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Imir was a little surprised when he heard the report of Acid Man Garner,"Are you sure you didn't see it wrong? Why did Roger appear here?"

Acid Man Garner, the former second-in-command of the Silver Axe Pirates and the captain of the Garner Pirates, the strongest pirate group, smiled bitterly,"I don't know why they appeared here, but we did find the ship of Roger's pirate group."


Imir frowned.

It really doesn't let people have a break.

But Roger would find this place, is it a coincidence or did he come to find him on purpose?

It should be a coincidence, right?

Imir guessed.

Although he and Roger had met before in O'Hara, he had made it clear that he was not interested in Pluto.

Roger would never lie, so he couldn't have come to find himself because of Pluto.

In other words, Roger had no reason to come to find himself.

Unless he knew that he had a signpost historical text.

But did he know?

Of course he didn't know.

He had no reason to know, to know this news The only ones who knew the news were the Beasts Pirates and his own men.

Could Roger still get this news from Kaido?

Ymir had completely forgotten that during the previous battle in Wano Country, Barrett had used the historical armor to fight Kozuki Oden.

And Kozuki Oden recognized this thing.

But Ymir is not a God's perspective after all, he is not omniscient and omnipotent.

According to his thinking, this should be a top-secret news.

Roger had no reason to come to him, and Ymir also felt that no one on the sea should know that he was here now.

So Roger coming here should just be a coincidence!

"Maybe it was because of the test firing just now?"

Ymir guessed,"Roger happened to be nearby, so he was attracted here."

"Whatever happens, it's time to prepare for the battle, Ymir!"

Barrett said eagerly,"I didn't fight Roger last time, so you can't snatch it from me this time!"

"Fight, fight, fight. Is your brain all muscle?"

Ymir rolled his eyes."Let's go and see what our Golden Roger has to say."

Barrett led the way with an excited look on his face.

Behind Imir, Garner followed closely with an equally excited look on his face.

When he first joined Imir's army, he was more frightened than loyal.

He was just afraid of Imir's power so he chose to surrender.

But now it's different.

He still respects Imir's power!

But now, this respect has turned more towards worship and admiration!

Is there another person in the world who can kill the Admiral of the Navy under the siege of the five top combat forces of the government?

This young man is the only one who can truly become the king of this sea!

Following behind this man is much more valuable than following behind Yin Gecai!

I can also follow him to the top of the sea!

That's what Garner thought.

Now, let's start with Roger!!

When Imir and his men moved towards the coast where Roger's pirate group was about to approach, on the sea, on the ship of Roger's pirate group.

The members of Roger's pirate group, who were late to the party, finally noticed the black-robed figure who appeared at some point!

""Hey! Who are you?"

Red-nosed Bucky shouted angrily,"Who allowed you to board our ship!"


Compared to Buggy's loud shouting, Pluto Rayleigh was much more out of control. Cold sweat kept coming out of his forehead, and the palm on the hilt of the long sword at his waist was trembling slightly.

The more powerful a person is, the more he can understand the horror of this black-robed man!

With his own observation Haki, he couldn't feel the slightest breath from him!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Rayleigh would even think that what he sensed was just a ball of air!


Rayleigh forced himself to calm down and looked at Captain Roger on the side!

It's so terrifying!

How could such a guy exist in the world?

Did he encounter a ghost?

Rayleigh couldn't help but have such thoughts in his mind.

Roger shook his head gently and said nothing.

So Rayleigh also shut his mouth and said nothing.

Seeing that the captain and the deputy captain were silent, the Roger Pirates, which had been in an uproar just now, finally quieted down.

Even Buggy the clown realized that something was wrong and timidly closed his mouth.

Silence, silence was the Or-Jackson at this time.

The big ship moved forward in silence.

It didn't take long before the island on the sea ahead was clearly visible.

"Oh! They are already waiting for us on the beach,"

Roger laughed."Imir is a very hospitable guy."


He turned his head and was about to greet the man in black robe who took the boat halfway, but when he turned his head, he found that there was no trace of the man in black robe around him.

""Oh, like a ghost!"

Roger laughed, not showing any fear at all.

The ship slowly reached the coast and did not encounter any obstruction until landing.

Roger jumped directly onto the shore and breathed a sigh of relief,"Wow hahahaha, we finally landed. I thought I would die at sea just now"

"Die at sea?"

Imir, who was sitting opposite him, raised his eyebrows."I don't think the shore artillery here can do anything to you."

"It's none of your business."

Roger waved his hand."When I came here, there was a scary guy on the boat. It's a bit funny to say that when I faced this guy, I didn't even have the slightest thought of resisting."

"What did you say?"

Imir was shocked, and suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart,"Is there a guy in the world who can make you unable to resist at all? What does he look like?"

"I can't see the black robe, but he is wearing a long crown, which is very strange."

Roger said hurriedly,"Why are you talking about this now? Come on, Imir, give me a copy of the road sign. I have to run quickly. The guy is probably on this island."

Imir was stunned when he heard him say that. For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

"I won't tell you how you knew I had the road sign. I'm too lazy to ask you how you got the nerve to let me make a copy of the road sign for you. You said that guy is on the island now?"

Not good. According to Roger's description, that guy is clearly the most mysterious Im!

The biggest black hand behind that world.

Is he on this island now?

At this time, in the center of the island, in Vegapunk's laboratory, Pluto is quietly docked here.

A figure in a black robe stood quietly here, and the hand shrouded in a black robe quietly pressed on the hull of Pluto in silence.

""Huh? Who are you?"

Vegapunk looked at this guy who had no idea when he appeared.


The black-robed figure turned his head.

"It's me, who are you?"

Vegapunk felt something was wrong.

But later, he only felt a black screen in front of his eyes, and then there was a continuous whistling sound beside his ears.

When he could finally see things clearly, he saw Ymir and Roger with serious faces!

Ymir looked at the guy who suddenly appeared in front of him and sighed slightly.

"This is really——"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo

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