Zhao Yun and Zhang Liao came back as soon as they cleaned the battlefield.

"Lord, are angels trustworthy?" Zhao Yun looks at Jiang mo.

Jiang Mo shook his head: "needless to say, it's a continental war, not a personal feud of one or two lives. We need time to prove something. Anyway, Zhao Yun, can we really kill them all? For the angel clan, they have no clear goal to follow. It's just a choice. If they surrender now, they will reduce their death. But if they don't surrender, they are afraid to die now. Hum, although it's easy for Almighty to say, she knows this truth better than anyone else in her heart! "

"Go, go to the next place. I hope those guys are all killed."

"Yes Zhao Yun and Zhang Liao embrace each other, turn around and walk to their Legion. Under the leadership of Jiang Mo, the soldiers finally arrive at the November temple after more than two hours of rapid walking. Hou Yi has already killed the November Temple leader. At this time, he is carrying out the final encirclement and suppression of the angel clan.

A large number of captives were crushed on the ground. When Jiang Mo arrived, he immediately asked Gabriel and elmeti to take these angels into his own hands.

Almighty, looking at these angels excitedly, because Gabriel told her that the most important promise is that there will no longer be twelve Temple lords in the future, and there is only one leader, that is almighty. As for Gabriel, she quietly told Almighty that she is already the wife of the God King, so it is impossible to compete with Almighty for the command Right.

Although Almighty doesn't have much ambition, if she becomes the only leader of the angel clan, she will be the only king of the first angel clan in hundreds of thousands of years. This honor can't be denied by Almighty.

With this condition, how can Almighty not work hard? She kept doing the work of angels. Five camps, including the holy angels, were broken one by one. In Jiang Mo's calling space, more than 40 million angels, including 10 million holy angels, were gathered in a short time.

And all the temple owners of the angel clan, except Gabriel and Almighty, died in this battle.

The legend of the angel clan was shattered. From this moment, the four hundred thousand year reign of the twelve Temple lords of the angel clan officially became the past.

Jiang Mo asked everyone to go to the twelve temples respectively. Each chief general, with a million angels, went to accept the twelve temples and demolished the main hall of the twelve temples. At the same time, he asked the monks to establish the Supreme Commander Temple of the angel family in the core area. Jiang Mo temporarily named it Tianxing temple.

This day star temple is not only the office area of Almighty, but also the core organization of Jiang Mo's fight against Zeus in the future. As the core of the new angel family, the temple of heavenly stars will quickly become a new symbol of the angel family.

At this time, the holy angel in the distance was suffering. The three giants, holding 300 hammers, had been hanging for nearly a day.

More than not, one third of the holy angels died in this battle, forcing the holy angels to flee in confusion. On the way, they met Jiang Mo, who was flying.

I thought that this battle would stop? What they didn't expect was that the holy angels didn't give in as easily as the angels. They didn't have a handle. But now, they know that as long as they catch Jiang Mo, they can take him back to Olympus. That's a new hope for the rise of the angels.

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