"Let's go!" The archer yelled at the same time, one was to remind his companion to attack, and the other was to move forward according to the idea.

"Put...!!"!!! Put!!! Put...! "

"Whoosh, whoosh Whoosh, whoosh...! "

The arrow rain all over the sky made the soldiers of the whole city wall dare not raise their eyes.

Even in the tower, at least a dozen arrows came through the window.

Jiang Mo covered his eyes with his hand and looked into the distance through the bone gap.

"Zhao Yun, you can decide the positions on both sides. Attack the group of master Shengyan first! Remember, we can't give them time to breathe, we must kill them all at once

"Yes! Lord Zhao Yun lies on the top of the cliff, watching the dense arrows fall to his companion.

Anxious straight teeth, although we have done a good job in defense, but watching their own people were so suppressed, really uncomfortable!

"Chief of the army, the enemy has entered our attack area!" Next to Zhao Yun, an assistant looks into the distance through a lens.

Zhao Yun shook his head: "don't worry, we have to make all the mages within the scope of our bombing before we take a few steps!"

"Yes The assistant didn't dare say anything.

We are also staring at the pressure, waiting for the archers to move forward step by step, waiting for master Shengyan to take a few more steps.

In two minutes, these guys are really grinding!

But it's only a hundred meters. Why should it be so heavy?

"Mortar ready! One shell for each mortar, two for me! "


Two hundred boxes of ammunition, two for each mortar.

Zhao Yun only gave a general location. Because so many people want to kill them all, it's very difficult. Therefore, it's convenient for them to be wounded. In this way, centralized bombing is obviously not feasible. It's better to cover the bombing and random bombing.

On the city wall, they were waiting for Zhao Yun's gunfire. Jiang Mo also knew that Zhao Yun was waiting for the enemy to approach, but the minutes were really too hard.

"Zhao Yun! Not yet? "

"Lord! Here we go Zhao Yun replied and turned to look behind him.

"Brothers! Call me

"Tong Tong...!"

Mortar shells flying disorderly in mid air, such as raindrops, but the composition of raindrops is not bullets, but shells!

Then, draw an arc, hit the magic camp.

"Boom boom..."! Boom...! " The explosion covered everything.

In an instant, the magician camp was full of people. One by one, the magicians had no strong defense. The bodies were blown up, broken, and even blown up everywhere!

However, this is just the beginning!

"Second shot! Let it go

"Tong Tong...!" The second round of attack, once again, the mages just looked up to see what happened, followed by the second round of attack, again!

"Targeted bombing, a small team..."! Team two...! "

Zhao Yun commands the soldiers to attack the crowded places.

"Hou Yi! Call me

Under the city wall, because he was gambled by tanks, Hou Yi was on the rear tower, but this did not delay his attack.

"Sniper! Fight! Hard hit

"Da Da Dada

Not only on the tower, but also on the cliff.

Their target is the archer. Those archers who wear only one piece of leather armor are shot one after another in an instant and fall down in an instant!

"Asshole!" Ryan in the back gritted his teeth angrily.

"Siege weapon, attack, come on, go to the command!"

"In the herald infantry, up to me, protect the archers! Come on Ryan's roaring!

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