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But there was no harvest at all, as if it disappeared out of thin air.

Imir guessed that it was probably lurking in the deep sea.

Even if there was a thick fog to cover it, with its unreasonable size, it was estimated that it could only hide in the deep sea.

Speaking of the deep sea.

The deepest part of the ocean in the previous life was only more than 10,000 meters, which probably couldn't hide such a giant monster.

So, how deep is the ocean in this world?

50,000 meters? Or 100,000 meters?

Should it be said that it is worthy of the world of the ocean?

But there is another question, how did a monster of this size survive?

With its size, even the ecological chain of the pirate world would find it difficult to support it, right?

Does it eat sea kings for every meal? After not finding that thing, Imir was a little disappointed, but it was just disappointment.

As I said, if you sigh just because you can't get what you want, then life will be too boring.

Unable to find the monster, Ymir began to look for his companions.

The waves caused by the monster's hasty retreat were simply horrifying.

If I had to make an analogy, it was like the waves caused by stumbling back a few steps in waist-deep water, but at this time, humans were roughly the size of dust.

The terrifying waves were surging on the sea, as if they were going to swallow everything!

"It's really a doomsday scene."

Ymir sighed while flying high in the sky using the Moon Step,"But it's still a little difficult to do anything to my guys."

Although the waves are terrible, they are destined to be unable to do anything to the submarine with a shell made of historical stone.

It's just that it may be difficult for the crew to keep spinning in the sea water.

And the trouble is that it's too difficult to find the submerged ship in this situation.

Fortunately, Ymir still has a trick up his sleeve.

He took out a Den Den Mushi

"Bulu Bulu"


Soon, the other end picked up the phone.

"What's going on now, Imir! My head is spinning!"

As soon as the call was connected, Barrett's roar came from the other side.

As expected, everything is fine, that's good.

Imir smiled and said,"Nothing, I punched the monster, and it caused a little wave when it retreated."

"You call this a little storm?"

Barrett said angrily,"And you bastard, you really went to have a good fight with that monster, right!"

"How was it? Did you kill him?"

"How could it be that easy? You should be glad that you didn't fight it.

Ymir smiled,"Otherwise you would cry."

Barrett is the type who likes to be tough. If he really fights the monster just now, he will probably be beaten up.

Even if he uses the final form of awakening, he is just a little brother in front of that monster. I'm afraid he is not worthy of a slap.

"Humph, I didn't see anything, so of course you can say whatever you want."

Barrett looked unconvinced.

"Okay, wait until the current calms down a bit, float to the surface, and I will come to find you with the life card."To survive in the Grand Line

, Ymir hung up the phone.

Of course, you have to prepare things like life cards.

Ymir didn't have to worry about not finding people.

It was already the next morning when the waves really calmed down. Ymir used the Moon Step to float in the air with the life card for a night.

When the sea surface was rippled and the red unidentified object wrapped in a ball came out of the sea, the white mist had dissipated, and he had already left the magic triangle. The red marks on the surface of the red unidentified object quickly faded, leaving a long and narrow ellipsoidal submarine.

Then the submarine unfolded and turned into a ship again.

Once again, it is a waste of Barrett's ability not to do architecture.

Ymir landed lightly on the deck and saw a group of pale guys, all lying on the deck in a mess.

"It's already daybreak, why don't you get up?"

Imir said


Dover couldn't even make a complete laugh of his signature laugh. He gasped and spoke intermittently,"I was almost suffocated to death."

"I feel so dizzy."

Picavilgo and his companions were even more miserable, their faces were blue and they looked like they were going to vomit."The boat has been turning all night, and my brain feels like it's going to explode."

"I can't imagine that the ocean currents can become so violent,"

Jinbei also looked frightened,"Captain, what was that thing last night?"

Not only him, but other crew members also turned their heads, hoping to get an answer from Ymir.

"Who knows?"

Imir said casually,"Maybe it's some kind of weapon left over from ancient times?""

That kind of creature is definitely not normal!

Just like the Lord Elephant, it doesn't look like a species that can be raised naturally. It has completely surpassed the ecosystem in which they live.

They were definitely created as weapons!

"Oh wow, it's hard to believe that there are still monsters like this in the place where I've been wandering for 25 years."

Brooke, who was on the boat, said with some palpitations,"It makes me dizzy too."

"Although my head is only bones left!"

""Yohohohoho, bone joke!"

No one paid any attention to him.

Ymir was laughing happily.

Isn't it interesting to see the characters in the plot playing tricks in front of you?

Ymir finally looked at the sea covered by white fog behind him. Although he didn't catch the thing this time, he would come back again.

After all, there are a total of 100 monsters in the original work.���There are three, but I only met one last night.

It will be fun to meet again.

The ship continued to move forward.

The speed of the ship blessed by Vergo is amazing, and it can be said to be the same speed as a ship on the sea.

It has to be said that Vergo still has talent. In the original work, he was able to have the strength of an elite lieutenant general without the ability of the fruit, and he was also a top strongman on the sea. With the teachings of Imir, this world line has made faster progress. After obtaining the smoke fruit, he worked hard every day and his familiarity with his abilities increased rapidly.

The growth of his abilities has brought about an increase in the speed of the ship. Although he also needs rest time to recover his physical strength, even so, his speed of travel is quite amazing.

Soon, about a week later, a special island appeared on the sea in the distance.

This island is really very special.

The whole thing is a cone shape, with a huge fountain on the top!

A huge amount of water is sprayed from the center, and then converges into ocean currents from several directions and flows down.

This is the world's number one shipbuilding island, the island where the top shipbuilders on the sea gather, the city of water! _Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading-collection, recommendation

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