Edland Island is an ordinary island in the New World.

It is quite large, but not populated, with ordinary climate and ordinary products. There is nothing special about it.

There is an Edland Kingdom on the island, which originally surrendered to the Golden Lion Pirates and sought the protection of the Golden Lion.

But since the Golden Lion was captured by Ymir a few months ago, most of the Golden Lion Pirates were incorporated by Kaido, and the Golden Lion Pirates collapsed directly.

The Edland Kingdom lost its protection, and the royal family was trembling with fear all day long, fearing that the pirates would come to cause trouble.

The kingdoms in this world, if they don't have money to pay the government's Tianshangjin and franchise fees, will live a miserable life.

Without the protection of the navy, pirates will come to invade at any time, and it is not strange to destroy the country.

This kind of thing is more frequent in the New World. After all, the pirates here are more fierce, bolder, and more greedy, and even the government affiliated countries are useless.

Without the protection of the big pirates, you never know when they will be invaded by pirates and directly destroyed.

So, pirates are the scum of the sea, no doubt about it.

However, at this time, when the Ederland royal family was anxiously thinking about who to seek for protection, a warship landed on Ederland Island.


King Edland was shocked when he heard the news.

The Kingdom of Edland is not a member of the government.

The reason is very simple, it cannot afford to pay the joining fee and Tianshang Gold, although there are only 170 member states of the government, which only accounts for half of the number of countries and regions in the world.

But in fact, most of the remaining half want to join the World Government, but the government does not want them at all. Who will protect you if you can't pay the protection fee?

So King Edland was very surprised. Why would the navy come to his country?

It is not their business at all.

Is there any big pirate hidden in his own country?

In any case, the people he should meet still have to be met.

In any case, the navy's sign of upholding justice is still very loud.

If you can get in touch with the navy, you don't have to be afraid of the invasion of pirates.

This is also a person who has not correctly recognized the class attributes of the navy.

King Edland's excitement was in vain. The warships on the coast were empty. Only a few navy officers were left guarding the warship.

Although he did not see the leader of the navy, King Edland was also quite surprised.

Because this ship is so big, hundreds of meters in size, it is definitely a large ship of the highest standard in the navy, and can carry thousands of navy soldiers.

To be able to board such a large ship, one must be at least a big shot at the level of vice admiral of the navy!

And it can't be an ordinary vice admiral, at least he must be an elite vice admiral guarding the G series base!

Big shot, a real big shot!

King Edland felt that he was big enough to think of himself as a vice admiral, but in fact, the identity of the person who actually boarded this sea ship was even more amazing than that.

There is a big mountain on the east side of Edland Island, near the sea, in the shape of a cone. On the top of the mountain is a huge lake. The lake water is a little turbid, after all, there is no fresh water injected.

At this time, on the shore of the lake, the real person in charge of the navy warship, who received a secret order from the Five Elders and was actually responsible for excavating the Pluto warship, said in a deep voice,

"Is this the place?"

"Yes, General Zhan Guo."

A man beside him who looked ordinary nodded in confirmation.

This man was of course a spy for CP. Their footprints could be found everywhere in the sea.

Long before Zhan Guo arrived, their people had already checked the entire Ederland Island.

"This is the most suspicious place in the entire Ederland Island."

The CP said,"We have tested it. This lake is abnormally deep, and the space becomes larger as you go down. There is also a small mountain at the bottom."

"If Pluto really exists on this island, then it is most likely here!"

Zhan Guo nodded,"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

CP shook his head again and again,"It's all for the government service, this is what we should do."

Zhan Guo said,"Then get ready to dig!"

CP said,"The problem is here, if Pluto is really here, it must be under the mountains, at the bottom of the deep lake, and the excavation work may not be so easy"

"That's right."

Zhan Guo nodded and said,"You said the lake gets bigger as you go down?"

CP replied,"Yes, that's true."

"That's easy."

Zhan Guo said,"That is to say, the wall at the bottom of the mountain is not that thick. We can dig through it and drain the water from the deep lake."

"Anyway, this mountain is close to the sea, and if the lake water is discharged in the direction of the sea, it will not affect the lives of the residents on the island."

The CP hurriedly praised,"It is worthy of being the general of the Warring States, it is indeed Mr. Warring States, who is known as a wise general, this strategy is brilliant!"

Warring States was unmoved,"Then take action——"

Zhan Guo was only halfway through his words when he was interrupted by a wild laugh from the sky.

""Wu la la la! Sengoku, long time no see!"

In the sky, above the thick clouds, a huge blue dragon poked its head out from the clouds,"What a coincidence, you are here to find Hades too?"

Sengoku's pupils suddenly shrank.

How did Kaido know that Hades was here?

Could it be that Ymir guy?

"Mom, mom! Kaido, why are you here too?"

The more terrifying thing is coming. Another laugh suddenly rose, and Zhan Guo turned his head.

On the other side, Charlotte Linlin, who was riding on the clouds, was holding a big knife in her hand.

""Charlotte Lingling!"

Zhan Guo gritted his teeth.

The situation was very bad!

But how could the situation be as bad as Zhan Guo saw now?

Of course, there are worse things!

""Kaido, Lingling! It's been so many years!"

Wild and loud voices came from the bottom of the mountain, and a figure stepped on the air and flew up from the bottom of the mountain.

"Silver Axe!!"

Zhan Guo gritted his teeth and spat out the name

"Silver Axe, you dare to come here? Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

Another laugh, and on the other side of the mountain, a figure soared into the sky and landed on the other side of the lake.

"Wang Zhi!"

Zhan Guo felt the muscles on his cheeks tremble.

"What's going on? Is Rocks going to be resurrected?"

A cold and teasing voice sounded, and suddenly, a figure quickly appeared on the other side of the lake shore.

"But it seems that a Newgate is missing."

The new man sneered.


Kaido in the sky frowned,"Ryder? You bastard dare to come here? Aren't you afraid of death?"

Zhan Guo frowned and couldn't relax.

Kaido, Charlotte Linlin, Silver Axe, Wang Zhi, Ryder!

What's going on? Why are all these guys gathered here!

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