"Hiss..."! what the hell! an error! A mistake Jiang Mo quickly pressed him down, while the bone crystal just fusion, hurry!

The people of the fangtooth mammoth clan are stupid. Is that ok? It's really funny just now. It can even grow back teeth. However, after people's snickering, they were shocked. It turns out that teeth can really be inlaid?

"Hey! Damn it! Is that too hard? " Jiang Mo tried his best and even used a dagger. The painful tusk mammoth clan leader couldn't help but shed tears. As a result, the bone crystal connection was solid and could not be broken.

Jiang Mo wiped the sweat on his forehead and said to Niu Meng, "Niu Meng, bring the ax!"

"Ah! All right Niu fiercely took out his own huge axe, said it was a huge axe, but in front of the big guy who was tens of meters, it was like a small axe.

"When..." "Ouch...!"

Jiang Mo is hit, the clansman around followed to bite a tooth.

"No, no! I think that's good! " The tusk mammoth clan leader stood up. He couldn't stand it any more. He was tossed to death in such a toss.

Jiang Mo pointed to the patriarch: "it's almost over. What's your hurry? Come on, hold on to your patriarch. "

"What are you doing? This is for his good, he went out like this, do not give you shame? It's not about him. Come on! Hold it down

"Yes Several clansmen came and held down the tusk mammoth patriarch, and advised: "patriarch! It's for your own good. "

"You bastards! What do you want to do? "

Jiang Mo patted the Patriarch on the shoulder: "don't worry! don 't worry! No mistake this time! It's better to have a long pain than a short one. You can stand it! "

Jiang Mo swung his axe and turned his magic power.

"Ga Ba" a crisp ring! The fangs of the mammoth clan leader are broken into four sections!

"Ah Ha ha Ah, ah, ah

The sharp tooth mammoth clan leader's painful eyes are almost flying out, but he is pressed down by the clan people, so he won't let up!

"Patriarch, bear it!" The surrounding clansman side presses, side persuades a way.

"Son of a bitch, why don't you try? It's a crushing pain The way of the mammoth clan leader.

"No nonsense! Wait, I'm askew! "

"Woo The tusk mammoth clan leader, shut up and don't hurt any more.

The magic of bone crystal really made the fanged mammoths look silly. All the kids who looked at the bone crystal from a close distance were staring at the bone crystal. They saw that the bone crystal fused into the ivory, and there was no gap. Moreover, the healing speed could not keep up with their eyes.

"Oh! It's so powerful! "

"Patriarch! It's amazing. Did you see that? Er! by the way! It hurts when you patronize! "

"Well?" The tusk mammoth clan leader glared at the garrulous people and turned to look at Jiang Mo: "Ouch! I'm going to have a rest. You've got the clan! "

With a smile, Jiang Mo patted the Patriarch on the shoulder: "go! Rest early

Looking at Jiang Mo's mysterious smile, the tusk mammoth patriarch felt cool in his heart. What is the boy going to do? Why is there a sense of conspiracy?

That night, Jiang Mo contracted a bigger mammoth with fangs, and then left with 600000. As for the old patriarch!

Jiang Mo doesn't want it! That guy is too troublesome and likes to play tricks. It's better for these little guys to manage.

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