No one knows what kind of storms the Five Elders and the top leaders of the Celestial Dragons have gone through in such a short period of time.

There are very few people in the world who know about Im, let alone the impact that Im's absence has on the government.

What they can see with their naked eyes is that the navy has begun to strategically shrink, almost as if they have given up on the New World.

Even the G-5 base that was vacated before was abandoned, and only the G-1 base guarding Marijoa was expanded, as if it was regarded as the final bastion to defend Marijoa.

The pirates are all speculating on what happened to make the government take such a move to basically give up the New World.

The mainstream idea of ordinary people who don't know about Im's existence and his actions is that Imir's previous great achievements in G-5 made the government retreat!

He fought one against five and killed the former Navy Admiral. With his overwhelming strength, the government believed that they could not defeat Imir, so they decided to give up the New World.

When such a mainstream trend of thought was formed, Imir was in the hearts of pirates all over the world.���His status has never been higher.

Is there another pirate in the world who can force the government to make a strategic retreat? Is there any pirate in the world who can force the government to give up the strategic deployment of an entire sea area?

No. There is only Imir!

The strongest!

People gradually began to call Imir that.

They called him the strongest pirate!

Although this guess is wrong, it can be regarded as a lucky coincidence.

The reason why the government strategically retreated is because Im disappeared.

Yes, missing.

The Five Elders absolutely do not believe that there is anyone or anything in the world that can kill Im, so he will never die!

He just disappeared!

But this is scary enough. What kind of scary thing can make Lord Im disappear and even the king cannot sense his existence? It is natural that the government will choose to retreat.

The Five Elders were indeed scared.

Imir didn't know whether the Five Elders were scared or not.

In fact, he didn't care about the ups and downs on this sea during this period.

He has been recuperating.

After a period of recuperation, his arm finally recovered completely!

In mid-air, Imir's body was like a fully drawn crossbow, and he punched out!


Thunder exploded, and the huge stone man flew backwards, and then disintegrated in the next moment. Barrett spit out blood and crawled out of the two historical texts, sitting cross-legged on the ground and gasping for breath.

"Ymir, what's wrong with your domineering aura?"

Barrett wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said in surprise,"I have already touched the threshold of top-level domineering aura, but I can't stop your domineering aura at all!"

A white light lingered around Ymir, and his hair had turned silver-white."Of course, it's because my domineering aura has reached another realm. You should be grateful for my mercy."

He spread out his hands, and a black domineering aura floated on his palms like a snake.

"Wow, the captain's domineering attitude, isn't this the same as that guy's before?"

Teach, who was watching from the surroundings, exclaimed,"How amazing, he is worthy of being the captain. He has learned that domineering attitude that doesn't look like domineering at all so quickly?"

""It's not considered learning."

Ymir took a deep breath, and the next moment the domineering aura on his palm dissipated.

Along with the domineering aura, the white light on Ymir's body also dissipated.

The next moment Ymir's face turned pale. The load of the ultimate free power was much greater than before.

It was hard to extend the use time, and now it was back to the pre-liberation era overnight.

"Didn't you learn it? Didn't you use it already?"

Gion asked

"I did use it, but it was not a conventional method. I needed to spend a lot of energy and domineering to synthesize it."

Ymir said.

This kind of domineering that surpasses the level of Ymir cannot be condensed directly. His physical condition does not allow it.

But he can use the Ultra Instinct to manipulate the domineering to actively synthesize.

The main step of synthesis is compression, continuous compression! Purely use quantity to pile up the quality.

The problem is that the level difference between the two domineering is too large. The amount of domineering required to synthesize a strand of black domineering is equivalent to more than half of Ymir's total amount!

Without considering the recovery of domineering, Ymir can only produce one strand of black domineering at a time, and it will be gone after it is used up.

However, although there is only one strand, it is enough to be used as a killer!

Ymir had always been worried about his lack of lethality and inability to effectively kill the top powerhouses.

But now he has it.

The indestructible domineering defense of the top powerhouses that Ymir worried about in the past is nothing in front of the black domineering at this time.

Especially with the addition of the black domineering that all things breathe!

Satisfied, he clenched his right fist and nodded,"It has indeed recovered."

"Now that we have recovered, we can start to act!"

Barrett said loudly,"Let's conquer this new world first! I can't wait to fight those monsters!"

"That's right, Lord Ymir!"

Torrebol also hurriedly shouted,"With your strength, no one in this new world can resist you! We can completely turn this sea into the inland sea of our pirate group!" No one is blind!

When fighting against Im, Roger and Ymir joined forces, but Roger was defeated in two moves, while Ymir was able to deal with Im for a long time. If he hadn't cooperated with his partners to exile Im to the future, he wouldn't even be injured!

Now he has mastered the super high level of domineering that only Im has mastered. Who else in the New World can defeat him?

Whitebeard? Kaido? Charlotte Linlin?

The more Torrebol thought about it, the more excited he became. This boy who was only thirteen years old was already worthy of the title of the strongest!

He was so lucky to be able to follow behind him when he was eight years old!

"Don't worry."

Ymir waved his hand,"Give Kaido and Charlotte Linlin some more time. The most important thing for me now is only one thing."

"I wonder what's going on?"

Jinbei, who always had a low sense of presence, asked.

"The North Sea, the next target is the North Sea."

Ymir said,"Since the government has adopted a strategic contraction, let's just give them a hand and reduce their troubles."

Ymir turned his head and saw a man rushing over.

It was Judge!

Judge who got one free when Vegapunk was captured.

At this time, the young master of the Vinsmoke family had an incomparable excitement on his face,"Lord Ymir,——"

Ymir smiled at him.

"The next goal is to"

"Occupy the entire North Sea!"

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