Bai Qi said with a smile: "yes! But this time, I heard that the commander was not Hou Yi, Lord. Who was Huang Zhong? Hou Yi handed over the Legion to him? "

Jiang Mo looked around, a hand blocked his mouth: "old man Bai, let me tell you so! At that time, there were five generals, the first of whom was Guan Yu, the second was Zhang Fei, the middle was Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, and the last was Huang Zhong! "

"Hiss..."! As famous as mustache? " Bai Qi looks at Jiang mo.

Jiang Mo nodded: "yes!"

Bai Qi was surprised again: "why didn't the Lord choose him at the beginning? oh I know Hou Yi is also very good, but it seems that he should not be weak, right? I'm curious. How did the Lord choose? "

Jiang Mo said: "there are too many of them. We have six legions, and five of them are generals of five tigers! Is there any chance for other brothers to show up? "

"Ha ha...!" Bai Qi put up his thumb: "fortunately, the Lord has such a wrong idea! Otherwise, how can Bai Qi have a chance to walk a life

"Hi! Don't worry about it. To be honest, I was the first one to think of you, but after understanding, I put you in the last place, because if I put you in the front, I would be hesitant, but you were in the last place, I didn't even have the chance to hesitate! "

Bai Qi is also happy to hear: "the LORD looks up to Bai Qi!"

Jiang Mo shook his head: "it's your ability to get up in vain. Don't give me a second choice!"

"Oh! That's White's fault. Ha ha...! "

Jiang Mo turned his head and looked at Bai Qi: "old man Bai, you should learn to keep a low profile!"

"Ha ha...!" White smile, but not low-key ah!

They rode a flying dragon to Hou Yi's barracks. As soon as they heard that Jiang Mo was coming, Hou Yi rushed out to meet him, and Jiang Mo also went straight to Huang Zhong's bow Riding Camp.

Huang Zhong was very nervous when he saw Jiang mo. he was afraid that his training was not good enough to make the Lord angry.

Jiang Mo looked at Huang Zhong and forgot to say that Huang Zhong was another old man with a white beard besides Bai Qi. He looked older than Wang Jian and almost the same as Bai Qi.

"I've seen you, my Lord!" Huang Zhong and Jiang Mo met little and were somewhat restrained.

Jiang Mo quickly helped Huang Zhong up: "old general, don't be so polite! Are you training all of these? "

The cold sweat on Huang Zhong's forehead came down: "yes! feudal lord! Please review the results

Huang Zhong said that he would let the soldiers perform.

Jiang Mo stopped: "no! No more

Jiang Mo's words, Huang Zhong listen to a Leng, finished, do not look at, it is estimated that there is no confidence in their own!

To Jiang Mo's next words, let Huang Zhong a surprise!

"Our soldiers, training is for fighting, not for performance! For their ability, I believe that the old general will not let me down! Do they have names? "

"Wing dragon salvo group!" said Huang Zhong

"No!" Jiang Mo directly denied the name.

Huang Zhong said quickly, "please give me your name!"

Jiang Mo looked at Huang Zhong and the soldiers: "flying cavalry! How's it going? "

"Thank you, Lord!" Huang Zhong looked at Jiang Mo with tears of gratitude. Jiang Mo, the title of Jiang Mo, gave Huang Zhong a high evaluation! You know, the whole army, including Bai Qi, has no regular army named by Jiang Mo, except the underworld guards. This flying cavalry army is the second army named by Jiang Mo!

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