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Ymir was reading comics in his previous life, he also had two guesses about the blueprint in Tom's hand.

One is that this blueprint is the blueprint of Pluto, which was designed by the craftsmen who designed Pluto eight hundred years ago.

The second is that this blueprint is not the blueprint of Pluto, but the blueprint of another super weapon that can check Pluto and was left behind by the shipbuilder at that time because he was afraid that Pluto would lose control.

In fact, none of them make sense.

Whether it is Pluto or the super weapon that can compete with Pluto, aren't they the same?

There is no difference at all, right?

The moment Ymir opened his mouth, the fishman Tom's expression immediately changed, as if he had heard something extremely terrible.

This is indeed the case. The news that he had the blueprint of Pluto in his hand could not be leaked. How did the boy in front of him know it?

In fact, Tom was not the only one who was surprised. Doflamingo, who followed behind Ymir, also spoke in astonishment.

"Hey, am I wrong? Ymir, why are you talking about Pluto all of a sudden?"

Doflamingo is naturally very familiar with ancient weapons."You mean, this guy has the blueprint of Pluto? You are not kidding, you never said that before!"

"Indeed, sir,"

Tom said calmly,"I have never heard of the Pluto blueprint. You must have been deceived by some unreliable rumors."

"Eight hundred years ago, in the Water City, which was the center of the world's shipbuilding industry at the time, an unprecedented warship that could change the world was born."

Ymir said slowly,"It was the ultimate creation of all the skilled craftsmen at the time. It was so powerful that it was said that a single shot could destroy an island. It was later called the Pluto."


Doflamingo was surprised,"Pluto was actually created in this Water City? Ymir, you are not kidding, are you? I don't even know this!" There are so many things you don't know.

Ymir was too lazy to talk nonsense with him.

Tom said,"Even the people of our Water City don't know this history. Sir, are you talking nonsense? How could the legendary ancient weapons be made by a group of boatmen?"

"How could I have any Pluto blueprints in my hand?"

He said it very sincerely, and his earnest words made people believe it.

But Ymir said,"If I say you have it, you must have it, even if you don't have it."

Tom was stunned.

"Barrett, give me some deterrence."

Ymir said without turning his head.

"That's enough, a bunch of garbage, why not just crush them all into scum?"

Barrett sneered unhappily,"When did you become so fussy?"

Although he said so, he immediately stepped forward, and a purple halo spread!

In Tom's astonished eyes, a huge mud and stone giant suddenly rose up and continued to expand. At this moment, the entire wreckage island was engulfed and turned into a giant that stood tall!


When had the country bumpkins in the paradise ever seen such a shocking sight?

Master Tom was simply stunned and sat on the ground unable to move.

Barrett was still saying,"Is the deterrent enough? If not, I will merge the entire island together!"

"That's enough."

Ymir nodded, then looked at Tom and said calmly,"I'll say it one last time, Master Tom, give me the blueprint, otherwise, let the entire Water City sink into the sea."

To deal with such a kind-hearted good man, threatening the lives of innocent people is really the best way.

"Isn't this a bit too much?"

Jinbei still stood with Teach and couldn't help but whispered,"If the other party doesn't give it, the captain won't really destroy the city, right?"

Teach nodded solemnly,"Based on my understanding of the captain, he will definitely do it."

Of course, if the deterrence is not implemented, it is not called deterrence.

Gion couldn't help but said,"Ymir!"

"Don't talk, Gion."

Ymir still didn't turn around,"It's not me who decides whether the Water City will be destroyed, but Mr. Tom."

The fishman Tom still stared at the huge giant, trembling all over.

"So, Mr. Tom, what is your decision?"

Imir said solemnly.

"Sir, you must be mistaken,"

Tom said, looking pale,"I really don't have any Pluto blueprints here."

Imir sighed,"Really? You have to see the disaster with your own eyes before you realize it, right?"


""Hahaha! Wouldn't it be better if we did this earlier?"

Barrett let out a long roar, and the giant's body continued to expand. The purple halo even engulfed part of the coast of the Water City.

Then the giant, which suddenly expanded to hundreds of meters in size, raised its huge fist high, and in the next moment it was about to smash towards the Water City on one side!

If it hit hard, the Water City would probably be smashed into a deep gully that was enough to divide the island!

"No! Stop it!"

Tom's eyes were red with anger,"Stop it now!"

Imir said calmly,"I said, without the blueprints, the Water City will sink to the bottom of the sea today."

Tom finally closed his eyes in pain,"Stop it, I'll give you the blueprints."

Imir smiled slightly,"Stop, Barrett."

Look, isn't this very easy?

Is it necessary to go through so much trouble like the government did?

Is it necessary to send spies to lurk for five years?

Wouldn't it be better to threaten the Water City directly?

Why bother about face? Anyway, it's shameless.

Soon, Tom took a thick stack of papers and handed it to Imir hesitantly.

Imir didn't rush to snatch it. It was actually quite interesting to see Tom's painful and annoyed expression.

Tom was actually thinking about whether to destroy the drawings once and for all.

But he gave up the idea after all. If he really did that, the unscrupulous boy in front of him would definitely destroy the entire Water City completely.

After taking the drawings from Tom, Imir flipped through them casually, and he really couldn't understand it at all. Closing the drawings, Imir looked at Tom, who had a dejected face, and smiled,"Is this really okay, Master Tom? For a mere Water City, you give such a thing to an unscrupulous pirate like me. After I create Pluto, I will definitely turn the sea upside down."

"Is it worth it to put the whole world in danger because of an island?"

Mr. Tom's face turned even paler.

Gion couldn't help but say,"What a bad taste!""


Without waiting for Tom's answer, Ymir laughed and turned away, then threw the blueprint to Barrett.

"Look at Barrett carefully and try to master it as soon as possible." Imir said,"You will be the sniper of our pirate group in the future."

Barrett's existence happens to be able to truly bring out the value of the blueprint!

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