Dense, millions of fanged mammoths keep rushing forward. Although they are shadows, they are also fighting skills. Every figure passing through the enemy is not a comfortable massage, but a piercing of fangs.

The scream of "ah ah" was constantly issued, and many soldiers spewed blood, slowly closing their eyes in despair.

After a savage charge, Zhang Liao waved his right hand, all the soldiers stopped, and gradually stopped in the distance.

But this is definitely not the end, Zhang Liao waved his hand again: "hit me!"

"Boom...!" A tusk mammoth rushed forward again. They lowered their heads and glared angrily. The tusks stabbed the enemy's belly.

"Puff, puff...!"

"Ah..."! Son of a bitch, you shameless bastard! I'm going to kill him

"My God! It's killing me. Let me go! Ah...! "

"Asshole! Don't come here, don't come here! "

There are all kinds of Shouts. The one who shouts "don't come over" may still be addicted to the previous world. He doesn't know, has he been hung on his fangs?

"Throw it Zhang Liao waved his hand. The mammoths kept shaking their heads and throwing soldiers away from their fangs.



At this time, it was like the enemy standing under a wall, while Zhang Liao was facing the target.

Although this is an army of tens of millions of people, Zhang Liao's soldiers are also heavily ridden by millions of mammoths. The killing efficiency is very fast.

It's not that there is no resistance from leichuan's soldiers, but a few soldiers are killed as soon as they turn around, or they are directly pierced by their fangs. It's too difficult to drive everyone to resist.

After several charges, the soldiers were killed and injured. This is a large area, including the distant places that Zhang Liao can't see. The tusk mammoth has formed a encirclement. The soldiers of leichuan, who are left behind by Zhang Liao, are all out of the battle circle. They are about to be wiped out.

Finally, leichuan was liberated. Before he was stuck in the middle, the front and back were full of people, and he couldn't command. At this time, the soldiers behind him were all dead, and leichuan released his hand. It was also a coincidence that Zhang Liao and leichuan were not far away. Leichuan stood up to Zhang Liao with some responding soldiers.

"Son of a bitch! You want to die! " Leichuan's strength is not weak. He's stuck in the middle, watching the soldiers being killed by the enemy alive. He's also desperate and helpless. At this time, he finally comes out. How can he give up?

"Hum!" Zhang Liao jumped off the tusk mammoth and waved his big hand: "all back!"

"Yes One by one, the soldiers retreated to both sides to fight with the surrounding soldiers, leaving Zhang Liao to face leichuan alone.

At the same time, the infantry regiment, which felt less pressure, immediately changed to attack. The soldiers began to surround leichuan's army from both sides and fought together on both sides, constantly consuming leichuan's soldiers.

Jiang Mo couldn't go to the field at all, but he was not in a hurry. He followed the soldiers behind him. In this kind of battle, it was good for the soldiers to kill him. Jiang Mo leisurely let spider Xiaoyi go forward.

At the core of the battlefield, leichuan and Zhang Liao stand together and fight fiercely. The soldiers don't have enough eyes. They look at Zhang Liao and leichuan.

Both of them are melee players. At this time, there is no way out. Leichuan has chosen to fight to the death!

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