"Lord! You see, they're coming down! " A soldier pointed to the air and reported to alehui.

"They're smart!" Aliel went out of the house and pointed to the sword of Houyi army in the distance: "kill me!"

Facing the archers of the enemy, Ariel does not believe that his angel army is not an opponent! It's not a matter of being sharp or not. It's a question of how our own angel Legion can lose to the enemy in close combat?

After landing, a million cavalry troops became two million soldiers.

Don't forget, in the past, Ghost Dragons were also soldiers who mainly fought on the ground. Under the command of Jiang Mo, almost all air battles were conducted with fighter planes. Ghost dragon soldiers have always played the role of air force and Marine Corps. They rarely fight with the dragon and other flying legions. The ground is their home ground.

Jiang Mo's alternative fighting command led to an alternative fighting Legion. The most powerful ghost dragon is not in the sky, but on the ground, which is also unbelievable for ordinary races.

Every machete is forged with the best divine iron. In terms of equipment, it is also forged with mixed divine iron. On the one hand, it can save the waste of divine iron, and on the other hand, it can make the soldiers give full play to their combat effectiveness.

As soon as they landed, these archers immediately became assassins. Hou Yi's army had been trained by assassins and fought one-on-one. These soldiers' knives were not vegetarian at all.

This is reflected as soon as the two sides meet.

Not only that, the soldiers also have sniper guns. Before they were in the sky, they didn't want to waste it. Now after they occupied the buildings in the city, the soldiers above the buildings started to kill with sniper guns. In a moment, the angel clan became more chaotic.


Ariel's eyes are about to fall to the ground. What army is this? So powerful on the ground? Although Alec can't see his soldiers die like this, the enemy's moving speed is very fast, and the soldiers are clearly blocking, but they can't stop them at all. How can Alec not be shocked?

"Stay here! Deal with them and delay the time as much as possible

"Yes! Lord

After the herald, Ariel turned around and left quietly. She wanted to find more and stronger soldiers. At present, these angels can't hold on. The keen Ariel immediately judged the victory or defeat of the battle. In the habit, Ariel chose to withdraw at the first time.

This is one of the habits that Ariel has developed for so many years. Once she realizes that the mission has failed, she will withdraw without hesitation. This is never the same as other temple owners of the angel clan. Maybe this is one of the reasons why Ariel will go to the camp of the fallen as an undercover.

With so many angels, Hou Yi could not judge who was Alec at all. If it was dawn, he might be able to find out, but it was one or two o'clock in the middle of the night, and he could not find out who was Alec's escape.

After two hours of street fighting, Hou Yi finally broke through the fourth gate and went inside. The fifth gate was blocked by the defending angel.

After Hou Yi and his men rushed here, they were immediately attacked by the angel family.

The rows of crossbows and arrows had been adjusted and aimed at the ground. Only one door could rush in. Hou Yi didn't dare to give orders at all. That would be death.

"Order the 10th commander-in-chief to heaven, sniper gun long-range sniper enemy, remember, ghost dragon away from the enemy's field of vision!"

"Yes! My Lord

One hundred thousand ghost dragon legions once again fly in the air, a sniper gun frame in the ghost dragon's body, and the distant Angel family, but do not know, what they are about to usher in!

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