damage equipment…”

Kirito said.

“Maybe, but it is undeniable that he is indeed very powerful, if it were not for the sudden adjustment of the BOSS, maybe he could really lose two bloody bosses in seconds.”

Akir said.

Just as the crowd cheered.


“Why!! Death to those four people! ”

The Tooth King suddenly roared.

“See death or not save?”

“What’s the situation?”

The light of the boss room disappeared, and the room darkened, leaving only the candle burning next to it.

The king of teeth sat on the ground, looking indignant and roaring.

“Don’t you know the tricks of bosses? Why not say it sooner! Killed four people!! ”

The Tooth King suddenly pointed at Kirito and said angrily.

Hearing Tooth’s words, other players seemed to agree with his statement.

“And you, since you are so strong, why don’t you fight the boss with everyone at the beginning, but hide behind!” Are you just for the last blow? For your greed, killed four people! ”

The Tooth King continued to point at Han Yu and said.

“Hey, don’t say that, people have knocked out two blood of the boss, and three guards! What’s more, when the boss changed his state, he was also seriously injured! ”

“It’s just, you’re a bit too much to say that!”

The groundless accusations of the tooth king have caused dissatisfaction among some players.

“Even if that’s the case, can that erase the fact that he stood there in the first place and did nothing? If he had joined the battlefield earlier, wouldn’t those four people have died! ”

King Tooth continued.

“The two of them must be the original closed beta players, they all know the tricks of the boss, but they deliberately refuse to say it, just to let us beat the boss’s HP down, and then sit back and enjoy it!”

The tooth king continued to say nonsense.

His words seem to stir up the emotions of some players.

Especially the friends of the four deceased.

He even stood up and accused Han Yu.

“And someone else! And closed beta players are also in it! It’s all out! ”

“You cowards! Come out!! ”

The atmosphere that was supposed to be celebrating suddenly became anxious.

Players looked at each other.

“Closed beta players, they should apologize like those four dead people! Because of your fault, they died! And the two of you! Call out the money and items you get! Kneel down and apologize! ”

The tooth king continued to fan the flames.

“Kneel down to apologize?”

Han Yu walked towards the tooth king.

“You: What do you want? ”

“Did I say before that I quit out of the range of boss attacks?”

Han Yu said as he walked.

The people around looked at each other.

“Said: He said. ”

Some players testified.

“So, when I bought enough time, why did those four stay in the attacking range? And you, standing last, what qualifications do you have to call here? How much output did you do? Just by the humiliating look of your LV11? Since the beginning of the gladiatorial arena meeting, you have looked like holding the flag for Skywalk and novices, what do you think you are? Huh?”

Han Yu came to him and looked at the Tooth King coldly.

“You still have a face called the Tooth King? You’re pretty much called Yasun, right? See for yourself your own data, output damage, 2021? Do maze areas brush wild boars? Waste?”

Han Yu continued.

“You: You..” The tooth king was speechless, he was trembling with anger.

“Is the dead player your dad? You are so filial that you want to arrange for them so much? Do you feel that you are very powerful and scream fiercely? How many people did you fight here? This game is purely technical, without krypton gold equipment, how many people have you beaten? Rubbish? You like money and gear, right? I’ll give you this opportunity, I’ll disarm other defensive equipment now, and give you a hand by the way, if you can win me, the equipment and money are yours, if you lose, I want your life, how?”

Han Yu smiled.


The air instantly froze, and everyone did not dare to speak.

“You: Do you know what you’re talking about?! “King Tooth’s fear has risen to the extreme.

He didn’t expect that the man in front of him would be so crazy that he actually wanted to kill someone.

Even if this is a game, as long as HP is emptied, he is truly dead.

“Don’t you dare? Waste?”

Han Yu continued.

“It’s all about playing games, and that’s how the gap between people comes from.”

“Some novice players figure it out for themselves and figure out how to improve themselves.”

“Even if it’s a closed beta player, who knows how to play when they first come into contact with this game?”

“Didn’t you explore and improve little by little? Only waste like you, waste in reality, and people who have to brush the sense of existence in the game will tarnish the experience of the game and the game environment. ”

“Let me ask you one last time, do you want to PVP with me?”

“This is your last chance, if you don’t dare, don’t let me see you from now on.”

“Otherwise, even in the safe zone, I will kill you until you dare not come out again.”

Han Yu pulled out his sword and pointed it at the face of the tooth king.

“I: I.. I was wrong, sorry, it’s my fault, I don’t dare, I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die ..”

The tooth king was frightened and stupid, knelt on the ground, and the whole person buried in the floor and cried.

“Change your name to Yasun, waste, roll.”

Han Yu said lightly.

The tooth king did not talk nonsense and ran away with a puff of smoke.

“Everyone listened to me, your own waste, don’t blame others for not taking you, just like Ikil said before, the closed beta players have already put the information in the store, who is to blame if they don’t buy it?” Is it just BB? No wonder so many people died. ”

Han Yu turned and walked towards the stairs leading to the second floor, and pointed out the midnight coat to put on.

“Asuna, let’s go.”

“Brother, is that really good?”

Asuna followed and asked.

“The reality is cruel, and that’s the reality, I’m just telling the truth.” Han Yu said.

After disappearing with Asuna at the door to the second floor, only a group of players were left looking at each other.

“That, anyway: Mourning for the dead players, but we got through the first layer, and they didn’t die in vain! Thank you! ”

Diabell said.

“Let’s go, Akil ..” Kirito said.

“Oh: Wow..” Akil slowed down and nodded.

“That, sorry, I’m actually a closed beta player, I hid it from you before.” Halfway through, Kirito suddenly said.

Akil patted him on the shoulder: “I guessed, you have your bitterness, I understand.” ”

The second layer, Urbas.

Block portal entrance.

Han Yu and Asuna stood here.

The second level is larger than the starting town.

But there are not as many buildings as on the first floor.

It’s more like a village in the wilderness, and beyond the village are mountains and forests.

However, there should be shops and blacksmith shops.

But there may not be much to eat.

Han Yu glanced at the manual issued by the sealed beta player.

The defensive boss of the second level is the Taurus King Astelius.

It was followed by the Taurus Admiral Balaam, armed with a warhammer shining with gold in both hands.

The Taurus Colonel Nato Taurus can continuously use the sword techniques “Paralyzing Impact” and “Paralyzing Blasting” that produce paralyzing effects

“This floor looks so desolate, I wish I had a place to live.”

Asuna looked around and said.

“There must be no problem with the place to live, but the conditions may be worse, but after the first layer of the boss is successfully attacked, presumably other players will also start to move, and the third and fourth layers are believed to be able to break through soon.”

Han Yu said and took Asuna to the town to find a place to live.

For a month, except for players in peer groups of four or six people.

There are also many guilds established, usually with more than 50 members in a guild.

Some of the more powerful guilds have reached a hundred.

In addition to guilds, there are also some malicious players who have formed “armies” and gradually entrenched the starting towns to divide up resources.

The benefits of the “army” are relatively evenly distributed and the number of people is huge, although there are few elite players, but there are many people and safety is guaranteed.

As a result, more people chose to join the military.

However, there are still many solo players or squad players.

Most guilds do not choose to attack the boss first, they are still fighting the foundation.

The further back you go, the more money you need to spend.

Although Han Yu is the richest of the solo players, he is compared to the group guild and the army.

He doesn’t swipe money much faster than hundreds of people combined.

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