Imir finally understood what it meant to foresee the future with Observation Haki.

It was definitely not the kind of foreseeing the future that intercepted the torrent of fate with a single calculation like in fairy tales, nor was it the foreseeing the future through a crystal ball like in astrology in magic novels.

It was to calculate.

The essence of Observation Haki is a field.

The spiritual stance that spreads out can cover the surrounding space and recognize or analyze the objects within the range.

And foreseeing the future is a further evolution of such observation and analysis!

While instantly detecting the information of all objects around, it calculates and analyzes on this basis.

For example, it is like the supercomputer tree diagram designer of Academy City in the animation"A Certain Magical Index". This machine can completely predict the actions of all air particles on the earth and can calculate the weather for a month in one breath. Observation Haki foreseeing the future is a bit like this, combining all the information detected and analyzing part of the future on this basis.

The basis of this ability is a strong insight into the microscopic world.

At this moment, with Roger's teaching, Imir finally understood this thoroughly.

He sighed slightly,

"This is what it means to foresee the future."


Roger's sword-wielding hand froze for a moment. He saw that Ymir's eyes had regained their agility."What do you mean? Could it be that you have already mastered the ability to foresee the future with your Observation Haki?"

"Let's give it a try."

Ymir smiled.

He unlocked the Ultra Instinct and kept the speed increase at 30 times.

Without the Ultra Instinct, which was the most physically demanding, Ymir felt that he could fight to the sky with just the speed increase.

"This is too sensational. I don't really believe it."

Roger grinned and thrust with his sword.

Ymir's eyes widened and flashed red.

The scene of the future has been imprinted in his mind.

He easily dodged Roger's thrust and then swung his right hand, and a slash whizzed out.

Roger's sword had already been erected in front of him one step ahead of time to break Ymir's huge slash, and then slashed forward.

But Ymir had seen the future again, and dodged to the side in advance and kicked sideways.

Roger also took a step back in advance and easily avoided Ymir's attack.

Then the two froze.

Ymir's eyes flashed red, constantly predicting the future. In the future he saw, Roger kept dodging his attacks, and he also kept dodging Roger's attacks.

He didn't know how to attack at all.

Roger didn't move, and it seemed that he was also foreseeing the future, and probably saw the same future.

The situation is very embarrassing. You predict the future, I predict the future you predict, and I predict that you predict the future I predict, and it's endless.

"Why don't we stop for a while?"

Roger couldn't help but say,"It seems there is no point in continuing to fight. This kind of battle is not interesting at all."

Ymir nodded heavily,"I agree."

If we continue to fight, it will be like a fucking nesting doll, layer after layer.

Roger put the sword back into the sheath at his waist and took a breath."What kind of monster are you? In just a short time of fighting with me, have you really learned to foresee the future with your observation Haki?"

"Because I am a genius."

Ymir said as a matter of course,"This is not difficult."

"Isn't this difficult? Ha, you are more than a genius."

Roger sighed,"Your talent is unheard of. To call you a monster is far from enough to describe you. Are you really only twelve years old?"

"You are indeed twelve years old. You are exaggerating about your talent."

Ymir said calmly.

Roger suddenly remembered something,"What is the ability of the light on your head just now? Even if I meet the future, I can't touch you at all. I think it is even more powerful than the ability to foresee the future with the Observation Haki."


Ymir said

"Tsk, young people nowadays are really amazing."

Roger smacked his lips,"It seems that the gold cannot be obtained."

Ymir said,"But you can at least take away someone who understands..."

Roger was surprised,"After all, Ymir, how do you know all these things?"


"You have so many secrets."

Roger shook his head helplessly,"Forget it, let's stop here today. You are indeed worthy of the 2.5 billion bounty, and I can't do anything to you."

""Guys, stop it!"

He turned his head and shouted,"The battle is over."

Pluto Rayleigh stepped back, letting Barrett smash the ground with one punch, and laughed,"But it seems that brother Barrett doesn't want to stop yet."

Ymir looked at the huge stone man who was still waving his fists helplessly, and shouted,"Barrett, stop it, it's over."

Barrett finally stopped and directly disbanded the huge stone man. Ning popped his head out from a pile of rubble and complained loudly,"Why is it another half-baked one? I'm not having fun at all!"

"Hahaha, maybe next time, Barrett,"

Rayleigh laughed,"Battles and such, this is the only thing that will never be lacking in this sea."

Barrett snorted coldly, very unhappy.

So everyone stopped, Ymir's men came to Ymir's side, and Roger's men also came behind Roger.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, I thought we were dead."

Doflamingo laughed strangely,"Ymir, there should be fewer surprises like this in the future."

Roger ignored him and looked at Ymir,"Boy, do you want to have a party?"

"Party? That sounds great,"

Ymir smiled,"but forget it, I have things to do."

He was in a hurry to dig up Hades, so how could he have the time to hold a party with Roger?

"That's a shame."

Roger smacked his lips."��I went out to sea just to hold a banquet on every island in the world."

This was the first time Imir heard Roger's reason for going out to sea. He turned around and prepared to leave without commenting. Then he remembered something and turned around and asked Roger again,

"Roger, I have the blueprints of Pluto, aren't you interested at all?"

Even if Roger is not interested in ancient weapons, he should have some thoughts about the blueprints of Pluto delivered to his door, right?

"Pluto? Ancient weapons?"

Roger's mouth sank,"Who would be interested in that kind of thing?"

Is it necessary to be so disgusted?

Ymir smiled. Should he say that he is worthy of being Roger?

He is really ready to leave this time.

Roger's last declaration was a little loud, so much so that the O'Hara people on one side of the battlefield also heard it.

Dr. Kuloba was slightly startled at first, then gritted his teeth.

He suddenly shouted,"Captain Roger!"

"Ymir already knows the whereabouts of Pluto! He is too dangerous. If Pluto falls into his hands, the world will be over! Please stop him from digging for Pluto!"

He knew very well that with the mobility of the Ymir Pirates' flying pirate ship, once they left O'Hara, they would be able to dig out Pluto quickly!

By that time, it would be really bad!

Only Roger could stop him, and Kuloba had no choice but to try desperately!

Roger was slightly startled.

Ymir's footsteps stopped abruptly.

Agent Jack in the crowd felt his heart beating in his throat.

Kuloba knew about this, which meant that the stack of paper that Ymir had just given him contained the text that recorded the whereabouts of Pluto!

Ymir no longer just had the blueprints of Pluto, he was even about to dig out the real Pluto!

Ymir turned around and looked at Dr. Kuloba with some regret,"You are looking for death."

Kuroba looked at Ymir fearlessly.

He was betting that Roger had something to ask of him, that Roger would not watch Ymir slaughter O'Hara, and that Roger would stop Ymir from taking Pluto!

He shouted,"Captain Roger, Pluto is on Edland Island in the New World. Please stop Ymir from getting Pluto no matter what!"

Even if someone had to get Pluto, he hoped it would be Roger, who was not interested in ancient weapons, rather than Ymir, who could threaten the lives of people on an island at will.

Ymir's eyes were deep,"Roger really gives you enough confidence."

In the crowd, Mr. Jack quietly turned on the special Den Den Mushi.

This news must be reported to the government immediately!

Something interesting is about to happen!

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