He was not found, and no one knew where he had gone. The angel family searched all over the hinterland of the angel family, and they did not find Jiang mo.

The temple of December was shocked. At this time, they didn't know what Jiang Mo was going to do. They suddenly killed so many people. Jiang Mo was unforgivable, but the problem was that no one was found.

"Keep lifting! The angel clan has expanded the scope of search again, quick! Improve! Improve Zhao Yun stood on the air fortress, commanding the soldiers.

"Lord! The angel clan seems to want to search in the middle of the sky. They have been raising their altitude for three days in a row. If this goes on, we can't hide! " Bai Qi looks at Jiang Mo, depressed way.

"Well! Angel clan lost such a big face, it must be crazy! But now is the beginning. We haven't done anything about angels yet. "

Jiang Mo patted the table and gritted his teeth.

"Will the Lord continue?" Bai Qi looks at Jiang mo.

Jiang Mo nodded: "of course! Baiqi, we just attacked two cities. For the angel clan, we didn't hurt them at all. These two cities are all human beings. They are not the targets I really want to attack. It's the birdmen I want to kill! "

"What is the Lord going to do next?"

"Enter the city and kill enough angels and holy Dragon Knights!"

"What if you are in danger?"

Jiang Mo looked at Bai Qi: "ha ha..."! I know what you're thinking. Don't worry about it, but I, Jiang Mo, still care about my life. We don't have to worry about life and death before the angel clan sends out the absolute strong! White rise! I know that this revenge is very grudging, but you should understand that 500 million human beings are my dream. One day, I thought I was very close to human beings, but the angels pulled me back to reality again! "

"Therefore, I will make the angels pay double price. If they have revenge, they are not gentlemen! As a man, I'm just doing what I have to do! "

Bai Qi looked at Jiang Mo, nodded: "Lord's decision, Bai Qi must help Lord complete, but Lord, can you think of a good way out?"

Bai Qi looked at the distance: "undead, we can't go back. Hades is unlikely to help us, while Titan, I talked with the patriarch mikestan, they can prepare a way for us!

Jiang Mo said with a smile: "the price is that we help them find more ancient temples, right?"

Bai Qi was stunned: "did the Lord guess?"

Jiang Mo nodded: "the Titans will not let me die, they want to get the temple, and they don't have that ability, so they always want me to help, inter race things, white, don't be silly, an angel, can only change to the heart of Titan, want to make the Titans and the angels fight, it's impossible!"

Bai Qi sat down and said, "I don't know! However, since it's useless for us to take those temples, why don't we exchange them for some friendship? For us, is this also a convenient favor? "

Jiang Mo shook his head: "no! Baiqi, the temple is really easy for us, but don't forget that it is difficult for them to ascend to heaven! "

"If the Titans want to get the temple, it depends on how much help they have given us! We've been playing chess all the way. We've been playing with applause all the time. Now, it's time to fight back! "

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