“Will go back.”


“At the southern end of the twenty-two-story village of Gaulal, there seems to be a tree house, and I will buy it there as our home.”

“The scenery on the twenty-second floor is beautiful, and the maze area is very small, it is simply a paradise.”

Han Yu said.

Asuna smiled and said, “I’m looking forward to it.” ”

“Good night, Asuna.”

“Good night, brother.”

Three hours later.

After watching Asuna fall asleep, Han Yu quietly left the room.

Come to the portal.

He held up the teleportation crystal.

“Transfer, twenty-one, swamp land, Moselna.”

As the transfer crystal lit up, Han Yu disappeared in front of the portal.

On the twenty-first floor of Mosrna, few players will stay here.

Due to the thick biogas, the visibility is low, and the safe zone is not large, and there are not many good things to sell in the store.

Therefore, most players choose to stay in a better place to live on the eleventh floor or lower.

After all, by now, the transfer crystal worth 2,000 Kohl can be afforded by everyone.

The reason why they did not launch an attack on the twenty-first boss was because the major guilds wanted to breathe a sigh of relief and finally engage in a long and protracted battle.

In the shortest possible time, the raiders reached the thirtieth floor.

The boss of the twenty-first floor is a giant scorpion named Bad Scorpion Coses, which has a range of poisonous mist attacks and a large range of attacks.

When red blood, it will launch the poison needle at the tail, once stabbed, it will fall into a poisoned state, continue to lose blood, strong toxicity and fast blood loss.

However, Koseth’s reaction speed is slower than that of other layer bosses, but the difficulty lies in the high attack damage and the fast speed of blood loss in the poisonous mist attack.

If you want to attack, you must fight quickly.

In these four months, Han Yu has obtained two special skills during S-class missions.

“Game System Skill: Wrath of Hades (Increases the player’s armor breaking value by 20%, critical strike chance by 10%, strong chance by 20%, lasts 10 seconds, cools down for 75 seconds)”

“Game System Skill Ming Shan (Enhance the player’s visual brightness, 15% dodge rate, 15% Fit resistance, 15% hard straight resistance, 20% paralytic resistance)”

“Game System Skill: Cross Light Slash (Instantly releases the cross sword light to deal 6500–12500 damage to the target, cooldown: 60 seconds”

In addition to this, there is a system devouring skill.

“System Skill: Secret Skill Hyakuko (Instantly launch seven combos, cooldown: 60 seconds)”

In front of the boss door.

Han Yu put his hand on the door.

Pull the sword out of its sheath.

He was a little nervous.

This boss is different from previous bosses.

There are many uncontrollable factors, high attack damage, and range attacks with toxic fog, which makes it difficult to single out.

But he wanted Asuna to see the scenery he was talking about earlier.

But at the same time, this battle is also a test of his training results.

After making up his mind, Han Yu resolutely pushed open the door of the boss room.

And just after he walked into the boss room.

A squad of six people came to the vicinity of the boss room.

“Kiri: Kirito, isn’t that Han Yu? ”

Akiel stopped, pointed to the door of the boss’s room and said.

At this time, Kirito was also dressed in an orange suit, wearing a black coat and carrying a wide sword, which was much more mature than when he first entered the game.

“His partner Asuna didn’t join him, he wouldn’t be trying to single out the boss, would he?”

“What kind of joke, this boss didn’t eat it last time in the “Stepping Snow” guild 24 people, single out??”

“But… This Han Yu is actually alive.. He didn’t show up for four months, and I thought he was dead. ”

“Kirito, what now? The rest of the Raiders team will have to wait a while to come. Akil asked.

“The boss room is closed, we can only enter until his raiders are over, or he has absolute confidence in himself.”

Kirito’s eyes were complicated, looking at the huge stone door of the boss room.

“If he succeeds: Are we going to fight him? The other team members asked.

Kirito shook his head: “No, we have no reason or right to do this, and that thing was definitely not as simple as we thought.” ”

Then he said, “Now, wait. ”

Inside the boss room.

A desert-like scene appeared in front of Han Yu.

In the middle, there are several huge skeleton spikes that look like an altar.

And the bad scorpion Koses was lying in the middle.

The room lit up.

The boss wakes up, it raises its head, its tail is raised, and it growls.

The roar resounded throughout the room.

“Here we go…”

Everyone waiting outside the room swallowed their breath, unconsciously a little nervous.

Han Yu in the room looked at the boss and his expression froze.

He suddenly rushed out, none of the system skills and special skills were activated, and the speed was also very fast.

Seeing Han Yu rushing towards him, Koses raised his pliers and slammed it down.

Han Yu dodged flexibly, and in the face of the giant claw, his position was very limited, but he cleverly dodged.

Activate the skill “Sonic Impact”

Han Yu’s whole person was like a streamer, and instantly rushed to Koseth.

Launch the LV45 Fire One-Handed Sword Eight-Consecutive Fencing Technique “Roaring Eight Notes”

Han Yu waved the sword in his hand.

Keep slashing at the boss’s body.

Together.. Two: Three ways…

Soon, eight sword marks were engraved, and the pincers of the boss fell.


The dust was raised, and Han Yu had already withdrawn from the range.

Unleash the skill “Rage Stabbing”

Jumped up, aimed at the boss’s eyes, and stabbed down with a sword.


The brown fluid burst out instantly, and Han Yu stepped on the boss’s head and ran quickly.

Activate the skill “Vertical Slash”

A sword fell, and four rays of light instantly spread out in all directions.

Unleash the special skill “Wrath of Hades”

Unleash the special skill “Word of the Wind”

Activate the special skill “Myeongshan”

Three special skills are launched at the same time, Han Yu’s attack speed increases, the critical strike probability increases, and he quickly strikes fourteen combos, and eight swords are critical hits.

After that, he dodged from the boss to the ground.

Activate the skill “Cross Light Slash”

After landing, Han Yu did not give the boss a chance to react and activated the skill again.

A huge cross-white light skipped over the boss’s body.

A set of combo moves down, because Han Yu’s level itself is high, the boss has been worn off a half of blood.

Han Yu quickly took out the purification crystal and squeezed it in his hand, and retreated backwards.

He had just withdrawn some distance.

Purple mist gushed out.

Shrouded in the entire boss room.

“This range is too wide!”

Han Yu was shocked and quickly crushed the purification crystal.

Epidemic reduction effect within 10 seconds.

But a second before crushing, he had already lost 400 HP.

“It’s really perverted, no wonder the 24 people in the “Stepping Snow” guild can’t beat it.”

Han Yu whispered and attacked the boss again.

Activate the skill “Thunder Skyfall”

Han Yu raised his sword and jumped up, like a long rainbow through the sun, the auxiliary light was dazzling, and it fell directly.


The earth trembles.

This heavy range attack is a treasure for PVE, but PVP is easy to dodge.

The damage is considerable, and when it hits the boss’s head, its HP drops some again.

Activate the skill “Sharp Claw”

Activate the skill “Serpent Eater”

Activate the skill “Level Slash”

The auxiliary light lights up in different light one after another.

Han Yu walked around the boss, dodging and attacking.


When the BOSS HP dropped to one and a half, a poisonous needle suddenly flew out of its body, directly piercing Han Yu’s shoulder.

Han Yu flew out directly upside down and hit the BOSS gate.

“What the hell is going on inside.”

The previous movement was terrifying enough.

The waiting squad looked solemnly at the door of the boss room.

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