The island of Edland had been badly damaged.

The water rushing out from the deep lake in the mountains swallowed up a city in an instant, and turned a large area on the east side of the island into a swamp.

But disasters continued to come.

When Jin led his pirates to walk on the shallow water layer and approached the area with constant roars, they suddenly stopped.

""Jin? What are you doing, kid?"

Quinn beside him complained,"Why are you stopping? Why don't you go support Boss Kaido?"

Although only one ship came this time, there is no doubt that the Beasts Pirates have sent out their best troops since it concerns Pluto.

With Jin and Quinn as the commanders, below them are the newly formed Numbers and the half-formed Flying Six. Although there are not many miscellaneous soldiers, the number of elite cadres is definitely not small!

Jin glanced at Quinn coldly,"Is your observation Haki just for show?"


Quinn was stunned, his observation Haki spread out, and then his expression turned cold, and he cursed,"It's really lively! Imir didn't say there would be so many troublesome guys!"

On the right, Charlotte Katakuri, holding a trident and showing sharp fangs, came with the cadres of the Charlotte family.

The momentum and courage of this huge group of people are definitely not inferior to the Beasts Pirates.

Katakuri stopped after seeing Quinn Jin and his group, and slammed the trident in his hand into the ground, splashing a wave,

"You are really unlucky."

He said

"Arrogant boy,"

Jin sneered,"Whose luck is bad? It's hard to say now."

Just when the situation was tense, Katakuri suddenly raised his head and looked to the other side,"It's really lively."

Jin was slightly startled, and swept his observation Haki in the direction Katakuri was looking.

But he found nothing! It was not until a long time later that he finally felt that the other two groups of people were coming quickly.

This guy -

Jin looked at Katakuri with some fear. This kid's observation Haki is so strong!

Should we say that he is worthy of being the brother of Ymir?

There were other guys who were coming to disrupt the situation. Jin and Katakuri were not in a hurry to take action, but just confronted each other silently.

Soon, the other two groups came from two directions.

Silver Axe and Wang Zhi's men also arrived.

After seeing the two groups of people from Baishou and BIG-MOM, the guys from the two pirate groups also stopped tacitly.

The confrontation between the two sides turned into a four-way confrontation

"The Beast Pirates, the Silver Axe Pirates, the Wang Zhi Pirates,"

Katakuri silently recited the origins of these opponents,"What a trouble!"

"In the end, only one family can get Pluto."

Jin twisted his neck, and his body began to���"Mr. Kaido and the others have already started the fight, shall we start too?"

Katakuri did not speak, but the next moment, the ground of the battlefield turned directly into milky white rice cakes!

His special superhuman system, the Mochi Mochi Fruit, has finally developed to the level of awakening!

Katakuri, who has not fallen into a state of autism, has a talent that is enough to make people dumbfounded!

The battlefield here is about to reach its climax, and the melee of the four pirate groups shattered this area in an instant.

Some distance away from the two battlefields, a group of navy gathered here

"Alala, what bad luck,"

Kuzan, the future star of the navy, rubbed his temple with a headache,"I thought I was going on vacation, but how could I encounter such a thing?"

The navy generals around him looked at each other. After all, this time they were out to take away Pluto, right?

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a vacation, right?

"Kuzan, what should we do next?"

A vice admiral asked anxiously,"Should we go to support Admiral Sengoku?"

Although he was a vice admiral and the real backbone of the navy, in terms of strength, there was no doubt that Kuzan was stronger.

He had no objection to following Kuzan's advice.

"Support Mr. Zhan Guo?"

Kuzan shook his head,"No, we will be torn to pieces in the battlefield of those monsters. What we should be careful about is the battlefield that is gradually approaching us!"

"The battlefield is approaching us?"

The lieutenant general was stunned.

"Do you think we are well hidden?"

Kuzan said leisurely,"We have been noticed a long time ago, and the battlefield is coming towards us."

""Then what should we do?" the lieutenant general said anxiously,"Isn't this troublesome!"

"If an enemy comes, we will fight him; if a flood comes, we will block it with earth. What else can we say? The officers and below will lead the marines to retreat to the sea first. We may be besieged next. Don't fight them head-on."

Kuzan said,"Generals, come with me. We will be a smaller target. See if we can help Mr. Zhan Guo."

"It's going to be difficult to get Pluto this time, but at least there won't be any casualties."


The navy has also begun to act.

As the navy began to act, the situation on the battlefield where the monsters were fighting also changed.


The terrifying shock wave mixed with the top-level Armament Haki formed the most powerful invisible impact!

The powerful force instantly blasted the silver axe carrying the big axe away.


After he flipped in the air and landed on the ground, the huge impact still made Silver Axe fly backwards rapidly, until he chopped the iron block under his feet with his axe, pulling a long crack in the ground, and then he finally stopped.

"Damn it!"

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Silver Axe gritted his teeth and said angrily.

Even though he was very unwilling, he had to admit that his strength was still a little bit behind that of a guy like Zhan Guo.

Wang Zhi was also suppressed!

Although Reid was a powerless person, his physical skills and domineering attainments were not necessarily inferior to Cap Roger!

He was so���He is the man who is known to be able to go hand in hand with Roger's Pirates and Whitebeard's Pirates alone!

Kaido and Charlotte Linlin, on the other hand, can be said to be a perfect match, and the fight is evenly matched, and it is very lively.

The change happened at this time.

After being repelled by Reid again, Wang Zhi suddenly shouted,"Silver Axe! We are old friends too, let's join forces after a long time!"

Silver Axe, who was also repelled by the Sengoku shock wave, nodded,"I agree!"

The battlefield where each of them was fighting alone suddenly had two more people playing together, and the situation suddenly changed.

Then immediately, Charlotte Linlin also pulled back,"Mom, mom, Kaido, they have all formed an alliance, we don't have to fight anymore, right?"

Kaido snorted coldly while carrying the mace, but did not speak.

"Hahaha, that's perfect, Linlin, Kaido,"

Silver Axe shouted in surprise,"I haven't fought side by side with you for a long time. I recalled the time in Rocks. Let's join forces again and get rid of these two outsiders first and then we can decide the winner."

Charlotte Linlin nodded with a strange smile,"Sounds good." Sengoku and Reid's expressions instantly became serious.

Even for them, facing the siege of four monsters at the same time, they would definitely die!

Even in this situation, another accident was about to happen.

Because Ymir's airship had already arrived outside Edland Island!

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