Zheng He and the opposite sea general are biting their teeth, staring at each other.

It seems that they want to fight for the control of the water magic. Although only the magic on both sides is attacking each other, there are many moves hidden in them.

For example, while both sides are fighting for magic power, they are also fighting for the absorption of magic elements. Although the magic elements in the divine world are very rich, it's only a matter of time before they use water magic so intensively.

If both sides can't absorb water magic at the end of the competition, it will also lead to the failure of one side. Although the failure seems to have nothing to do with strength, it is also a failure if they don't control the absorption in the top competition.

The slightest mistake can lead to your failure, and the comparison between the two sides is who made the mistake first. And, who is better than who can grab enough to last.

The soldiers are fighting, the commanders are fighting, and the magic in midair is also fighting. Even the elements on both sides of the air are in chaos, and each other has become an enemy.

All of you who are looking straight at me are speechless.

"How's it going? What is our divine power? " After more than half an hour of confrontation, zheng he clearly felt that the elements in the air had disappeared.

"Lord, there are not many. We can't hold on for a few minutes if we go on like this!" The soldier behind Zheng He replied honestly.

"Don't give up, be firm in your faith, we are the strongest!"

"Yes! We are the strongest The soldiers followed Zheng He with a roar.

"Increase the power, top output!"

Zheng He is unconventional. At this time, he should keep the steady output of divine power. Taking this opportunity to absorb some divine power, even a little bit, he may hold on for one second. But if he increases the output, the consumption of divine power may double. At that time, he can't hold on for a few minutes. Even in a minute or two, the victory or defeat will be divided.

Moreover, although the first output side will obviously press the other side at once, under the condition of mutual balance, the other side only needs two seconds late to make the shot, and the last two seconds seem to be the last time to win.

But Zheng He gave such an order, which not only his own soldiers did not understand, but also his opponents did not understand.

"Is the commander opposite crazy? No, he's not an idiot. When water magic comes to this point, a group of human beings are already amazing. What is he going to do? "

General Hai doesn't know what Zheng He wants! At this time, he can't give up the victory, but he is ready to bear the final consequences if he consumes first?

"Hum..."! It seems that he is gambling that we are not as powerful as them! Good, good! That's what I like. Brothers, increase the power of God

It's been more than two seconds for general hai to think about the problem. It's not too early to increase his divine power at this time. The time is just right.

What's zheng he doing? No one knows, but Jiang Mo seems to understand: "death and posterity? Zheng He, do you want to force the soldiers to come up with the final bottom line? Do you want to make the soldiers feel the pressure and fight for advancement in the last one? "


Jiang Mo thought to himself that Zheng He's move was too risky. If he failed, he would lose everything. However, Zheng He was not reckless. According to the previous battles, every evolved Legion would go all out. It seemed that if they did not force themselves to the end, they would not be able to unite the soldiers' attitude towards the enemy and their hearts Together, and at this point, that's the opportunity.

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