“Holy Dragon United..”

Looking at the current gang of dog-like players, Han Yu was full of emotion.

The game has been in operation for a year.

From the initial fear, to the initial efforts of everyone to fight the boss to survive.

Until now, most people are still looking forward to the day when they clear the level.

But they’re more like making games home.

Settling here, in order to survive, requires more interests and means of survival.

The people of “Holy Dragon United” are not mostly ordinary players like “Army”, and their purpose is simple, as long as they can survive.

These people follow the flow, follow commands, and have no independent personality or personal thoughts.

However, as a strategy group, the people of the “Holy Dragon Alliance” who are fighting on the front line are different.

They are “elite” beings for other ordinary players.

Since it is an elite, it will have its own little pride.

Therefore, unless faced with absolute power suppression, each of them will stop at nothing for the sake of profit.

Previously, under the influence of Kester’s slightly upright and strong personality.

Although the “Holy Dragon Alliance” has some improprieties underneath, in the end, it can still be calmed and its purpose is clear.

However, when the upper beam was completely crooked, the reorganization of the “Holy Dragon Union” was completely deviated at this moment.

Without qualified leaders, corruption will lead to destruction.

Han Yu sighed, although Kester is a strong person, he is a good person in the end.

During these eight months, although he was rarely active in the Raiders group.

But whenever he has any needs, Kester is usually responsive.

It is a pity that after this person gradually became better equipped, he held the final sword in his hand.

Wearing epic armor, the rest are orange, and misjudging the strength of the boss leads to death.

This incident not only shocked many players, but also gave Han Yu a wake-up call.

He may be a strong presence in the player group, and of course he may be the strongest existence.

But this is a game after all.

Reality is better to plan than to change, not to mention a game full of data.

Whether it’s the boss or the mission, everything is in the control of the game itself.

Tenfold counter-injury is only seven seconds, after seven seconds, what should I do?

Han Yu since the third level to the last immune to the Dark Elf Queen.

He is in awe of the world, so he constantly hones his true strength.

Looking at this group of people, Han Yu slowly raised his sword.

Point to everyone.

said slowly.

“You guys haven’t reached the point where you have to die, and I don’t want to kill so many players at once, so the red name is very slow to eliminate, so I’m sorry, can you please go by yourself?”


“Huh? What are you talking about?”

“Hey, hey, what is this kid thinking?”

“Just like you, don’t make us laugh, okay?”

“Is this a Christmas flag?”


Han Yu’s words caused the people of the “Holy Dragon Alliance” to laugh.

But only Kirito and Klein and the people of the “Wind Forest Volcano” understood that he was not talking about this as a joke.

Facing the ridicule of the “Holy Dragon Alliance”, Han Yu’s face was expressionless.

He just hoped that these people wouldn’t be like Sabi.

However, the way to subdue Shabi.

Only kill chickens and monkeys.

Han Yu walked forward.

“Han Yu..”

Kirito grabbed him by the shoulder.

“Don’t be like this, they’re all green name players ..”

“I know.”

Han Yu replied.

Kirito’s hand took off and watched Han Yu walk forward.

“Hey, what do you want to do? One person singled out all of us?”

“Huh? Really?”

“Hey, you might still have a chance of winning together!”

The people of the “Holy Dragon Alliance” continued to provoke.

“Shut up!”

Asuna suddenly said angrily.

Everyone was stunned, including the people of the “Holy Dragon Union”.

Asuna pointed at them.

“What right do you have to call here?” The Holy Dragon Union is really incurable, when Kester was still there, it was much better than now. ”

“What did this woman say?”

“I don’t know, crazy, right? How long has Kester been dead. ”

As soon as this person’s words came out, he suddenly felt a chill in front of him.

I saw that Han Yu came to him instantly, but he was at least 15 meters away from where Han Yu was just now.

Han Yu’s sword was pointed at his head.

“Swallow the words back, slap yourself twice, I’ll give you a chance.” Han Yu said lightly.

“You..” The speaker was dumbfounded.

No one else reacted, including Diwen, who led the team.

“His strength has increased a lot ..”

Kirito said with a solemn expression.

With the improvement of data attributes, the strength will indeed be strong, but it is only on the data.

Reaction speed, attack methods, attack patterns, etc. are difficult to practice, just like practicing kendo in real life.

Some people may be strong in the game because it is system-assisted.

In addition, the body in the game is very light, and it is even more convenient to play.

So although it has been played for a long time, it will look strong, but in vain, it is only a formality.

But Han Yu did not focus on the promotion form.

He borrows various traps from the game to pick out inferior armor.

Make your weight feel similar to your real body.

After that, the weight is increased, as if the real body is running and practicing with at least 50kg of weight.

In this way, what he has practiced is something real.

Compared to what martial arts secret techniques and the like.

Irongrandley’s sword skills are the best kendo guide.

Practice without triggering the auxiliary light, and over time, it will be remembered in your mind.

One day he can return to reality, and with time and practice, even without auxiliary light, his sword skills can be superb.

Kirito saw this and felt even more terrifying about Han Yu.

Originally, under the pressure of the game of death, many people no longer have the heart to do anything else.

But Han Yu in front of him was able to temper the foundation to such a terrifying point.

Kirito felt for a moment that Han Yu was like an indigenous person living in this world.

Syllable! Syllable!

The speaker slapped himself twice, and the lower hand looked quite ruthless, after all, 70 blood was lost.

After that, Han Yu looked at the others.

“Do you still want to fight?”

They were left speechless at this question.

Han Yu’s speed they saw, it is very likely to die directly.

But why should they be afraid of such a person?

Two kinds of psychology hovered in the hearts of the “Holy Dragon Alliance” gang.

They clenched their weapons.

Team leader Di Wen was usually used to it, did not believe in this evil, waved the two-handed sword in his hand, and rushed towards Han Yu.

He has a level above 60 and a fast speed bonus.

But in Han Yu’s eyes, he was as slow as a snail.

Every day, he practiced arrows at a speed of more than 90 kilometers per hour, and practiced weights in a small space.


Diwen’s sword cut off loneliness.

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