Ymir was a little surprised by Dragon's words.

It's not that he thought Dragon was talking nonsense.

In fact, what Dragon said was very correct.

The World Government is certainly not a good thing, and it is impossible for Ymir to blackmail it.

In fact, Ymir knew very well that the government might have begun to gather the fighting force that could kill him at this time, right?

The Five Elders would certainly not allow a guy like Doflamingo who knew the secrets of the Celestial Dragons to freely move around on the sea, especially when he had a boss like Ymir who was even more lawless.

They would never allow him to live in this world. Ymir thought that the Five Elders must think so.

Isn't this natural?

A pirate like himself who has mastered the secrets of the Celestial Dragons is of course a thorn in the eyes of the Celestial Dragons!

But Ymir didn't care.

Fighting against the sky is endless fun, and fighting against people is endless fun.

In this world, of course, the most interesting thing is to go against the World Government.

So Ymir just smiled and said,"Mr. Long, is this what you, a CP0, should say?"

"That's probably because I said too much."

Drag said calmly,"Then let's discuss the handover, Mr. Imir, to show sincerity, you decide the time and place." Imir raised his eyebrows,"Ha, I'm more suspicious whether you are a government man or not. You will never fight for the interests of the government, but I like it very much."

Imir thought for a while,"Then let's set it for a week later, and give the government some time to deploy troops. At least, how about coding out the dream lineup of the general and the Warring States hero Garp? Just tell the Five Elders and tell them that I will be disappointed if the scene is not good enough."

Dorag was really shocked by Imir's audacity. He obviously knew everything, but he insisted on playing with fire and had to go the most dangerous way!

So he said,"Then I really want to thank you, Mr. Imir. This is no small achievement for me."

"That's it."

Imir said with a smile,"How about choosing this floating island as the location? It's wide enough and not hard to find."


Dorag nodded, and then his body was lifted into the air by the wind."Then I'll leave first, Mr. Ymir. I hope you can have a good time in a week."

"It will definitely be pleasant."

Ymir grinned.

Dragon turned into wind and dissipated directly in the air.

Ymir frowned slightly. Dragon was probably the Wind-Wind Fruit.

This fruit was a bit strange. After the elementalization, it could turn itself into wind. It was invisible to the naked eye, and the aura was extremely scattered. It was easy to ignore if you didn't search for it specifically.

After all, in this sea, who would care about the wind that is everywhere?

It is simply a weapon for ambush and sneak attack.

On this side, Ymir and Dragon had just parted. Mary Joa and the Five Elders who had just hung up Ymir's phone also received Dragon's report.

"A week later?"

The bald Five Elders sneered,"Arrogant boy! Since he asked us to give him a dream lineup, we can't let him down!"

""Are Sengoku and Garp okay?" he asked."The navy has lost face so badly, how can they still have the nerve to stay on the sea if they don't do something!"

"The navy has been informed, Sengoku and Garp have come to Marijoa."

The knife-wielding Five Elders said,"They are also very angry."

Of course they are very angry, how can they not be angry when their best friend who joined the navy together and fought together for decades is captured by pirates?

"Angry is good, I'm just afraid they won't be angry."

The blond Five Elders laughed,"Where's Zero? Not here yet?"

Before he finished speaking, the heavy door of the office was pushed open, and a guy wearing a robe and a mask like all CP0s walked in respectfully without saying a word.

"Is the matter clear now?"

The blond Five Elders were not surprised and said directly

"Yes, Master Five Elders."

CP0, codenamed Zero, nodded. His voice was gloomy and dry, like a piece of iron sliding on glass, extremely harsh.

"Then I'll leave it to you. You will lead the operation this time and kill that arrogant boy!" The bearded Five Elders said coldly,"And his crew, get rid of them all."

The big bearded Five Elders added,"Don't forget that they may spread the news in advance as a backup."

"Of course, Master Five Elders,"

Ling nodded,"CP's agents are all over the world, and we will keep an eye on all newspapers, but this is all we can do."

"That's enough."

The five elders holding the knife nodded,"The news can be blocked afterwards, but we can't let this guy Ymir go!"

"Zero, I leave it to you! The strongest shield, don't let us down this time!"


Just as Ymir thought, the government has already begun to form the strongest group, determined to completely wipe him out of this sea.

On the other side, on the ship of the strongest pirate group, Ymir listened to Vegapunk's chattering with some impatience.

"Oh my God! Mr. Imir, are you going to let me do research on a small boat like this? I can't even put the equipment there!"

"Also, my experimental materials were destroyed by that rude big guy! I need to replenish them!"

Vegapunk and Judge's laboratory was messed up by Barrett's awakening before, and it was directly turned into ruins.

Although Barrett tried his best to use his ability to rescue some intact equipment for him later, most of them were indeed destroyed.

Ymir was annoyed and said helplessly,"Okay, my doctor, let's put the research aside for now. We will have 100 billion berries in a week. I will give you 90 billion as research funds, okay?"

Vegapunk's eyes lit up and he coughed twice,"Well, then I have to take a good rest. I'll go find Judge together."

Ymir shouted behind him,"Then bring Mr. Zephyr and Miss Gion out to bask in the sun. They seem to be moldy because of their deep hatred and hatred." Vegapunk did not answer.

Instead, Doflamingo beside him laughed,"Ha, you are worthy of it, Ymir"

"Well, so many inexplicable things have happened, it's time to come clean, Dover,"

Ymir leaned on the side of the boat with his head raised, staring at the sky with lifeless eyes,"What exactly is the national treasure of the Celestial Dragons?"

Doflamingo was not too surprised.

It was absolutely impossible for Ymir not to be interested in something like the national treasure of the Celestial Dragons.

Ymir keenly noticed that when he asked the question, Teach, who had been dawdling on the right, immediately came over nonchalantly.

What a pretentious guy.

Ymir sneered, but Barrett was direct and sat down next to Ymir, looking at Doflamingo with full interest. Of course, he was also very curious

"Well, okay,"

Doflamingo thought about it. Now he and Ymir are bound together. Without Ymir's protection, he will definitely die.

Moreover, if this secret is mastered by a guy like Ymir, it will be the biggest blow to the Celestial Dragons!

So he said,

"This is a secret that not everyone knows even within the Celestial Dragon community!"

"I heard it from my damn dad.���of"

"He said, under the ground of Mary Geoise, on top of the sun tree Eve,"

"Uranus lives there."

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