Terrorist attacks, the undead the first time, scared out of courage, said nothing dare not in the front, mid air flight of the vampire, also instantly hit.

Although there are not many fighters and antiaircraft guns, don't forget that at such a distance, rifles and sniper guns can easily aim at them.

When the dead on the ground disappeared, all the soldiers aimed their rifles in the air.

Vampires are falling all over the world, and there is no way to rush, but the undead commanders also don't believe it's true. They think that this is the place of war, the only strength left. As long as they keep pressing forward, the enemy will not be able to continue such a fierce attack.

But the problem is, bones are like mountains. Is this what you can do if you want to?

A little better than human beings is that after death, the undead turns into a pile of dead bones. There is no blood and the ground will not be wet.

And the bones squeeze each other, step on the top, still can move forward.

But the trouble is, the opposite charge is also undead, once the sole of the foot is stuck, a push behind, you can directly break your feet.

And then step on you, and directly step on you into a pile of bones.

The undead Legion is also the priority of cannon fodder. The skeleton knights and skeleton soldiers who rush forward are not the strongest soldiers. The vampires and necromancers behind are the main force.

But the problem is, even the main force can not rush up!

A thousand meters away, the spirits of the dead were almost killed all over the place. The army of corpses and witches in the distance could not rush up. They had to retreat temporarily. After fighting for a few minutes, the army of the spirits of the dead could not resist!

There is no big difference between a big battlefield and a dozen people fighting. The battlefield is big enough, the soldiers are scattered too far away, and the speed of casualties is soaring.

If it is street fighting, not to mention a few minutes, a few days of death, it can never be so high.

Jiang Mo is not stupid either. He knows that one day the dead will come to do so. He is very cautious in the construction outside the city.

Duka's location is quite accurate. After two years of construction, the mountains in front of him have been leveled. In front of him is the boundless plain, just to give the soldiers a wide field of vision.

There is almost no place to avoid, as long as you are close to the wall, within two thousand meters, all can be attacked.

The undead army, who didn't know the inside story, thought Jiang Mo was an idiot and built an excellent rear area suitable for cavalry to attack the city. However, they didn't really understand the situation!

The spirits of the dead are very subdued. The six city masters behind are very ugly.

The soldiers were standing around, and six city leaders were sitting in the middle.

Everyone did not say a word. They vowed to attack the city, but now they can't do anything, which makes them lose face.

"My Lord! The land of war is clearing up the battlefield. Do you want to take the opportunity to attack the city now? "

In the afternoon, just as Jiang Mo was dealing with the bones, the soldiers of the undead army came to report.

The six lords looked at each other and nodded.

"That's right. Now is the best time to attack the city. The guys in the land of war can't care much about it. They order the army to prepare to attack the land of war!"

A city master stood up, the other five wanted to say something, but in the end, they all chose silence.

Soon, the army of the dead came again.

But when they arrived, it was already late.

Because the time of summoning is much more terrifying than that of fighting on the battlefield.

Jiang Mo looked into the distance through the wide mirror. A figure secretly approached the battlefield. Did he think it was perfect?

Jiang Mo shook his head: "these idiots!"

"All soldiers, enter the call space, Zhao Yun, adjust the position of artillery, the longest distance, artillery coverage bombing!"

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