"Guan Yu, you stay, I'll go back to summon space."

Jiang Mo said a word, did not wait for Guan Yu to reply, the person already left. Guan Yu looks at Jiang Mo and shakes his head. It's estimated that Bai Qi can't solve this kind of problem here. It's a knowledge they haven't touched. They don't understand it at all. How can they deal with it?

Step by step, Jiang Mo went back to the square, opened the door of the call, and went in directly.

The summoning space is empty. The six giants have been living outside recently and rarely return to the summoning space. Apart from coming back to worship regularly, they also try their best to help Jiang Mo on weekdays. Therefore, there is no one here.

The elements of summoning space are very abundant. After coming back, Jiang Mo felt much more relaxed.

He walked through the twelve temples and went straight to the temple of the mother of the earth, because this time about the earth, Jiang Mo hoped to find some answers here. Although it may not be here, Jiang Mo still came.

In front of the coffin of Gaia, the mother of the earth, Jiang Mo sat on the ground with his knees crossed. Gaia's body was in front of him, still so beautiful, so beautiful. However, Jiang Mo was not moved. In other words, Jiang Mo's mind was as calm as water, and he didn't have any wrong thoughts.

He just felt the breath of the earth temple here, hoping to help himself think about what happened.

While Jiang Mo was meditating, Gaia, the mother of the earth in the coffin, suddenly opened her eyes!

She slowly turned her head and looked at Jiang mo. however, just one eye, she turned her head again and returned to peace.

"Well?" Jiang Mo suddenly opened his eyes. He felt that there was a certain power that seemed to call him. However, the power disappeared in an instant. At the same time, Jiang Mo's heart was like a lightning strike. This feeling disappeared in an instant, and brought the meditative Jiang Mo back to reality.

Jiang Mo slowly stood up and took a look at Gaia. Without thinking much, he bowed gently and turned to walk out of the calling space.

Meditation was disturbed, Jiang Mo did not mean to continue, since the outside is still fighting, the heart thought, forget it, or go out to have a look!

"Lord, are you back so soon?" Guan Yu looks at Jiang Mo, he just left soon, so he came back?

"Forget it, I'm not in the mood to meditate on the fighting here. I'd better come back!" Jiang Mo sighed and looked out.

"Go! Let's warm up, too! " Jiang Mo suddenly proposed to fight. If he could not meditate, he should feel it personally. In a word, no matter what he did, it was much better than standing here and thinking.

We also nodded. We can't use any magic power to deal with these little guys. It's just a warm-up. It's good to have fun.

The generals followed Jiang Mo out of the city wall and went straight to the battlefield.


Jiang Mo's side is the roar of the soldiers, killing loud, opposite the skeleton soldiers, face ferocious, the fire of the soul beating in his eyes, Jiang Mo looked at the skeleton soldiers running to kill himself, can't help but think of himself in the past.

"Damn, I used to look like this?"

Seeing them is like seeing yourself in the past.

"Human? Don't tarnish the great dead. I'm much more handsome than you? " The skeleton warrior even refuted Jiang Mo, thinking that Jiang Mo was insulting himself by comparing him with himself?

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