Lily Wei'er and the elder act separately. They are ready to lead the soldiers and start their own plan.

The elder approved the order and ran forward. He knew that the soldiers behind were leaderless. If he didn't hurry up, it would be bad luck! There are not many degenerate soldiers. It is estimated that there should be less than 100 million soldiers now. If you can't fight them, you can bring them back to the degenerate forces. As for lilyville, if she dies in this battle, it's also the best. In that case, he, the elder, can't be killed immediately Did you replace lilyville?

At this time, the elder finally remembered a person.

It was Lin Qianqian. It was said that she had been protected all the time, but then the news suddenly stopped. Because the orcs fought fiercely, everyone was scattered. It was just not long ago that news came that the situation on the left side was OK. It was said that there was a leader in scar mountain, who was said to unite the soldiers against the orcs, because there was a leader in the middle Orc's barrier, therefore, the specific information is not very clear.

But anyway, as long as the soldiers are still in hand, that's good.

After that, some soldiers heard that the soldiers of scar mountain had gone to the sea, where they should have built the camp. It is estimated that this time, her majesty lilyville went to the coast to look for those guys.

The reason why Shenshan dares to fight is that they don't know the existence of those soldiers. They think they don't have many people, so they can't wait to attack. But the people on their side are actually waiting for themselves on the coast! This gives the fallen a chance.

The people of the holy mountain mistakenly estimated the strength of the fallen and rashly launched an attack. If they quickly met those soldiers and were making a detour to the holy mountain, ha ha, at that time, the soldiers of the holy mountain would be entangled by the orcs. On their own side, they would take the holy mountain. Those silly gods would not take out the throne? After that, I will be the king of God!

The elder is very excited. It turns out that fate is really amazing, wave by wave! One moment, I seem to be very passive. The next moment, how can I be only one step away from the God King?

This is fate, ha ha! This is fate

The elder didn't really send all the soldiers away. At this time, he said that he was sick to run with you? Elder, as for such a low IQ?

He gave the order that the people from behind were coming. On his side, he wanted to take people around behind the enemy! Surround the people of Shenshan.

The soldiers don't know what's going on. Anyway, the elder is coming. He said that her majesty is coming, and he is ready to surround the enemy of the holy mountain. It seems that this is also a way! The soldiers follow the elder's rapid transfer. If they are fighting in front of them, they will admit their bad luck! Who let you rush too fast!

Soon, really soon, Jiang Mo led the army to break through the defense line of the fallen, and found that the camp of the fallen was empty.

But Jiang Mo didn't have any anger. Instead, he laughed: "did you really run away? Well, that's good! "

"Order to go down, immediately cut off the route of those degenerates, let them go to the coast, this side of lilyville, kill this woman first!"

Jiang Mo doesn't worry about the elder running away, because there are surprises waiting for him!

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