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Ten thousand thunders was one of Enelu's ultimate moves in the original work.

It was a super-enhanced version of his commonly used move, God's Punishment.

However, he couldn't use this move by himself. He needed the Ark's Proverbs to help him create thunderclouds, and then catch the electric charge accumulated in the thunderclouds before he could release this move.

Like Lei Ying, they were all unconventional moves. If you have to say, they were similar to Sasuke's Thunder Release Kirin in the next door Naruto.

However, Enelu couldn't use it at will, that was Enelu's business.

Ymir was dozens of streets stronger than Enelu in all aspects, and could easily create thunder that was enough to cover the entire sea!

After just a few breaths, hundreds of pirate ships had been directly shattered, leaving only the fragments of the ships spreading on the sea.

Of course, there were tens of thousands of charred corpses, and the entire sea was strangely filled with a strong smell of meat.

It was really disgusting.

Ymir turned directly into lightning and appeared on the top of the G-5 base.

In a split second, all the pirates were wiped out, and the original story of Eneel being unable to kill people with electricity did not happen.

In the final analysis, it was probably because the voltage of Eneel's lightning was high enough, but the current intensity could not keep up, just like Misaka Mikoto's lightning spear, which looked intimidating, but she could control the current intensity, so the lethality was not strong.

After Ymir adjusted this problem, the lethality of the electric shock increased visibly.

If it is not enough, it is better than nothing, and Ymir does not lack this lethality at all.

The coverage of the electric wave-amplified observation Haki is extremely wide, and Ymir easily noticed a large fleet approaching rapidly!

"Oh, this is Sengoku, this is Garp, this is Zephyr, who is this aura? It doesn't matter, but the strength is a little weaker than Sengoku Garp, about the same as Zephyr, and also a powerful character."

Sitting cross-legged on the top of the G-5 base, Imir said to himself,"Behind them, tsk, Sakaski, Borsalino, Kuzan, and this, the unlucky Kake, hahahaha, both the new and old generations are here."

"There is also a strong and familiar aura. Is he a CP0 guy? It is very likely that he is the guy with the strongest shield. He is still hiding in the cabin. Is he going to give me a surprise?"After counting all the tough guys with names and surnames, Ymir exclaimed,"What a powerful lineup. The government has pulled all the masters in their company at this stage. They can all fight at the top."

Sengoku, Garp, Zephyr, CP0, the guy who is suspected to have the strongest shield, and another one whose identity is not yet known, there are five top-level combat forces alone!

On par with the top-level combat forces of the navy in the top war.

The second-level combat forces also include the three future natural admirals, and the two guys with strong auras next to the CP0 guy. Compared with the serious Shichibukai who are letting the water go at the top, they may not be weaker. No matter how you look at it, the government has already sent out all its forces this time. It seems that it is really pissed off. It directly attacks with all its strength and wants to kill Ymir directly.

"Just say hello first!"

Imir smiled and waved his right hand. A dazzling lightning shot up into the sky and headed straight for the sea in the distance.

G-On the sea outside the 5th place, three large naval warships crushed the waves and headed straight for the G-5 base.

On the bow of a large ship in the middle, a muscular man looked around at the mess on the sea and exclaimed,

"In just a few minutes, all the pirates gathered here were killed. This bastard Imir is really good at it!"

"This is not a big deal.

Beside the man, Zhan Guo said in a deep voice,"Any of us can do this. The real problem is, Brother Kong, look at the traces of damage to these ships on the sea. They are indeed struck by lightning."

"That kid has taken his mastery of the Thunder Fruit to a higher level. If he wants to escape, no one on our side except Borsalino can keep up with his speed!"

The man standing on the bow is named Kong, the Steel Bone Kong who commands the world's most powerful violent group, the Navy!

He pondered for a moment,"And it's meaningless even if Borsalino can keep up with Imir's speed. He was beaten so badly last time that he didn't have the strength to fight back at all."

"Why is it that this guy was able to eat two devil fruits, and the second one is the troublesome ability of the Thunder Fruit!"

The dignified Admiral of the Navy actually looked a bit complaining at this moment.

"Don't talk nonsense, Brother Kong."

Zhan Guo said in a deep voice,"Instead of complaining now, it's better to think about how to completely kill this guy Imir!"

"Powerful strength, lawless character, terrifying network of relationships, and now he has got Pluto! If we don't deal with him now, when he integrates the Beasts Pirates and the BIG-MOM Pirates, the government will be in danger!"

Kong said,"I know, but is the ability of Zero the only thing we can count on now?"

Sengoku nodded,"Yes, I hope his ability can help us keep Ymir."

While the two were talking, they suddenly looked up almost at the same time, and the sky had turned into a sea of thunder!


Kong was stunned,"Is it that boy's ability?"


There was no time to waste words. Thunder roared in the sky, and dense lightning suddenly fell!

The next moment, the three naval warships would be directly blown to pieces!


Marshal Kong shouted angrily. Admiral

Sengoku raised his right hand to the sky.

The powerful domineering aura instantly spread out, turning into an invisible shield covering the entire ship and blocking the falling thunderbolt!

Like Sengoku, Vice Admiral Garp and Admiral Zephyr also opened their domineering shields at the same time to block Imir's thunder attack.

G-On the top of G-5, Mir laughed,"Look, this is the normal way to open it."

This is in sharp contrast with those small fry before, isn't it?

After making a move, Imir stopped moving and just sat on the top of the G-5 base, watching the fiery red sun gradually falling to the sea level in the distance.

The first day of the 1496th year of the Haiyuan calendar is about to end.

Soon, three huge naval warships landed on the G-5 base, and thousands of navy soldiers landed under the leadership of several leaders.

Imir just looked at the sunset silently, without even lowering his head, although he had been using his observation Haki to lock on the movements of the monsters in the crowd.

"Is that the kid?"

Cyborg Kong, whose hair was completely white, looked up at Ymir,"He looks like an ordinary kid leisurely watching the sunset!"

"There is no doubt that he is a demon!"

General Zefa snorted coldly.

After watching the sunset for a long time, Ymir stood up contentedly and looked down at the group of people below.

""Good evening, gentlemen."

Ymir said with a smile.

The next moment, Mr. Zefa came whistling in the air.

""Ymir!!" he roared.

The battle started directly.

At this point, is there any need for nonsense?

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend

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