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"This guy - what's going on?"

Wang Zhi felt very confused.

He couldn't intervene in the battle with Ymir at all!

Ymir and Reid were fighting each other.

The speed of both of them was unusually fast, like two shadows, one white and one red, shuttling back and forth on the battlefield!

He couldn't keep up with the speed of these two people.

Even if he wanted to use the awakening of the iron ground and manipulate the iron blocks to attack Ymir, it wouldn't work.

Ymir's observation Haki has reached the level of being able to foresee the future. Whenever he wants to do something, he will dodge one step ahead to make his efforts in vain.

So the current situation is that it is said that Ymir is fighting two against one, against Reid and Wang Zhi at the same time.

But in fact, only Reid is fighting Ymir, and Wang Zhi is just watching the show from the side. When everyone is fighting, he is the only one on the sidelines.

I always feel a little guilty in my heart.

Since I can't meet Ymir, I'll join hands with Sengoku to deal with Kaido!

He thought so and was about to mobilize the steel to restrain Kaido.

There was a flash of white light in front of his eyes, and Ymir instantly appeared in front of him, easily dodging all his attacks, and then kicked him in the face and sent him flying.

Then, without waiting for Wang Zhi to get up, he immediately went to fight with Reid, as if the one who ran over and knocked Wang Zhi away was not him at all.

Wang Zhi was very depressed.

This is fucking bullying. You neither come to fight with me, nor let me fight Kaido. Where are you from, this domineering president?

If Wang Zhi and Ymir were from the same place, he might say this.

Wang Zhi was helpless. It seemed that he could only watch the show from the side.

His sight returned to Ymir and Reid. Fighting.

The two of them were engaged in a fierce attack and defense!

Fists, elbow strikes, knee strikes, whip kicks, any part of the body can be turned into a weapon, and the danger is so severe that the person will be doomed if he is not careful.

Their attacks are like strong winds and heavy rain! The speed of the two's attacks is so fast that ordinary people can't even catch them with the naked eye. Even the top players on the sea can't withstand any attack from either of them!

Imir, who used the Ultra Instinct, turned into white light, and Redfield turned into red light, shuttling back and forth on the metal field!

Wherever they run, the ground will instantly collapse!

However, Redfield's face was as gloomy as water at this time.

It is said that the two launched a fierce attack and defense, but in fact, his attack was useless, and his defense was useless. Use!

Ymir is like a ghost!

Yes, this kid is like a ghost!

Obviously, even though he was very fast before, even though he could see the future with his Observation Haki, even so, Reid was confident that he could defeat him!

But when a touch of silver light appeared on this kid's head, it was completely different.

Missed, missed, missed, missed, missed, missed, missed!

All missed!

No matter how fast his attack was, no matter how tricky the angle was, he could not touch Ymir at all!

It was as if he did not need to think, did not need time, and could directly react to the future he saw!

Since the silver light appeared on Ymir's head, his attacks had not touched him at all!

Then it was defense. Ymir's attack was like a maggot on the tarsal bone. No matter how he dodged, he could easily hit him!

And this kid's Haki also had problems, and he could easily break through his Haki and cause damage to himself.

If it were not for the fact that his Haki was very strong, he would have been seriously injured now!

But it seemed that all he could do was attack!

""Damn it!!"

Reid roared, and the tip of his umbrella was like a poisonous snake, pointing at Ymir's neck.

Ymir dodged casually as usual.

Reid's idea was correct. Even if he was a master who could foresee the future, it would be useless if your attack speed was so fast that he could not react.

This was how the Straw Hat beat Katakuri in the original work. Even Katakuri could not withstand the speed of the fourth gear snake man, so he could only resist.

But Ymir was different. After activating the Ultra Instinct, Ymir did not need reaction time.

The Observation Haki operated autonomously and the body immediately began to react automatically after seeing the future.

No time was wasted.

Ymir's current situation was that he could not be hit on the defensive end, and he could not be dodged on the offensive end!

