Soon Ymir and Doflamingo were already on his ship.

"Let's go, Pica will take the helm,"

Ymir ordered,"Virgo will lower the sails, we have to stay up late tonight."

"So, Ymir, the strongest person in the world you mentioned can be found again, right?"

Barrett said with an expectant smile.

"Isn't that natural?"

Ymir laughed and patted Barrett on the shoulder,"Come on, buddy, let's go see the pinnacle of intelligence in the world!"

If Ymir is the pinnacle of physical talent, then there is no doubt that the man named Vegapunk is the pinnacle of brain talent!

No matter what, Ymir feels that he is qualified to be his friend.

With the guidance of the life card, the ship will not have the problem of finding the way forward. It only needs to follow the direction of the life card.

When the sky began to brighten and the dawn had quietly passed, Ymir's observation color, which had been turned on, detected something

"Oh, it seems we have found it."

He said

"Found it?"

Doflamingo looked at the sea, only a deep and dark sea surface was slightly agitated."What are you talking about? There is nothing."

"You can't see it with your eyes."

Ymir pointed his finger downwards,"Use your mind's eye, it's underwater."

Although Ymir's observation Haki is far inferior to his current attainments in Armament Haki, it is definitely not weak, and should be considered the average level of the strong men on the sea.

The range is quite wide, and covering an island is just a simple matter for Ymir.

So Ymir now easily discovered that a huge creature was quietly diving in the sea, nearly a hundred meters below the sea surface not far from the ship.

"That's it, isn't it?"

Ymir said to himself.

"So the question now is how to get them out of the sea."

Teach said,"Captain, you are a capable person, it would be difficult to deal with them if they are underwater."

"But it won't."

Ymir soared into the sky,"Push the boat a little further away, it will make a lot of noise later."

Ymir stood in the air. Although he couldn't see with his eyes, he could sense with his sight that the huge and narrow thing under the sea was slowly moving forward.

"Then let's say hello first!"

Imir smiled slightly and waved his right hand knife downwards.

"Momo - Thirty times slash!"

The huge slash roared out, instantly tearing the seawater and rushing into the seawater hundreds of meters deep.

At the same time as Ymir made his move, the huge laboratory in the deep sea began to shake suddenly.

Various reagents and experimental materials fell to the ground.

""Oh! What on earth happened!"

Jiazhi said in amazement, holding the experimental table,"Did we encounter an ocean current?"

"I don't think so. Haha, come and look at this Judge, it's very interesting."

Vegapunk pulled Judge to a surveillance screen, pointed at the picture on it and laughed,"Look, the sea is split!"

Judge was dumbfounded.

The picture on the screen showed that the sea water in front was directly torn apart!

A forcibly cut gap went straight to the dark deep sea!

Boom boom boom!

There were several consecutive major turbulences, and the laboratory began to shake violently again.

Judge saw something even more terrifying.

The powerful slash continued to whiz down, almost encircling the entire laboratory.

"What on earth is this?"

Jage collapsed on the ground and said blankly.

He had never seen such a great power.

"Hahahaha, it looks like we have to go up, the whole ship will be smashed to pieces."

Vegapunk laughed,"Let's go up and take a look."

While Ymir had already forced Vegapunk to ascend, on the other side, far above the Red Earth Continent, in the white town of Marijoa.

Pangu City, the center of the World Government, where the Five Elders' offices are located, the people who hold the highest power in the world are talking.

""That kid from Roger's side is troublesome enough! And now Doflamingo shows up!" The bearded Five Elders smashed the wooden coffee table in front of him angrily,"Damn it, this kind of thing actually happened a second time! That bastard Doflamingo is still alive! Why didn't he die earlier with that idiot Ho Minggu!"

"Being angry now will not help."

The Five Elders, holding a long sword in their arms, drank a cup of tea slowly."The situation is more serious than we thought."

"Unlike the ignorant kid on Roger's side, Doflamingo knows a lot of secrets! It's very dangerous for him to fall into Kaido's hands."

The Five Elders with shiny bald heads said,"Roger is the most dangerous! Regardless of that kid, if that thing falls into his hands, we all know what the consequences will be!"

"There is nothing we can do about Roger for now, we can only take it one step at a time."

The Five Elders with blond hair said in a deep voice,"But Doflamingo must be dealt with. It is too dangerous to let him fall into Kaido's hands."

The last of the Five Elders, the one with a long beard, said,"That's right, especially this kid named Ymir, who is only twelve years old, but his strength is already catching up with the top monsters in the sea. Even Sengoku can't take him down. If he is allowed to grow up, the threat of the Beasts Pirates in the future will even surpass Roger!"

"And this time his target is Vegapunk, we must not let him succeed!"

The bearded Five Elders took a breath, calmed down, and nodded,"Yes, this kid is too dangerous, he is even the son of Charlotte Linlin, and when he unifies the Beasts Pirates and the BIG-MOM Pirates, he will be able to create an extremely evil army that can even surpass Rocks!"

"Then, we are all of the same opinion."

The Five Elders holding the sword nodded and said,"Contact Zefa and eliminate him at all costs!"

"Is just one Zefa enough?"

"Borsalino and Kake are also on his side, so their fighting power should be sufficient."

"If that's not enough, then let 'Dragon' go there too. Isn't the team he leads also in the New World?"

The bearded Five Elders nodded heavily.

"That should be enough, tell Zefa,"

"Let him wipe out this little brat named Ymir no matter what! Then bring Doflamingo and Vegapunk back!"

Ymir must be wiped out!

This is the decision of the Five Elders.

At this time, Ymir was completely unaware of this matter. He was immersed in amazement.

On the sea in front of him, a huge shadow slowly floated up.

Soon, it stirred up huge waves on the sea.

The metal shell quickly protruded from the sea and stretched across the sea.

""Huhuhu, a submarine, a high-end product."

Ymir exclaimed.

Then the next moment, the submarine's hull cracked.

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