"Hey! Ymir, what are you doing?"

Barrett was furious,"Go down and have some fun with these guys!"

At this time, the Strongest was flying high in the sky.

But with Barrett's domineering eyesight, he could still clearly see and sense a group of pirates gathered on the shore of Alabasta below.

Barrett wanted to go down and have some fun with them.

But Ymir thought it was troublesome. He just wanted to get the historical text and run away.

"If you want to play, just jump down and play."

Ymir was annoyed by him.

This guy was really violent and could not resist the temptation of fighting.

"You said it!"

After saying this, Barrett didn't give Ymir any time to regret and jumped directly from the spaceship.

After all, it was thousands of meters above the ground, and he was not afraid at all.

It was quite like Kaido of the Beasts.

"This lunatic."

Doflamingo laughed,"Ymir, why don't you let him go and let me be the vice captain."

Ymir hesitated for a moment, then thought about it and said,"Okay."


Doflamingo said in a pleasantly surprised tone,"Have you finally realized that Barrett is good at nothing but fighting, and that I am the most reliable person on the ship?"

"But Barrett is a good fighter."

Ymir said with some regret,"The vice-captain should at least be the second best fighter in the pirate group, right? Dover, go fight Barrett, if you win, I will let you be the vice-captain."

Dover snorted and said nothing.

Even though he is much stronger than himself at the same time in the original work, Doflamingo is no match for Barrett.

At this time, on the coast of Saint Ting Island below.

Dozens of pirate groups gathered here, for Ymir, for the strongest pirate group, for the Pluto blueprint!

But they never expected that the person they had been waiting for for a long time was flying quickly over their heads, and they still got nothing.

No, it's not really nothing.

At least they welcomed a surprise.


The meteorite fell to the ground, and the terrifying force directly smashed the coast. The terrifying shock wave directly blew the huge rubble into the sky.

The next moment, before the flying rubble flew far, the purple light had already spread.

Instantly covered everything around!

In the eyes of the pirates who were terrified, the huge giant suddenly rose up.

"Hahahaha!! If you dare to snipe us, then you must be prepared!"

The giant fist began to swing mercilessly.

Ymir, who was flying in the air, heard the huge vibrations below, and his heart was calm.

Let Barrett do it.

They are just a group of pirates in the paradise, not worthy of being on the stage.

The spaceship went straight to the country of Alabasta, Albana.

When buying the pointer, the map of Alabasta had already been prepared, so they would not get lost.

Alabasta is a country built in the desert. Looking down, it is full of endless yellow sand.

It didn't take long for Albana to arrive. The spaceship began to lower its altitude and landed towards the location of the palace.

All the residents of Albana were dumbfounded when they looked at the pirate ship falling from the sky. When had they seen a flying pirate ship?

Not caring about what these guys thought, Ymir's spaceship finally stopped steadily behind the Albana Palace, above the mausoleum of the Nefertari family.

Ymir jumped off the ship.

As soon as he landed, a group of guards who hurried over met him face to face.

""Stop, you evil thief!"

A guard roared,"This is the royal mausoleum!"

Alabasta is one of the few great powers in the world, and it can easily mobilize an army of hundreds of thousands of people. There are really few countries in the world that can do this.

Without even looking at him, Ymir unfolded his Observation Haki and began to search the underground space here.

The main purpose of Observation Haki is to detect breath, and it is a bit more troublesome to search for inanimate things like historical texts.

But it doesn't matter, just detecting the shape can easily find the location of the historical text.

"" Stop!!"

Another loud shout.

But this time it was not the guards who wanted to stop Ymir, but a guy with a crown on his head.

The young Nefertari Cobra ran over panting,"Stop! Stop!"

He stopped the guards who were about to stop Ymir.

"Let him do whatever he wants to do, don't stop him! Never!"

Cobra looked straight at Imir and said,"Let's retreat."

Imir glanced at him and smiled.

There are indeed some knowledgeable and sensible people on this sea, not just those brainless pirates on Gaya Island and the coast.

Oh? Found it.

Imir found what he wanted, took a few steps forward and stomped his right foot casually.

The powerful armed color domineering surged, directly shattering the nearby ground from the inside, and then Imir fell lightly into the empty space below.

"Another one."

Ymir stepped on the huge stone and chuckled.

The next thing to do is to copy the text on the stone.

Hmm? Wait.

Is it necessary to copy it?

Ymir smiled slightly and just took it away. It is not enough to embed the spaceship with two historical texts, so let's take the third one away.

Ymir's body swelled instantly, and he lifted the stone that had been here for about eight hundred years and soared into the sky.

There is a problem.

The Nephtaruri clan of Alabasta was one of the twenty kings. Although they chose to withdraw, they were also one of the Celestial Dragons.

So it's very strange, why would a historical text that clearly exists to overthrow the World Government be placed in the mausoleum of the Nephtaruri family?

Or it records the location of Pluto, which is quite important?

Hey, so the blank hundred years is really interesting.

Why did the Nephtaruri retreat at the height of their careers, or even turn against them? After moving the stone back to the deck, the spaceship slowly took off, and Ymir thought about it casually.

""Oh, by the way," he suddenly remembered something and asked Tian Yueshi,"Shi, you are from eight hundred years ago, so, can you interpret the ancient characters in the historical text?"

""Eh? Eight hundred years ago?"

Jinbei was shocked. He had never heard of this.

"From eight hundred years ago?"

Gion was also surprised. Although Toki's ability was the Toki-Toki fruit, which allowed him to travel back in time, she also didn't expect that Toki was from eight hundred years ago.

Toki ignored their exclamations and calmly replied to Imir's question,"No, in fact, the period I lived in was the end of the blank hundred years."

"I see."

Imir nodded, somewhat helplessly saying,"Then it seems that we have no choice but to go to the West Sea."

"West Sea?"

Doflamingo was surprised."What's in the West Sea?""

"A cultured person."

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