Although the soldiers of the Holy See did not build the corpse mountain, they were running in this direction.

Not only step on the corpse, even the living people step on it, pushing one up!

What does the Vatican want to do? It's just attacking a city. Do you need to work so hard?

Is it the holy see for justice? Or the commanders, for honor?

As soon as the achievements are exhausted, human beings will only remember that they have defeated the undead. Will someone tell the story of this battle?

Even if it's spread, who will carry the black pot? Human beings will only hate the undead more and say that everything is the fault of the undead.

But did you really let the enemy fight like this?

Is it true that when people die in battle, they will think that this is a group of just undead?

What did you do wrong?

Jiang Mo closed his eyes. He didn't want to think about it. After a few years, no one will remember everything about the battle, and no one will talk about it. Those people are still living in a carefree world. They are laughing and laughing. How can they be in the mood to pay attention to it?

"Kill me! Stand up to the enemy's attack

Jiang Mo doesn't think so. No matter what he is, whether he is a dead or a human, it's OK to be an ORC. This is a war. Everyone has the right to survive in the war!

The skeleton soldiers are also red eyed. I have to say that as the dead, they are really excited to kill more than human beings.

In the face of war, they are fearless. Although they are smart, they will follow the orders without hesitation and have no opportunistic ideas.

This hour, the Vatican soldiers, completely crazy, desperate to attack, and even desperate to trample on his companions.

Up to now, the soldiers on both sides are red eyed. There is only one belief between them, that is, to destroy the enemy at all costs.

Jiang Mo looked down, the human gradually piled into a tower, corpse mountain will soon be completed.

Zheng He's guns were gone.

Baiqi's fighter has returned to the call space.

Bai Qi also ran to the other side of the wall, commanding the monk's army to fight.

"Let's go! Guan Yu! Give me a rush

"Boom, boom...!" In the pile of corpses near the city wall, 70 shelled armor piercing bullets shot out in an instant, like 70 blades, cutting off 70 ridges of wheat fields!

"Asshole! How can the dead be hidden? " Ryan's eyes widened and he looked at the tank coming out of the distance.

"High explosive preparation!"

Guan Yu gave the order, all the soldiers pushed the high explosive bomb into the tank gun.

"High explosive ammunition, let go!"

"Boom, boom...!" At present, the strongest attack in Jiang Mo's hands, Guan Yu's high explosive ammunition and killing, is undoubtedly the most terrifying and shocking!

With the heavy bombardment of high explosive bombs, 70 tanks rushed to the Vatican soldiers.

"Asshole! Stop them! Come on! Come on LAL's voice went up a few tones, but it didn't help.

Seeing the rout ahead, Ryan waved his hand mercilessly: "kill me! Those who retreat will be killed without mercy! "

"Kill me!"

Behind Ryan, 100000 troops rushed to 70 tanks.

Guan Yu looked at the front with disdain: "high explosive, go on, give me light!"

"Yes After a few seconds, the muzzle of each tank gun burst out, and a high explosive shell burst out instantly!

"Boom boom!"

"Wow...!" "Ah...!" In front, the Vatican soldiers were blown up, accompanied by a burst of explosion, the final battle began!

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