"Great, great."

Ymir carefully wiped the blood off Tianyue's face, gently took the head of the woman who was sitting on the ground into his young arms, and said softly,

"You saved thousands of people. In the prehistoric world, you might have been rewarded with a great deed."

There were twenty or thirty corpses lying on the ground, and thousands of people were fleeing frantically in all directions.

"Now, are you satisfied now?"

Tian Yueshi said calmly without breaking away from Imir's embrace.

Her voice was like the water in the deepest pool, without any fluctuations, as if she had abandoned all emotions.

"Very satisfied, quite satisfied."

When Imir let go of Tianyue, he looked down at the pale and delicate face carefully,"I like people like you who are willing to risk their lives to protect their precious things."

"I think people like you are heroes."

"Heh - hero?"

Tian Yueshi smiled sarcastically.

"Let's go, hero,"

Ymir picked up Toki and said,"There are many rebels in Wano Country now. In order to save more people, Toki, you have to work harder."


Tian Yueshi's body trembled immediately.

She felt her body falling continuously, into the infinitely deep abyss!


"Why! Why do you do this!"

The man was wailing, with a huge cut on his neck. He tried to cover the wound in vain, but he couldn't stop the blood from gushing out, and he finally fell down.

"Why—to help—that devil……"

His voice gradually stopped.

There were dead bodies lying on the ground beside the man.

Silently shaking off the blood on the sword, the woman slowly put the sword back into the sheath. Her expression was not happy at all, not excited at all for killing the enemy.

On the contrary, she was very sad. Her smoke ring suddenly turned red, as if she was about to cry. Her voice was full of sadness.

"No, you can't do anything. You can't save this country, nor can you save anyone. No one can resist Imir."

"What you are doing is just adding more tears to this sad country."

That's what she said.

Slowly walking out of the underground rebel base, the warm sunlight fell on her.

The woman took a deep breath, turned around and suddenly unsheathed the long sword at her waist.

The powerful slash whistled out, instantly collapsing the ground and burying everything underground.

"Wow, what a wonderful sight!"

On the ground ahead, a young man wearing a pink feather cloak and a toad-shaped mirror that looked like a turkey laughed out loud,"Hey, Ymir, your forbidden love is being merciful and building a grave for the person she killed with her own hands."

"Shut up Doflamingo!"

The woman, Tian Yueshi, said in a cold tone, and the blade in her hand was instantly pointed at Doflamingo,"Do you want to die?"

"Hey, hey, this is really scary."

Doflamingo raised his hands to show that he surrendered.

"I've already told you it's mine, why are you still talking so mean?"

Ymir, who was lazily lying on the ground basking in the sun, said,"Well done, you saved a lot of lives."

Tian Yue Shi snorted coldly and stood aside silently without saying a word.

Two years have passed. It has been two years since Ymir conquered Wano Country and the Beasts Pirates entered.

The time is now 1495 in the Sea Circle Calendar, and Ymir is twelve years old this year.

Ymir has not left Wano Country in two years, and the sea has been quite calm during this period.

The expansion of the Golden Lion Pirates has reached its limit, and they have been silent recently. There is news about the Whitebeard Pirates and the Roger Pirates from time to time. They appear here today and in another place tomorrow. It seems that the chaos in the new world has nothing to do with them.

Guys like Silver Axe Wang Zhi are also quite low-key, silently separatist, quietly expanding their strength, and have no intention of competing with the Golden Lion.

Even Charlotte Lingling, a woman, stayed honestly on Cake Island to give birth to a child, and many heroes in the rivers and lakes fell into her trap and became tragic reproductive tools.

Maybe because she hasn't moved much recently, Ymir looked at her recent wanted list. Ling is a lot fatter than two years ago.

The once beautiful and charming beauty has now begun to develop into the old lady in the original story.

Overseas has become quiet, but Wano Country is quite lively.

The uprisings have been rising and falling, and there has been no peace in the past two years.

But we have to thank Ymir for this.

If it weren't for Ymir's indulgence, no matter how strong the uprising was, it would not be able to withstand the crushing of the Beasts Pirates.

In fact, Ymir really took great pains to train his top swordsman, Miss Amatsuki Toki.

He could indulge the uprising and let Amatsuki Toki kill them.

After the first time, it would be easy to continue.

Ymir threatened that if Amatsuki Toki didn't kill the leaders of the uprising, he would kill all the uprisings. Amatsuki Toki couldn't resist and had to do it one by one.

In the past two years, the blood on her hands has been extremely thick, and the name of the blood swordsman has even spread in Wano Country.

She still feels that she is killing for Wano Country.

Although she has been extremely skilled in killing people and has no hesitation.

It's great, isn't it?

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