Through the wide mirror, Jiang Mo observed the situation in the distance.

The soldiers were supporting Lao Li. For a moment, inside and outside the canyon, they were concentrating on the place where Lao Li was fighting.

Is Jiang Mo really angry? It's not as if it's fighting. It's not angry. Jiang Mo is just worried. Generally speaking, the hatching Warcraft is fierce because it is eager to protect its eggs. Lao Li is a general, but he does not understand the viper, so he will inevitably suffer from dark losses.

Jiang Mo's worry is not unnecessary. As he thought, it doesn't matter how old Li fights. The key point is the viper. The viper in the spawning period is the most ferocious stage, which is also the reason why the surrounding Warcraft never set foot in the Viper canyon at this time.

Lao Li, who is charging, crawls on the ground with his soldiers, sets up his rifle and is aiming at the gun.

Agkistrodon is very fierce, but no matter how it rushes, there is only one result, that is death.

Scales have no way to protect their bodies. The penetrating power of rifles is far greater than that of Agkistrodon halys.

"Dada, dada...!"

"Come on! Take aim, hit! Come on

Lao Li is also worried. He knows he is in danger, but this is an opportunity to upgrade. He must seize it.

What's more, as soon as the battle started, people became more and more enthusiastic. Life and death were generally not a matter of consideration. To kill the enemy, how to kill more enemies was Lao Li's concern.

"Monk! Spread out, you're too dense! " Lao Li took a look at the monk's direction, thought it was not right, and immediately called out.

The monk gritted his teeth. In front of him, not far away, there are caves everywhere on both sides of the canyon. The monk worried that there might be vipers here, so he kept a distance.

"Chief of the army, that place is a snake's nest. It can't be near any more!"

"Snake nest?" Lao Li took a look at the direction of the monk: "mother, then you won't think of a way?"

Looking at the soldiers around him, Lao Li roared: "the third team, go, stand side by side in two rows, look at the left on the right, look at the right on the left, come out one by one, go up!"

Each of the four teams is under the command of Lao Li. At this time, the third team around Lao Li recently ordered him to send them directly.

The third team received the order, one by one soldiers rushed forward, left and right cross defense.

Just after the third team rushed out, a large number of vipers sprang up in the snake caves on both sides. Sure enough, these guys hatched snake eggs in the snake caves.

The crazy Viper rushed forward a few times and almost reached the sight of the skeleton warrior.

"Dada, dada...!" The skeleton warrior is not flustered, a rifle aimed at the front, mercilessly hook the trigger.

At the same time, above the canyon, sniper skeletons were ordered to fire at the same time.

The upper and lower firepower was blocked at the same time, so that these rushing out vipers were immediately killed and seriously injured. It was also thanks to Jiang Mo's early defense. Otherwise, it was really unknown whether Lao Li's soldiers could resist.

In any case, the crisis on both sides, temporarily solved, Lao Li did not completely reckless forward.

But at this time, the Viper guards in the rear suddenly appear. What turn can their arrival bring to the battle?

"Fight!" Lao Li attacked again, the vipers fell one by one, and the Viper guard was gradually exposed in front of the soldiers.

The Viper guard angrily looked at the skeleton soldiers of the infantry and jumped forward, with a distance of nearly 20 meters.

However, it's not terrible at all. What's terrible is that they have reached the front of the skeleton soldiers after several successive combat skills.

Without waiting for the skeleton warrior to attack, the two bone blades have been cut down!

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