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If I had to describe it, it was like someone suddenly heard the wailing of a siren.

Not just one, but a group of sirens screaming in his ears.

At this moment, Ymir felt as if his body and soul were suddenly disconnected.

He could no longer feel the existence of his body.

What the hell is this!

Ymir couldn't even ask such a question in his heart.

There was nothing in his mind, only a blank!

Horrible, extremely horrible!

When a person can't even control what is in his brain, what else can he control?

When Ymir finally regained consciousness, he felt pain.

His body was lying on the ground at this time, and the right chest was burning with pain, as if a cut had been made.

So what happened just now?

Ymir slowly stood up.

There was indeed a cut on the right chest, but it was not too deep, and the bones could barely be seen.

Now the muscles have begun to grow and recover.

The wound is not important. Ymir looked at the people from the government opposite.

Kong, Sengoku, Garp, and Zephyr all frowned and looked pale, looking as if they could not bear to look back. Even worse than them were the marines lying on the ground behind them, their bodies motionless like corpses.

Very good, then it can be confirmed that he was not the only one who was hit just now.

Even the marines fell, and even Kong and the others were hit.

This is a large-scale AOE skill that does not distinguish between friend and foe!

Ymir looked at Zero, who looked the only one who looked normal, but his face was a little earthy, and he felt as disgusting as if he had eaten dog shit.

"Was that your ability just now?"

Ymir asked even though he knew the answer.

The only one who was not affected was Zero. Who else could it be besides him?

"What's wrong with your body?"

Zero did not answer Ymir's question, but asked in astonishment,"You were obviously hit just now, how could you react to my attack?"

Failed. If the attack just now failed, Ymir could use the power of the Thunder Fruit to leave at any time.

This mission is basically a failure.

Zero's heart was full of bitterness.

The importance of this mission is unquestionable. If he fails, the Five Elders will not forgive him.

Unless Ymir is really stubborn and does not plan to escape after seeing his weird ability!

Ymir said,"In fact, it is amazing that you can hurt me."

Although he said harsh words, Imir was actually a little scared in his heart.

The Ultra Instinct is indeed not perfect.

It has no consciousness. If it loses consciousness, it will become less powerful. It can naturally respond to attacks, but it will be much slower.

In this way, the ability of this guy in front of him is quite self-restraining.

No, it should be said that this ability to make so many hands lose the ability to resist at the same time for a period of time is a bit too powerful.

What kind of ability is this?

In the future that he foresaw, he didn't see him launching any form of attack at all!

So things like devil fruits can easily break the boundaries of strength and weakness, and there will be no problem in directly turning defeat into victory.

Especially this kind of unreasonable rule-based ability, once the conditions are met, you will definitely be dealt with without any discussion.

Imir was silent for a while, not knowing whether he should continue to fight.

Now he can't even figure out the opponent's ability. He was lucky just now that only a cut was made in his chest.

What if he is unlucky and his neck is cut off by a knife?

Imir is not afraid of death, but he definitely doesn't want to die inexplicably

""Oh oh oh oh, I feel like my head is going to explode!"

At this moment, Ymir heard the voice of Vice Admiral Garp behind Zero,"But it doesn't seem to be the head? It should be said that the soul is about to fall apart!"


Ymir was stunned for a moment.

Are there souls in this world?

Of course there are!

Brook's Yomiuri Fruit allowed his soul to return from the underworld, and his soul could also leave the body, and he could even cast Yomiuri freezing air.

Charlotte Linlin's Spirit Fruit can even extract and give souls.

If this guy's ability is an attack on the soul, then it makes sense.

Even if Ymir can foresee the future, he can't see attacks on the soul level!

Moreover, only attacks on the soul level can instantly make him, who has activated the Ultra Instinct state, be hit directly without any possibility of avoidance.

""Garp!" the Warring States general shouted angrily,"Are you tipping off the enemy?"


Vice Admiral Garp finally came to his senses and slapped his forehead,"Wahahahaha, I almost let it out that old guy Zero is the user of the Whispering Fruit."

The atmosphere froze at that moment.

Zero was stunned. Are you here to retaliate against me?

Sengoku was also stunned. If the old bastard in front of him was not his lifelong best friend and partner, he would definitely strangle this outspoken bastard to death!

Ymir was even more stunned.

It was not because of Vice Admiral Garp's honesty.

It was purely because he was scared by Zero's fruit ability.

Did he hear it wrong?

Was Vice Admiral Garp really talking about the Whispering Fruit?

Is it the ability of the little girl in the Millennium Dragon chapter of the original animation?

If he remembered correctly, this ability can only do things like talk to animals, right? Or if the animals refuse Zero is the type who can't have a normal conversation.

How come he can suddenly launch a soul attack?

Are you sure you didn't say the wrong thing, Vice Admiral Garp?

In fact, Zero is indeed a user of the superhuman Whispering Fruit.

The ability he gained at the beginning was indeed just the ability to communicate with animals.

It was just the level of being able to raise pets.

But the devil fruit thing really depends on your imagination.

As his abilities became more and more proficient, even to the point where he could whisper with humans, Zero discovered that such whispers didn't seem to be through sound, after all, it could be done with his mouth closed.

So what was used during this kind of conversation? What is going on?

It's the soul.

Although he has never truly felt the existence of the soul, Zero still made such a judgment.

His judgment is correct.

This kind of spiritual communication is actually a dialogue between souls.

Then something interesting will happen.

What if you try to increase the intensity of your own shouting during the conversation?

The answer is that when Zero uses the whispering ability on people, if he increases the intensity of the shouting to the limit, then this shouting will become a powerful impact on the soul.

Originally an insignificant and mediocre ability, it can instantly be transformed into a magical skill of controlling the field.

Even plugging your ears won't work. It's a real soul dialogue, a real soul impact.

The only pity is that such a soul impact is beyond Zero's control.

When he increases the power of his shouting to the limit, the object of his shouting cannot be controlled.

All creatures within the range of his shouting will be hit.

There is no doubt that it is an absolute control skill regardless of friend or foe.

It is indeed amazing to be able to develop the whispering fruit to this extent.

However, it seems that there is a way to deal with it.

Imir thought.

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading-collection, recommendation

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