
Ymir let out a long sigh of relief.

He looked down at the wound on his chest.

It hurts, it hurts so much!

This is the worst injury he has ever suffered in the twelve years since he came here!

He had never suffered such an injury when he fought with Golden Lion Sengoku before. The bones are almost exposed.

As expected of Kozuki Oden, his strength is really strong.

However -

Ymir curled his lips.

The muscles on the huge wound on his chest have already stuck together, and the wound has begun to recover!

Ymir's body is not only strong in strength and invincible in defense, but also has the ability to recover at the level of awakened animals!

"You are in a hurry after all, Kozuki Oden."

Ymir landed lightly on the ground and looked at Kozuki and Oden who had lost consciousness on the ground with a mocking look.

The battle just now seemed to be a fair fight between the two to decide the winner.

But in fact, the outcome had been decided as early as the moment the two attacked.

Kozuki Oden saw that Ymir was incredibly fast, and the slash he made was even more shocking.

If he let Ymir keep a distance and kite him, he would have no chance of winning!

So he decided to concentrate all his strength to fight Ymir in one blow!

His decision was not wrong.

In terms of hard power, he was similar to Ymir at this time, and he was even better.

But the only thing he didn't expect was that the domineering aura radiating from Ymir was no longer the same as before.

After realizing the breathing of all things, Ymir, after activating the Ultra Instinct, can use internal destructive domineering aura to coordinate breathing!

Meaning , when the breathing Haki collided with Kozuki Oden's breathing blade, he could no longer defeat the strong with the weak, and he could not break Ymir's Haki as before!

Even if he gathered all the power of Haki, the result was just a big cut on Ymir's chest.

But it was different when he was hit by Ymir's expanded Haki.

Being hit by Ymir's Haki at this time had the same effect as being hit by the sword of a great swordsman!

The result was that Ymir's Haki, which was of a higher level and had breathing, easily penetrated Oden's Haki, and then penetrated into his body! The internally destructive Haki showed its power at this time!

In a matter of seconds, Kozuki Oden's internal organs were severely injured! Even the Haki that Oden used to protect his internal organs could not resist!

Even a man like Kozuki Oden, with his internal organs almost shattered, naturally could not continue to fight.

"Very strong!"

Ymir clenched his fists and said so.

The fusion of domineering and the breath of all things is simply a perfect match.

But it is a pity that this move requires too high precision. Ymir is not proficient without opening the Ultra Instinct, and he needs to continue to hone his skills.

Moreover, even if the twenty-five-fold physical increase and the Ultra Instinct are activated at the same time, there will be no leaps and bounds in strength.

After all, the breath of all things and domineering are fixed attributes. Without the increase of the Momo Fruit, it is equivalent to adding a piece of equipment that increases damage.

Now it seems that the damage has increased by leaps and bounds in normal conditions, but after adding a twenty-five-fold increase, the damage has increased by so much, which is not so impressive.

But even so, the combination of top-level domineering and the breath of all things is strong enough. This ability to break the opponent's domineering is absolutely useful in the confrontation between top-level domineering users!

If you master this move, even without opening the Momo Fruit and the Ultra Instinct, Ymir has at least reached the level of top monsters in terms of lethality.

Not to mention Ymir's complacency.

On the battlefield on the other side

"Lord Oden——actually lost the battle!! ? ?"

Denjiro, with white hair and beard, said in disbelief.

He has been waiting for two years!

Undercover under Kurozumi Orochi, he can't see the way forward, he can't see the future, the only thing supporting him is an illusory hope!

Finally, after two years, hope has come! Lord Oden is back!

Killed Orochi! Defeated the remaining Beasts Pirates! Conquered the army formed by Orochi and Zenzo! Reunited the hopeless Wano Country!

It was only the last step away from the revival of the country!


""What are you doing! Lord Oden!!"

Denjiro staggered forward two steps and screamed in disbelief,"Stand up! No, don't fall down like this! You are the last hope of Wano Country!!!"

The flag of hope was broken.

Not only Denjiro, but all the samurai who noticed the battle between Kozuki Oden and Ymir lowered their heads.

""Hey, hey, hey, are you distracted? You really look down on me. How dare you be distracted when fighting me again?"

The devil's whisper sounded behind him, but the distraught Denjiro seemed not to hear it. He opened and closed his mouth but no sound came out.

"Tsk, your hope is destroyed. Who told you to be the enemy of Ymir? Forget it, I will be kind and end your suffering."

Doflamingo behind him sighed and shook his head.

"More than the whip!"

"No - it's impossible, Lord Oden, how could Lord Oden lose?"

Kikunosuke's reaction was even greater than Denjiro's. He sat on the ground with a dull look in his eyes,"Lord Oden, how could he lose?——"

"Just because his opponent is Ymir."

Tian Yueshi held the sword tightly in her hand,"It's just fate that you and he live in the same era."

She raised the sword in her hand,

"I'm sorry, I did it for this country, you should know that no one can resist him."

Beautiful flowers bloomed in the blood.

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