No one knows what Kaido and Ymir said in the end.

But when Ymir had everything ready and was ready to sail, Kaido did not come to see him off, as if he had drunk too much and was not awake.

On the coast of Jiuli, a ship was ready.

It was not too big, and was even smaller than the ship that the Beasts Pirates took when they set sail before.

If you have to make a comparison, it is probably a little bigger than the Thousand Sunny of the future Straw Hat Pirates.

It is a ship suitable for small pirate groups.

All the supplies on the ship have been stored, and artillery and ammunition are also prepared.

The only thing missing is a pirate flag that can be hung on the mast to scare the enemy from a distance.

Ymir's men have already boarded the ship.

Tianyue Shi, Barrett, Doflamingo, Teach, Pica, Vergo, Diamante, Trebol, plus Ymir, this small pirate group that has no name yet has nine people, which can be considered to be in shape.

Of course, the number is a bit shabby, but in terms of quality, Ymir's pirate group is definitely not inferior to any other pirate group on the sea!

"Are we leaving now?"

On the coast, Ymir was saying goodbye to Jin and Quinn. Jinn said with some emotion,"Has that arrogant little baby set sail now?"

Quinn pouted immediately,"Don't say Ymir is too old, okay? Ymir is unique to go out to sea as a pirate at the age of twelve, right?"


Jin said calmly,"Charlotte Linlin, that woman set out to become a pirate when she was six years old. At that time, a bounty of 50 million Baileys was offered."

"Do you really have to argue with me?"

"This is a fact, and it cannot be disputed."

"I think you bastard just want to be beaten!"

"Come and try if you have the guts."

They said they were here to see Imir off, but the two bastards immediately started quarreling again.

Imir said speechlessly,"Okay, stop talking nonsense, I'm not here to watch you quarrel."

"Forget about this idiot, Ymir."

Jin said in a deep voice,"With your strength, you can come and go freely even in this new world. I won't worry about you anymore. Have a good journey."

"Hey! What do you mean by have a good journey? Ymir is sailing to the sea, not going to die!"

Quinn said angrily,"Ymir! Otherwise, let's team up to beat up that bastard Jhin!"

"If you don't leave, I'll beat you both up."

Imir said angrily.

He had wanted to leave a long time ago, but these two guys kept stopping him. They said they were seeing him off, but no one knew what they were saying.

"Cough cough."

Jin coughed twice, a little hesitant.

But Quinn pushed the useless Jhin away and leaned over to Ymir and whispered,

"Um, Ymir, what did Boss Kaido say to you last night?"


Imir was a little surprised.

"Did you stop me just to ask this?"

Jin said uncomfortably,"In fact, everyone in the pirate group is a little curious about what Boss Kaido will say when his son grows up and goes to sea."

Quinn was eager to try,"How about it, Ymir, is Boss Kaido crying very sadly? After all, his stupid son who has been with him day and night for ten years is going to sea now!"

Ymir was really helpless. These people were too boring. Why didn't they think more about how to expand the territory.

It is true that Kaido is a very emotional person. Sometimes he cries and sometimes he laughs.

But he is not really a kind old father.

Not to mention, no one will become a kind father when facing a son like Ymir.

He just drank with Ymir all night last night.

Ymir even suspected that he wanted to have a good drink with him after knowing that Ymir was leaving.

But when Ymir left, the drunk Kaido looked up and muttered,

"I'll wait for you to come back."

That's what he said.

Of course, the meaning of waiting for me to come back was not that I should come home often, but that he was waiting for me to come back and challenge him.

Ymir was too lazy to care about Quinn and Jin, so he used the Moon Step to fly to the ship.

Looking at the crew members gathered on the deck, Ymir nodded slightly. These guys were his team.

Then the most important question was, what should I call my pirate group?

I laughed at the bad name of the Beasts Pirates before, so I must give it a good name.

"Well, then, guys,"

Imir smiled at the guys behind him and opened his arms as if to embrace the world.

"The strongest pirate group! Set sail!"

"The strongest pirate group?"

Doflamingo laughed strangely,"Ha, Ymir, this name is purely your idea, right? It's too ugly! And with such an arrogant name, it's easy to get beaten up at sea."

"Being beaten? Then let them come!"

Barrett suddenly said enthusiastically,"Isn't this better? Right! Ymir! Since it is the strongest pirate group, it must be the strongest, right!!"

"That's right! Isn't that natural?"

Ymir nodded. Sure enough, Barrett was the one he liked best on this ship."We will be the strongest! I will be the strongest person! You will be the strongest partners! We are the strongest pirate group!!"

"The strongest?"

Torrebol, who had been acting as Imir's butler and stayed at the headquarters to handle affairs, was captured and thrown into prison before being released. His eyes were full of excitement.

Isn't this the kind of person he is looking for?

"The strongest?"

Tiqi was also slightly startled. What an arrogant guy, but even he had to admit that Ymir's strength and potential were so terrifying that he might be able to sit in the strongest position in the future!

Tian Yueshi stared at Ymir in a daze. Sometimes she really didn't understand. Cruel, arrogant, playful, cold, passionate, indifferent, what kind of person was Ymir?

"So now,"

Ymir smiled slightly,

"Let it begin! The legendary journey of the strongest pirate group!"

When the ship set sail, Ymir heard Quinn's voice on the shore.

"Ymir, if you feel you can't bear it anymore, you can always come back!"

Isn't this idiot looking down on others a little too much?

Ymir's mouth curled slightly.

In short, this is the beginning of the legend.

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