"Yue Fei, what can I do?" Jiang Mo looks at Yue Fei, but he is very smart. Bai Qi and Zhuge Liang are not here. Yue Fei is fully qualified for the role of military adviser.

But Yue Fei shook his head and said, "no! Lord, in the face of such an enemy, tactics can't work at all! It's not a hierarchical battle at all

Yue Fei directly expressed his own ideas, no way, the basic elements of the battle is, the enemy's attack, you can at least resist, in order to plan, how to counterattack, but now? This pile of fireballs can completely destroy their own army. It's more than one million three headed dogs. At the same time, more than three million fireballs are coming over the sky. If one million soldiers charge, they can't escape. When the soldiers are crowded, they are almost all targets.

Jiang Mo nodded, just like when he was carrying a charge to kill the Holy See, the enemy could not stop his bullets, how to rush, it was futile.

What's more, these guys are much more terrifying than the sun god's Pro guard before. The sun god's Pro guard is only fire attribute, but the hell's three headed dog spurts out hell's fire. In this way, Guan Yu's Legion has no attack effect, unless rosefinch can spurt out samadhi's real fire, but is that possible?

"Order Zhao Yun to withdraw!" Jiang Mo said a word and immediately sent someone to call Zheng He.

Zheng He's flying regiment is not slow. Now, only he can deal with these hellhounds. If his water element is invalid, he really doesn't know how to face the hellhounds.

But one thing, Jiang Mo was very lucky. If these hell dogs only use magic, even the fire of hell, it will not be useful to the city wall.

Enchanted city wall, the strongest resistance is magic, because the mother of the earth can make the city wall immune to all magic attacks, so the hell three headed dog in the siege, far weaker than the hell swallowing beast.

Zhao Yun directly looked through the city wall, and did not forget to bring back a three headed dog from hell who died in the war.

Zhao Yun's attack can't be ineffective. In this world, even Zeus can't be hurt by the attack of the supreme artifact. Therefore, the hell three headed dog can't stop Zhao Yun's attack at all.

Putting the corpse on the ground, Zhao Yun sighed: "look, it's these guys, grandma's, I really don't know what's in their stomachs? How can such a terrible flame come out! "

Zhao Yun put the gentian gun on the belly of the hell three headed dog and made a fierce stroke.

Jiang Mo shook his head and went out: "Zhao Yun, that's the power of divine transformation. What do you call his stomach strength?"

Sure enough, what can Zhao Yun have in his stomach? Besides intestines, it's internal organs!

But this time, it's not white. In the belly of the hell three headed dog, there's a little different place. There's a red crystal stone in the intestines.

Zhao Yun gently test, after confirmation, just gently picked up the crystal.

"What is this?" Zhao Yun looks at Jiang Mo suspiciously.

Jiang Mo shook his head: "I don't know, maybe old four can know."

Jiang Mo sent for the giant old four. As a result, he really knew what it was called.

"Brother, it's called Huoyan Rongjing. Where did you find it? If there is a pile of these things, they can forge a super quality fire series supreme artifact. It doesn't need to wake up. It's the best forging material! "

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