Ebisu Town.

The town, which was not big to begin with, was already packed with people. Tens of thousands of samurai gathered here, and they were hiding carefully to avoid attracting the attention of the enemies in the city. The town was indeed overwhelmed.

The residents had already moved away, and they were prepared for this place to become a battlefield.

At this time, in the only room in the city that still seemed a little empty,

"Have you found out the situation?" a man with an afro said in a deep voice.

"I have found out clearly,"

Kin'emon nodded,"I asked Raizo to sneak into the capital before. Those guys didn't cause any damage in the capital. They stayed in the Shogun Castle and I don't know what they are doing."

"But Master Sukiyaki is still alive! They don't bother to hide information. There are five enemies in total. One of them is known to us and Master Kangjia, that is Orochi!"

"Big snake?"

The man with the afro, the Daimyo Shimotsuki Yasuie of Hakubu, recalled his former servant and said in astonishment,"Why would it be that guy?"

"Because his name is Kurozumi Orochi!"

Kin'emon said in a deep voice,"He is a descendant of the Kurozumi clan who once murdered the previous general! One of the five is Kurozumi Musashi from his clan!"

"The ghost of black charcoal?——"

The Kang family was somewhat silent

"But the two people from Heitan are not important! What is important is the other three people! Those three people should be from abroad!"

"Did this guy, Da She, actually invite a wolf into the house in order to take revenge on this country?"

The Kang family was shocked.

"The situation of the other two is unknown. The remaining one is the man who single-handedly defeated all the samurai in Flower Capital, including the boss Leopard Goro!"

"If we assume the worst, this man's fighting power might still be the lowest among the three! The other two might even be stronger than him!"

Kin'emon said solemnly,"Our tens of thousands of samurai may not be able to defeat the opponent!"

There was silence in the room. The enemy's strength was beyond their imagination.

"Is there any way out at this point? This country has reached a critical moment of life and death!"

Kang Jia looked at the depressed crowd, stood up and said angrily,"If you are a warrior, stand up and use our swords to save our country!"

""Master Kangjia!"

Kin'emon said with emotion,"Fortunately, you are here! Please lead us!"

Compared to a certain unreliable man, Kangjia is really much better.

Master Oden, why are you not here at this time!

"Then, let the samurai rest for a while,"

Kang Jia did not refuse. Bai Wu already had the strongest samurai group in the entire Wano Country, so it was understandable for him to be the leader of the coalition.

"Then we attack——"

""Master Kang! Something is happening in the sky!"

Before he finished speaking, his warriors opened the door in panic and ran in.

Everyone was startled and hurried out of the room. Looking up at the sky, not far from the ground, a huge pterosaur was flapping its wings, and the strong wind blew the sand and rocks on the ground.

""The enemy is here!"

Kin'emon exclaimed,"It was this strange bird that attacked the Shogun Castle before!"

"Everyone prepare for battle!!"

Kang Jia's voice is quite loud. At least when he roars, all the warriors in the town are mobilized.

Tens of thousands of warriors poured out from all parts of the town, looking at the pterosaurs in the sky in some surprise.

How to fight? They can't fly.

At this time, behind the pterosaurs in the sky.

Imir smiled and said,"Okay, the next is the main show. Are you ready? Barrett."

Barrett beside him was silent for a moment, and said,"Can you not take action? Let me do it alone."

"Get out of here, you still want to eat alone!"

Ymir kicked Barrett off Jin's back, and then he jumped down.

After the two of them were gone, there were still four people left on Jin's back, Kurozumi Orochi and Kurozumi Murasaki.

And Kozuki Sukiyaki and Amatsuki Toki who were brought by Ymir to watch the show.

Kurozumi and the other man had trepidation on their faces, two against tens of thousands, and they felt that Ymir was courting death, and if Ymir died, they would be dead too, so they were trepidation.

Sukiyaki's expression was solemn, for some reason, he had a very ominous premonition. The one who was least in condition was Amatsuki Toki, and she still couldn't come back to her senses about what was going on!

Barrett and Ymir fell from the sky and smashed directly into the center of the town, and were instantly surrounded by samurai.

"Jump, jumped down?"

Kin'emon was a little confused, what kind of a fancy move was this? Rushing directly into the enemy's encirclement?

The smoke dissipated, and the figures of Ymir and Barrett were exposed to the eyes of all the samurai. Ymir looked around excitedly,"Ha, the number of people is awesome, it feels like One Piece: Pirate Warriors!"

When Ymir traveled through time, One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 had already been released. It was cool to be able to defeat thousands of enemies on the battlefield!

But no matter how cool it was, it wouldn't be as cool as being able to be a warrior on this real battlefield, right?

"Then Barrett, let's try the trick we agreed on earlier."

Ymir said with great interest.

"If you are willing."

Barrett nodded and slammed his hands on the ground!

The purple halo spread instantly, and the ground and the houses were all swallowed up!

""Back off! Everyone, back off!"

The Kang family didn't know what was going on, but it was always right to back off instinctively!

But even so, hundreds of warriors were swept in, but they were not seriously injured, only their clothes and weapons were all swallowed up.

Hundreds of white-striped chickens suddenly appeared on the field.

"What is this?"

Ninja Raizo said in astonishment.

In front of the warriors, a giant over 20 meters tall suddenly rose up, like a small mountain looking down at all living things!

"This is the ability that defeated Leopard Boss!"

Kinemon shouted,"But it's not time to despair yet! Get ready to fight!"

"Is it time to despair yet?"

Ymir smiled slightly, jumped to the top of the giant's head, and pressed his hand on the giant's head,"How about this? Momo - ten times increase!"

The next moment, the sun in the sky was also blocked, and the towering giant did nothing, but he had already crushed a group of warriors to death!

"Ding Dong……"

In the warrior ranks, a warrior's forehead was covered with cold sweat. He could no longer hold the sword in his hand and fell to the ground, his body shaking.

Fear was natural!

At this moment, a giant over 200 meters tall stood on the ground!

"Come on, Barrett, crush them."

This is the combined skill of Ymir and Barrett!

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