Just like now.

After easily dodging Reid's attack, Ymir kicked out and hit Reid's cheek as he was about to dodge, and kicked him directly out.

"Are you kidding me?"

Ryder slowly got up from the ground, his expression a little dazed,"How could this happen? A twelve-year-old kid, a twelve-year-old kid, just a twelve-year-old kid.——"

He did not attack again.

Ymir felt that something was wrong with Reid, so he did not rush to attack. He just smiled and said,"What's wrong, Senior Reid? Are you not going to attack anymore?"

Reid's expression was very strange. Facing Ymir's provocation, he laughed bitterly,"Is there any need to fight? Is there any need to continue fighting? You have lost face enough!"

Ymir frowned. What was wrong with this old man?

"Am I really old?"

Reid pulled his hair on one side in a daze.

His hair was already gray. He was older than Roger Cap. He was probably almost sixty years old.

Ymir raised his eyebrows. He was not even sixty years old. He was in his prime. How could he be old?

""Pluto, I don't want it anymore."

Reid muttered, and turned into a residual shadow and flew away.

Ymir couldn't understand what this guy was thinking. Is there something wrong with his brain?

But it seems that this guy in the original work is very afraid of aging. After coming out of Impel Down, he has been trying to restore his youth with the Mythical Beast Vampire Fruit. Tsk.

Thinking of this, Ymir smacked his lips. Like Zephyr, he is a waste.

But it's good that Reid is gone. The only one left is -

Ymir looked at Wang Zhi kindly on the side.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha."

Wang Zhi smiled awkwardly,"I think we can talk about"


Imir suddenly turned his head.

"Ice Age."

The air temperature dropped suddenly!

The ice instantly covered Ymir and Kaido, and even the huge stone man of Barrett in the distance was no exception!

"Yasakani no Magatama!"

Then, in the dazzling light, dense spots of light tilted down, pointing directly at Ymir, Kaido, and Barrett!


At this moment, the ice covering Ymir suddenly shattered, and Ymir gently raised his hand, and the domineering aura that spread out turned into a powerful barrier. It just blocked the light bullets falling from the sky.

Ymir was fine, and Barrett would be fine too. He directly combined the ice together and let the light bullets hit the stone body.

He was unharmed.

The only one who was hurt was Kaido, who was frozen without warning, and then bombarded by light bullets. By the time he reacted and used domineering aura to defend himself, there were already many shallow blood holes on his body.

The lethality of the Flash Fruit is still quite terrifying.

"Oh, oh, oh, it's troublesome, Kuzan, you are not frozen solid at all."

In the sky, the man incarnated by light sighed

"Alala, stop complaining, the enemies are all monsters."

At some point, a curly-haired guy appeared beside Zhan Guo,"Anyway, Mr. Zhan Guo, I'm here with support, of course there's only Borsalino."

Wang Zhi's depressed mood suddenly lifted, very good, he wanted to run away, but it seems there is still a chance!

Imir looked at Kizaru in the sky with some dissatisfaction, raised his hand and slashed at him,"Monkey, it's you again"

"Ai, I don't want to fight with you either."

Borsalino said helplessly, his body turned into light and instantly appeared on the other side of the sky, easily avoiding Ymir's slash,"But there is no way, who can help me with this speed?"

Ymir was very unhappy. He wanted to beat up this pretentious guy last time, but he couldn't do it because of his speed.

Zhan Guo raised a smile,"That's it, Borsalino, hold Ymir back!!"

"It’s such a difficult job,"

Borsalino sighed,"but we have no choice but to do it, right?"

"You want to hold me back?"

Ymir smiled and said,"I can't help it. I was planning to leave this position to the Dark-Dark Fruit."

"Made me change my plans. Are you ready to get beaten up, Borsalino?"

"" Ah?"

Borsalino was a little stunned.

The next moment, Imir soared into the sky and rushed straight to the spaceship in the sky.

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