"It actually worked?"

Jin, who was accompanying Ymir, had shining eyes.

Ymir's fantastic idea actually worked, and Jin was trembling in his heart!

This kind of operation is not unique!

It can be replicated.

Although the probability is definitely not very high, a path has been opened after all!

Jin even thought that the probability is indeed very low, but what if we make up for it with quantity?

Like this time, an island is filled with fruits, but ten or a hundred ability users are killed at the same time?

Some of them will be reborn here, right?

In other words, there is no need to kill them personally. People are dying all the time in the world, and there are not a few people with abilities who die.

If we occupy dozens of islands here and use them all to grow fruit, does that mean that we don't have to do anything at all, and there may be devil fruits reborn in our own orchard every now and then? Jin ca n't wait to report to Kaido and tell him that we don't have to go to great lengths to expand, we just need to... Just work hard on the farm.

Ymir didn't understand Jin's thoughts. His eyes were completely attracted by the devil fruit in his hand.

The Momo fruit was in hand.

Such a fantastic idea actually worked!

Could it be that he was really a person favored by heaven?

Ymir thought a little strangely.

But no matter what, the goal was achieved, and the devil fruit he wanted was indeed in hand!

Ymir couldn't wait to peel off the skin of the devil fruit in his hand and took a bite.

The moment the flesh entered his mouth, Ymir understood what the world's most unpalatable thing was. It was like mud and had no taste. At the same time, it exuded a distorted and terrifying smell like dozens of rotten substances mixed together.

Ymir, who always liked to satisfy his appetite, almost vomited it directly. It was too unpalatable.

Jin on the side came back to his senses from his associations, looked at Ymir who looked like he wanted to vomit but couldn't, and smiled,"It's unpalatable, right? Devil fruits are like this. Not only are their abilities devilish, but the taste is also like this."

Ymir crushed the remaining fruit pulp in his hand. Fortunately, one bite was enough to gain the ability. If he really ate it all, it would be fatal.

""How is it? What is the ability of the Momo Fruit?"

Jin asked.

Ymir did not answer.

The devil fruit is not intelligent enough to automatically let the user know what kind of ability he has gained after eating it.

But after gaining the ability, the user will naturally be able to use the ability, just like a person can naturally stretch out his hands and open his eyes.

Ymir did not think much about it, but with a subconscious thought, his body suddenly grew taller, and he immediately changed from a little bean of more than one meter to a giant boy of six or seven meters tall!

"The ability to make your body bigger is indeed the Momo Fruit."

Jin looked at Ymir, who was suddenly a little taller than him and nodded,"How does it feel?"

"Feel it?"

Ymir clenched his fists, and his smile gradually became more and more unrestrained,"Great!"

He felt the surging power of growth in his body!

The Momo Fruit can increase the size and quality of his body by a hundred times!

Of course, Ymir is far from reaching this level after eating the Momo Fruit. He can only increase the quality and speed by about five times.

But it is enough.

Ymir increased his size by five times, not just the appearance, but the real increase of Ymir's body!

This also means that Ymir's strength has also been synchronized!

Now Ymir's strength is five times that of before!

"Plus the speed——"

Ymir muttered to himself, and the next moment, his huge body disappeared and appeared on the other side of the world.

"No, it's too fast,"

Ymir frowned,"I can't even react quickly, I need to adapt. I don't know if this acceleration can speed up the nerve reaction. In this way, even if the body is huge, the increase in nerve signal transmission time will not cause the body to become sluggish."

In a word, the ability I just got is not yet proficient enough, and I need to slowly adapt.

However, one thing can be confirmed.——

"After activating the Ultra Instinct, can I perfectly coordinate my body size and speed, and unleash the most perfect power after the amplification?"

The more Imir thought about it, the more excited he became. It was indeed the fruit that he had chosen. It was indeed the most suitable for his ability!

The strongest body can be amplified several times, dozens of times, or even hundreds of times! When his body is fully developed and the fruit is developed to a certain extent, such a scene will be somewhat amazing.

Not only that, the amplified physique, coupled with the power control of the Ultra Instinct!

This is the most perfect combination!

This is the beginning of the road to invincibility!

"But why do I always feel a sense of emptiness?"

Ymir felt a little puzzled. After eating the Momo Fruit, he suddenly felt hungry?

It was as if his body was craving for another devil fruit?

Could it be that his body was also an alien structure like Blackbeard's?

Ymir seemed to be greedy. If he could really eat another devil fruit, it would be even better!

"There's a ship coming!"

Just as Imir was feeling smug, a pirate from the Beasts Pirates suddenly ran over.

"It's the BIG-MOM Pirates!!!"

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