"It's really rare. As a God King, I can think of these! Lord, it's hard enough

After Jiang Mo's farewell, sea king ge'ao came over.

He looked at the ladies who had gone away and gave a hug to Jiang mo.

"Ah! Every one of those woods knows how to fight. As a lord, I am a lord except when I fight. In other times, I think I am a nanny! "

"Ha ha...!" Geog laughed: "if you say that, it can be regarded as the death of a confidant. How could the Lord repay the LORD with his life

Jiang Mo nodded: "that's right! You say so, I this in the heart, return pain quick! Hehe! How about this? Have you found a feeling recently? "

"The old man is still at ease in the sea. It's easy to manage. What's the Lord doing recently? I haven't seen Zheng He for a year! "

Jiang Mo saw that there was no one around and chatted about the latest news.

Gao nodded and said: "if so, isn't the fragment found before part of the artifact? Did the Lord ever think that the artifact might have been destroyed? "

Jiang Mo shook his head: "I don't know. We don't know anything about the artifact of this generation. Don't you know, Gao?" Jiang Mo suddenly remembered that the God King, in terms of seniority, was Ge Ao's grandfather! He's Poseidon's son!

Gao waved his hand: "it's no use! God is not what you used to think! Jiang Mo, in the human world, father and son are the closest relationship, because the growth of son is the pride of father and the hope of family rejuvenation! But, in the divine world, the son is the father's eyesore! You should know that we have an endless life span. My father Poseidon doesn't need to worry about his position as a Poseidon and the issue of inheritance, because he will never leave this position! "

"Our sons have the right of inheritance. Once someone overthrows him, they can directly sit in his position. On the contrary, other Hai people don't have that ability and pose no threat to him! You think, under such circumstances! Will the relationship between father and son be good? We children of Poseidon have never received any education about God since childhood. The education we receive is only obedience, respect and no rebellious heart! "

"So tell the Lord! Poseidon, will not let people who have the opportunity to become the next generation of Poseidon, get all the knowledge they want, otherwise, it means that he is overthrowing himself! Otherwise, we may be sent to each plane? "

Jiang Mo looked at ge'ao and shook his head: "it seems that your childhood is not wonderful!"

"It's more than just not wonderful," he said angrily? It's no different from a cage! Even if we die, it doesn't matter. Our birth is nothing more than proof that our father has the ability to carry on the family line. In addition, we have no need to be born! "

"The first God of the sea, he didn't want to lose that position, because his position was snatched from other people's hands!"

Jiang Mo sighed: "is this God? Is it really happy to live like this

"Of course!" "Lord, when you have the whole world, you may feel tired, but that doesn't mean you can give your power to others! Put it there, it's always yours, but once you hand it in, you'll have nothing

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